Reviews for Dragon
Asura101 chapter 12 . 2/9/2017
I've should read this earlier! It's amazing!
Eli Clark chapter 7 . 3/3/2016
That is my damn birthday! The 23rd of April, 1999! I never noticed that it was in here xD
Eli Clark chapter 6 . 8/3/2015
Just a heads up. I found out that 'Damare' means shut up. Urusai means 'noisy', 'annoying', 'bothersome', and/or any other of the words that I discovered it could possibly mean banks to Google translate.

In all honesty, I find both to be hilarious!
XavierForest chapter 11 . 1/18/2015
I'm reading the sex scene as my grandmother tries to have a conversation with me
XavierForest chapter 8 . 1/18/2015
Did you mean to type "sawing up the last victem" or "sowing up the last victem"?
hananotsuki hime chapter 11 . 5/26/2014
Wow, Cross, your sons are just leaving you, lol. Ewww, cockroaches…that is just nasty. Embarrassing that boy in front of everybody, that’s cold! Pffft, less talk, more action…rofl. The lemon was pretty good. _ It would be pretty cool if you already have a sequel for this, lol.
hananotsuki hime chapter 10 . 5/26/2014
I know Tyki doesn’t have the theme song of Jaws on his phone, rofl. Tyki reminds me of this friend I have, chill be kinda off, lol.
hananotsuki hime chapter 9 . 5/26/2014
I love the comment made by Krory via Cross to get Allen to believe him. I liked how Adam looked as a human in the manga. His pig lok was nasty, but his form as Adam was actually sexy, lol. He kind of looked a little like Tyki if I remember correctly. He was totally my type, minus the bi-polar and personality disorders. Haha! He called Tyki a gangster wannabe, that was awesome! I wouldn’t put it past Levellier to be a pedophile. That kiss sounded like torture, rofl. But Tyki is beautiful, lol. They’re trying to start a war…hmmm, wonder why. Wow, Tim’s brother is Lero and he hates his guts? That sucks, lol. I feel somewhat concerned for Tim now…having Skinn as a master is gross. I would rather be Tyki’s pet any day.
hananotsuki hime chapter 8 . 5/26/2014
Akimichi, huh? Reminds me of Chouji from Naruto. Oh Levellier, you ass! You’re doing it all for money! Even the one in the show had more honor than that, though I wouldn’t put such an act past him. That one genuinely thought his actions were for the good of The Order. And they killed Levellier…pffft, that’s what he gets, fraternizing with the enemy. Great chapter!
hananotsuki hime chapter 7 . 5/25/2014
Rofl, what a position to wake up in Allen…no wonder you blushed, lol. Oh the many ways to cuddle. Cross calls Link two dots too?! ROFL! Hmmm, how much should I believe that statement about her being his fiancée? That was pretty shocking, lol. Toothbrush mustache? Funny, Wow, I never liked Levellier. Wow, they manage to kidnap Allen? Sadness. Pretty good chapter. _
hananotsuki hime chapter 6 . 5/25/2014
Two dots?! Rofl! Lavi should be smacked for that comment, lmbo! That ending to the chapter was so cute and fluffy. _
hananotsuki hime chapter 5 . 5/25/2014
Pffft, Cross does deserve his own warning. Timcanpy looks like Kida-kun?! CUUUTTTEEE! I think that is absolutely adorable and I would have never thought of that. Kida is adorable. I love Durarara! Allen’s reaction to finding out Cross was there was HILARIOUS! Timcanpy is the scapegoat for Allen? Sadness, rofl. Cross, the overbearing father…never saw that coming, lol. Tim kinda acts like Kida too…funny. Oh no! What happened to Tim and Kanda?!
hananotsuki hime chapter 4 . 5/25/2014
Ahahahahaha! Kanda is a cuddler, nice! I absolutely loathe Levellier…he just sucks so much arse, dude. Really Kanda, really? The man said he didn’t wanna take a bath with you for a reason. He is entitled to privacy! For SHAAAAAAMMMEE! That was so cute, all fluffy and whatnot.
hananotsuki hime chapter 3 . 5/25/2014
Oh creepy! Lavi was kissing Allen in his sleep, that is really creepy, rofl! I love how Komui dragged the entire precinct into testing the potential dates for Lenalee…if she knew, Komui would be dead, rofl. You can wait to meet him Allen…over time ya’ll will fall in love, but he’s a douche in real life no matter what his sexual preferences are. You probably won’t like him initially because his first impression is bound to suck arse, lol. I wouldn’t wanna be in a car chase with Tiedoll either homes, lol. Pfffft, wannabe samurai…that was priceless! Yeah, what does he mean by together…I’d have asked that question too. I am so loving this story! _
hananotsuki hime chapter 2 . 5/25/2014
Pffft, Allen bats for the other team, rofl. The organ mafia…interesting. Wonder if something was imbedded in the guy’s intestines that would cause them to cut them out or if they did it because of hate/revenge. I guess I’ll find out if I keep reading, lol. _
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