Reviews for It All Started With Some Blackmail And A Bribe
Lynxgoddess chapter 88 . 12/11/2015
I really enjoyed this story! There was a lot of evolution (no pun intended) with the characters and the story!
Slenderbrine chapter 88 . 12/20/2013
Y-ko chapter 29 . 11/20/2013
I'm gonna slap the smug right out of her mouth.
Y-ko chapter 13 . 10/3/2013
I forgot how everyone in this story is so goddamn smug.
Y-ko chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
It's not a fantastic story, but I still think about the Growlithe on occasion. It's kind of a cautionary example of what happens when you pick a starter Pokemon without thinking about whether or not you can do anything with it.
Nightraze chapter 88 . 9/16/2013
Great story! I'm going to add this to my favs! I hope to read more of your stories in the future!
ScamanderLovegood chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
OMG! I love this story it's hilarious but also kind of heart warming. I really want to see a sequel! But i don't want to just comment to you about a sequel considering you set yourself a high bar with this, and if you do write a sequel you have to find a way to make it very different otherwise it would be boring :P The only real complaint i have is the chapter length; it's really short! When i go out i don't always have access to internet but i still like to readsto i have to pre-load it and i read your chapters in about fifteen minutes max, so i would prefer if you made the chapters a little longer 88 chapters for 160,000 words is quite staggering, it must be about two or three pages a chapter!
Much love, ScammanderLovegood x
antonm1107 chapter 58 . 1/7/2013
antonm1107 chapter 53 . 1/7/2013
Learn the difference between different homonyms (Or whatevers). Than and then. Sandra's and Sandras. Etc.
antonm1107 chapter 4 . 1/7/2013
wondering and wandering are two different words. Learn the difference.
That's about it. I think you should focus more on the MC's past too, but that's not really necessary.
antonm1107 chapter 2 . 1/7/2013
It's an Ipod and a DS. She can live without an IPOD, and would it really be so hard to get another DS? FFS. Anyway, besides that mini criticism - which isn't even a criticism in your writing style/anything, I've no problems with your story whatsoever.
Kallios the Scholar chapter 10 . 12/16/2012
This looks like a great story so far, and I'm really glad that it's so long - most of the great stories all seem to end way too quickly. I just want to keep reading and reading...

*cough* um, anyway, you've got a reoccuring grammatical error: the difference between "its" and "it's". "It's" is a contraction: it is, and everyone knows that. But "its" is simply possessive. Such as "The hoothoot flew up and used its eyes to search for the Elekid". You aren't supposed to use an apostrophe when using the possessive form, but you seem to have that a bit confused. If you ever go back and edit this, I hope you remember the difference.

Keep writing!

SuperShinyShadowUmbreonX chapter 88 . 7/25/2012
Wow. I really loved reading this story. A teenage girl who wanted nothing to do with Pokemon as forced to become a Pokemon Trainer and saw her Pokemon as just tools to get her stuff back and more in between. Ending up loving her Pokemon and once again forced to go through another journey. Whatever happened to battling with Sneasel though? I though shewould have some battle in the chapters but oh well if you do a sequel then maybe you can put some more spotlight on Sneasel, Magnemite, and the other of Sandra's less screen time Pokemon.
UnbiasedBias chapter 88 . 5/26/2012
This is a great story, and I'm really hoping you'll write a sequel to it! Your characterisation was brilliant and I became very fond of your people and pokemon. Some of the spelling was wrong, and the towns confused me a little but that's easily overlooked.

If you do plan on writing a sequel (or you've already started), I hope Nathan and Aaron are still in it!
DragonZap chapter 88 . 5/14/2012
SEQUEL. Man, this story was such a blast to read. I read it all in one go, it's 5 in the morning now, but I just couldn't stop, haha. It was fun watching Sandra and her Pokemon develop, and the battles were interesting and never got stale. There were quite a few typos, but they're easily forgiven considering the overall quality of this story, not to mention the obvious effort you put into writing it. I don't usually review, but I just had to this time, if only to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your story. Thanks for sharing!
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