Reviews for Too Far Gone?
Saren-Dipety chapter 10 . 4/8/2013
THIs was so cutE! I loved it!
The Pearl Maiden chapter 10 . 11/26/2010
Ah, brotherly love. Congrats on finishing the fic! :D
ArcherOfHeaven chapter 9 . 11/16/2010
Oooooh, I'm so excited! Awesome story, can't wait till the next chapter!
pearlmaidenredskyla chapter 9 . 11/16/2010
Glad to see Faramir is okay...
The Pearl Maiden chapter 8 . 11/11/2010
I think Faramir spoke BOTH in his mind and out loud:)
The Pearl Maiden chapter 7 . 11/9/2010
Can't wait to see what happens! :)
BriGranger1990 chapter 6 . 11/8/2010
good story can't wait for the next chapter I am guessing it's Denethor
happyday girl chapter 6 . 11/7/2010
very good chapter, I'm really glad Faramir is ok!

as for guesses, I'll say it is Their Father, coming to see if he is ok?

I hope i'm right, looking forward to the next chapter in this really good story!

Happyday girl

The Pearl Maiden chapter 6 . 11/6/2010
Hmmm...behind the door...Denethor? Oh! Gandalf? That's my final answer:)

Urm...the content of this chapter was good, but you REALLY need to have someone proofread your work. Even if it's just reading the chappy a couple of hours after you've written it so you have fresh view on it. I understand about being anxious and all and everybody makes mistakes but a lot of yours are very simple and avoidable:)
happyday girl chapter 5 . 10/25/2010
awww loved this chapter, and i loved your poems, they really did fit :)

please update soon, i would love to know what happens at the end of this story!

please continue this!

great story so far!

happyday girl

happyday girl chapter 4 . 10/25/2010
ahhh will Faramir be ok?

loved this chapter!


happyday girl

happyday girl chapter 3 . 10/25/2010
bad Indad-he's so mean to little Faramir!

oh my god is the small body faramir? O.O i really hope note!

great chapter!

happyday girl

happyday girl chapter 2 . 10/25/2010
yay, seven year old Faramir is clever!

can't wait to find out what happens next!


happyday girl

happyday girl chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
ooh this sounds interesting!

i'm off to read the next chapter!

happyday girl

The Pearl Maiden chapter 5 . 10/25/2010
The poems were fine. Don't be so hard on yourself. Writing poetry is no walk in the park...unless you are Edgar Allen Poe...*ahem* anyways, a few punctuation errors and some spelling...(i.e. "know" when you meant "knowing" and "presents" when you meant "presence") but all in all not a bad chappy :)
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