Reviews for Corruption
randomfandomboredom chapter 1 . 12/22/2018
OliveOil's chapter 1 . 8/14/2017
I need a sequel. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS?!
And your smut skills...are top notch as normal my dude. This was an AMAZING story. It was so Angering in the beginning and then turned into straight up fluff, I like that you are fluid with the genes and the fact you can switch from Angst to fluff. Amazing.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/20/2015
May I have some cheesecake?
lovelygrass chapter 1 . 12/5/2015
wow. I didn't really expect the touch of angst but it's better that way.. it's something. And I really appreciate the ending *smile*
Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
You're a DUDE?! Wow, first male-fanfic writer I've seen (not trying to make fun of you, this is pure shock for me). Maybe could you make an epilogue about Alfred kicking those teacher's asses?
alguien22792 chapter 1 . 3/30/2015
I rather think that Arthur is just manipulating Alfred and just made up the whole "rape story" for his convenience...I love those kind of characters so I'm gonna stick with that version XD
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
Well... I wouldn't really said it was 'common'...

But indeed, either 'That' or 'This'... Either Traumatic or Addictive...

Traumatic was normal, so is Addictive.

Traumatic need mental treatment... because it wasn't good. It could turn more bad if no one help the victim.

Addictive wasn't bad. IF the victim doing with the right person. For Straight Male, they can do it with right person or people aka many woman (polygamy) as long as they did it healthy and save and of course legally. For female, or male like Arthur, they better doing it now with the right person. Like Alfred who (hopefully) would stay with them (forever). And better involve Love.


A... err... Honestly?
Slut Arthur was a surprise but not shocking much. But still give me a shiver.
His reason, after all that, like I said; Normal.

And Alfred better always stay and protect Arthur Forever and give him what he need ! ! !
If NOT, LET'S KILL HIM, GUYS ! ! *roared*
*a PSP suddenly appear flying and hit my head*
Crayons chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
the story is amazing but the end is a bit forced. . WOW whaat you're a guy!? PLOT TWIST .-.
BeautifulDesertFoxglove chapter 1 . 5/10/2014
Eh?! You're a guy? I thought you were a girl all this time! Good story, by the way, though I probably shouldn't be reading it, I'm not yet eighteen...
Jenavive RoseThorne Gemstone chapter 1 . 10/11/2013
Apart from some VERY minor mistakes (but it doesn't even matter XD)

This is such an amazing story *0*

I have 2 questions though: What does 'Reviews Amuse Me' mean?

And er... since I just found out you're a guy after months of reading your stories... I can't help but wonder... Are you Gay ?
Gummi8ear chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
I thought this was really good! The ending made me relieved to know Alfred cared for Arthur and wanted to help him :)
Featherino chapter 1 . 2/10/2013
I'm so glad it's a happy ending, all's well that ends well. Though I wonder what the original ending is like.
Hero's Tragedy chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
Whoa major plot twist! Poor Arthur I'm glad Alfred wants to help him that's so sweet. I hope he does fall in love with him. Loved it!
kingdomheartslover13 chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
i loved your story and all of your other stories but i did have a question and i feel like an idiot for asking but... what does PWP mean...yes i'm an idiot but i'm an american :) (its ok i really am american)

Alfred F. Jones
Whimsical Storyteller chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
Awwwh, angst-y and happy ending *applause* You fit angst, smut, and cute all in 6k words. You deserve a medal...
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