Reviews for Sleep Over!
Friendlyelites chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
Very well written, would certainly enjoy a spin-off or sequel of some kind. Only downside was there was just a slight too much build-up for too little reward.
Crazeychan chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
Omg that was so good holy crap finally a good Ritsu x Yui fanfic thank you :DD
Bananarama chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
You are a good storyteller. I am usually picky about what i read and most of the K-on fics i have read on this site have given me new forms of eye disease. But so far i haven't disliked a story you wrote. so good job. keep up the good work!
MariaVa chapter 1 . 9/1/2014
OMG! There has got to be more Yui x Ritsu stories. I liked this one!
sleepyhobo10 chapter 1 . 4/27/2013
Continue it? Please? I would love to see where this went. I'll beg if i have to. o-o
Guest chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
Aww I thought they were gonna kiss!
wingsofseyfert12 chapter 1 . 9/13/2012
Probably one the things I have noticed about your one shots is how spot on you are about their characters. Everytime I read them I never feel that the characters are acting strange and awkward.

This one shot is no exception.

The fact that Yui had been using Azusa as an outlet actually caught me a bit off guard. I was not expecting it though in hindsight it does make sense. Yui comes across as a character that is very physical towards the people she likes or trusts (like Ui-chan and in some occasions Nodaka) so I could see her wanting to project that to the person she naturally would be crushing on. But since she is too afraid to do that she then would use someone else as an outlet. Pretty smart there to do that. It really shows your knowledge regarding these characters.
Woot chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
Not enough Yui x Ritsu fics on . :P Seriously, I can't believe there isn't even two pages worth of Yuitsu fics..They are such a cute pair!

Very good story! The only thing that bugs me is that I wish the two girls had more interaction with each other in the story besides the ending. Interesting idea with Yui editing the manga page. It was cute. :P

You should consider writing a sequel on their date to the movies!
WildNeko chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
This was a sweet, sugar-like one-shot. I liked it. Quite a coincidence that the manga Yui had was so coincidental with their normal lives. 0w0!

Nice job~

Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
Well, well, soldier...

This was very nice!

LOL at Yui smothering Azusa. LOL She's so touchy feely!

And LMAO at Ritsu speculating. LMAO

And then, the sleepover!

ROFL at Mugi LOEV-ing yakisoba. ROFL

And O at Yui's yuri manga, starring "herself" and "Ricchan". O

Ah, the classic Tearful Confession. *O* WIN!

Nice work, marine!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Belthasar chapter 1 . 10/12/2010
Very nice story.
Tastychainsaws chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
How do I put this lightly... It was, well, just like 100 other stories on this site. While the way she finds out was mildly different than others, it was essentially the same thing. I didn't care much for the way things lead up to the "climax" either. K-On! gets its popularity from cute girls doing cute things; this was cute girls doing normal things.
Mothbanquet chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
Imaginative and a really fun read, hope you continue to give us these unusual pairings!
Thyrokio chapter 1 . 9/13/2010
Nice one, figures Yui would hide potentially incriminating stuff in a reachable place.
Beth Cyra chapter 1 . 9/13/2010
Well this was cute. I liked how Yui got the idea from the Manga, it was really cute and it seemed to fit her often flighty personality, extra points for her putting her and Ritsu in the book.

For a one shot it was nice, and lets be honest there isn't much RitsuXYui out there so when something is good you don't take it for granted.
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