Reviews for Time's Up
bookworm45 chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
Aww, poor Jess. Devon's terrible. She needs to go. Now. So Don and Jess can do their thing.
Electrical storm 1996 chapter 1 . 9/10/2010
Aw loved it, i love all your don and jess stories!
Elfsong chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
This was good. Another 'poor Jess' one, but still very good. It's a little annoying that Don's that oblivious. And that was such a weird episode!
Ana Lucia Dawson chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
Some how i like your version of this ep better than the actual ep itself. Though Jess was classic in both

Good work
afrozenheart412 chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
While this might not have been the most exciting episode, well apart from the comments, LOL! You did a lot of justice to it, especially with the back and forth between Jess, Danny, and Stella in here. I LOVE it when she glares at him over his comments, I can picture it so clearly! :D But I really do love this episode, Jess put in a lot of work and I adore the way she pointed out that a lot of our analogies or even comments can be taken the wrong way. Slipping in the French was great! Of course Danny would ask this question "Danny shrugged. "I dunno. You can't orgasm to death … can you?" LOL!

Don and Jess talking about their cases, I always love to see how they bounce off ideas or use this time to wind down and talk. And to get additional blackmail with knowing that Don loves Dr. Who is awesome! But I do love how Jess learned that he had a brother, with the corn beef Wednesdays. I think she can sense the pain that brings. Her memories of their summer in Montreal, I love that you opened her up by sharing that with Don. Why is he so blind? Gah! I'm disappointed that Don is still seeing Devon, I thought the dinner party would have been the end of that, but he is a good guy. The only thing that I don't like in here is how it is hurting Jess, I'm sure that the others can see it even if he can't yet.

Favorite lines

"No, you've made your point." Danny pulled a face. "I suppose it's possible that she started faking it to freak him out and … you know, like Stell said, maybe Harry killed Sally."

Jess shook her head. "I doubt it."

"Why do you say that?" Stella asked.

"Her outfit." Jess answered simply.

Danny bagged the pickle. "What happened to being a couple years behind on fashion trends?"

"It's not fashion, Detective Messer." Jess rolled her eyes. "It's observation. Her dress is slightly faded and the seams are worn; it's well-taken care of, but she wears it a lot. I don't think she's the kind of girl who'd start doing that in public."

"You don't know that." Danny commented. "I once knew this girl who …"

"Thank you, Danny." Stella cut him off. "We don't want to know."

"Three hours later, Jess was sitting at her desk, fingertips rubbing her temples soothingly. A waft of coffee floated past her and she held her hand out without looking up.

"How do you know this is for you?" Don asked.

Jess still didn't move. "Because I know you're not stupid enough to walk over here with coffee when I'm like this and not bring me any."

"Fair enough." Don conceded, handing her the cup. "Bad day?"

"Our vic managed to overdose on a drug that turned pleasure into pain." Jess sighed. "Some experimental thing."

"How'd you know that's what it did then?" Don asked.

"Cause of death was …" Jess found the autopsy report "… aortic aneurism due to extreme sexual excitement."

Don looked confused. "Excuse me?"

"Death by orgasm." Jess summarised. "Don't ask; I don't quite get it either. How's yours coming? No pun intended."

"Sure." Jess gave him a knowing grin and he returned it with a wink as he left the precinct.

As soon as he was out of sight, her face fell with a sigh.

She honestly wasn't sure how much longer she could fake a smile."

About Down The Rabbit about Adam educating all of them on Second Life and all of them creating avatars? Or Jess trying to forget about Don by dating someone on Second Life?
CSI4lyfNCIS13 chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
Second life? Are u talking about 'Impossible?' Nyways 'Flack u r an idiot' and then moving on to Jess 'ofcourse he'll look at you that way honey' Is he still going out wid Devon? Flack better get his head out of his ass before I start a rampage. Even if dis is the fiction life I still very much live it.
jessicaflack chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
Ohh Jess :( .

A weird episode. If only Don had known a witness had flirted with Jess n asked for her number I thought he would have been jealous. Maybe he would realize that he wanted to be Jess. Still can't understand why Don wanted to date Devon. I mean he obviously feels something for Jess. Do u think he dated Devon to make Jess jealous?

But a good story anyway. Looking forward to more!
bando2 chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
I can't wait until they get together in this series. I am exciting explosions or something. Also for the next ep I'd love some convo around relationships and how they matter face to face vrs. online. Or something. I didn't articulate that very well.
saturn567 chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
aww, great job!
CamdenLaur chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
The coffee line was great. Poor Angell with Flack's stupid girlfriend. What I'd like to read? Well lets see, you'll have to consult the naughty plot bunnies.

I'm with Runner on having Flack make her avatar, that has hilarious potential :)

100 points of awesomeness for u :)
terriberri23 chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
This was so funny. The beginning with Stella, Danny and Jess had me laughing out loud. Great work as usual.
luckybluedog chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
Really Good, I liked the scene at the end between her and Flack
Runner043 chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
I liked Angell's line - "Because I know you're not stupid enough to walk over here with coffee when I'm like this and not bring me any." - that was a good one.

The whole Death By Orgasm thing was pretty funny, I even used that line in a CSI:NY trivia game once.

The ending was pretty good, with Flack getting the text from the GF.

So, ya remember how Adam put together Mac's avatar for Second Life, well, what if Flack got to put together Angell's avatar?