Reviews for The Nightingale's Mate
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 31 . 3/7
Aw damn! The end came so fast! LOL Thanks for no more anxt, though. Love all the fluff! And love the fact that it's such well-written fluff, too!
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 29 . 3/7
Oh Phew! LOL I was afraid you were going to put us all through another chapters-long anxt fest when Christine finally learned Erik's past. Thanks for having her take it so maturely and spare us all that!
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 27 . 3/7
Yeah, totally agree with you about the Gerik deformity. That's one of my biggest pet-peeves with the movie, too! So thanks hugely for trying to make and have us envision your Erik's deformity as more like the stage-version. Yeah, Erik needs to be disfigured enough for it to be a real challenge, not a hunk with a glorified sunburn!
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 25 . 3/7
You're making me like Philippe here! :-) LOL He can be very blunt, though. Ouch!
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 24 . 3/6
:-) Oh yeah! And thank you ever so much for at least getting them through their wedding and wedding-night before piling on any more anxt LOL!
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 23 . 3/6
Wait! What?! Granted, I've heard authors do the "Erik's a deChagny bastard" plot-thing before. LOL But somehow I didn't see it coming here! Although, nice twist, especially having Philippe spring it on Raoul like that. LOL I daresay that got his attention! And now, I sense some long-awaited back-story coming?
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 21 . 3/6
Yay! Yes, love the fluff! And so glad Christine's finally gotten her shit together! Though, so glad Erik's finally allowed himself to accept her love, too. Yeah, it's way past time! LOL My enjoyment of the fluff was only marred, though, by knowing this Phic's a ways from being over yet, and that you may well have more anxt to throw at us yet! Indeed, I suspect you hinted at it there at the end of the chapter. Because, why do I have a sinking feeling the issue of Luciana's going to come back to bite everyone in the ass in the near future?
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 20 . 3/6
Oh it does! And I'm glad Nadir finally gave Erik at least something of the talking-to he's needed about the role his own cowardice played in driving Christine into Raoul's arms. And I'm also really glad Christine's had the sense to at least %99 not believe Raoul about Erik's having murdered Luciana! :-) Nice Kay references there btw. I just hope Erik has the sense to understand why she needs to hear his side of it and not once again try to push her away.
PhantomFemme du Pantages chapter 18 . 3/6
Am really enjoying this Phic so far! LOL I haven't reviewed till now because I've been too busy reading. I'm glad, though, that these two are *finally* beginning to work through their misunderstandings! It's about bloody time LOL! Because, I really want to ditch all the anxt and get back to the E/C fluff!

That said, though, I'm sorry Christine apologized for slapping Erik. Because, yeah, he did have that coming! And I wish she'd told him so, and reminded him that she wasn't engaged yet the night of Il Muto and that he could have come to her any time and courted her himself. In fact, she really needs to tell him he's being a jerk, jumping to conclusions when she's never given him cause to believe she fears him or finds him repulsive - quite the opposite in fact! Or maybe Mme. Giry or Nadir need to give him that talking to? Because, some one needs to really drive it through Erik's thick skull LOL that he has no one but himself and his own cowardice to blame for Christine's going off and getting engaged to Raoul. WTF did he think - that she'd just wait for him when he'd given every indication of having disappeared for good? Of course she's going to assume he doesn't want her any more and that she's free! Ahem, that's what he'd think in her place, and two seconds worth of seeing it from her POV ought to tell him that. I love Erik dearly, but he can be an utter idiot sometimes, LOL and some one really needs to bitch-slap some sense into him before he creates a bloody self-fulfilling prophecy and wrecks everything!
MissyH316 chapter 19 . 7/17/2019
"...however awesome a fighter Erik may be, he would not fight in his cape." Yeah ...and that's by far not the ONLY thing they got wrong in the movie! ;-)
MissyH316 chapter 18 . 7/17/2019
Oh, no! :-(
MissyH316 chapter 16 . 7/17/2019
Erik, you idiot; you're your own worst enemy! YOU were the one who pushed Christine away when she admitted knowing that you love her; YOU'RE the one assuming her kisses and passionate climax all stemmed from pity! Christine needs to remind you that "when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME!
MissyH316 chapter 14 . 7/17/2019
A pox on you, dear author, as they used to say in days of old. ;-)
DracoShagMe chapter 31 . 6/10/2019
aww! *sniff sniff* that was awesome. i forgot i read this a year ago and im glad i read it again
sfiddy chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
My God, your descriptions are wonderful!
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