Reviews for Grand Bizaar
X-Lady Black Pearl-X chapter 2 . 7/13/2012
So sad you dropped this. I really like it. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
This is awesome! I love both Lloyd and Ivan so much (my 2 fab bachelors), but I love Lloyd just a bit more because he's the "loner" type. I'm dying to know what happens next! Please continue this!
Silver Star Tea chapter 2 . 9/25/2010
(**) aww please update~
frozen-popsicles chapter 2 . 9/6/2010
Very cute, I love Ivan... and could Dirk possibly be developing a CRUSH? :O

Look forward to more!:D
Cinnamoroll22 chapter 2 . 9/6/2010
This story is just awesome! I love it already! It's so cute! This must be the second grand bazaar story I have read and this one is just awesome! :] I really do hope that you update soon! I wonder what will happen next! Anyways, great job with the story! Can't wait for the update!
Pink Fantasies chapter 2 . 9/2/2010
I just got this game, and I'm trying to court Ivan too...he's on the blue heart. Update this story soon, it's really good. :)
Tinari-Tintinngeeeng chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
whoa! So you already got HMGB game!


Oh yes, good fic anyways!
Astroroa chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
I loved it!

Lloyd is offically my favorite bachelor, his voice, in my opinion, is the manliest of all the boys. Well, except Amir, since you don't meet him till Winter and I only just started on Summer. Anyways please update soon, and I'll keep reading and reviewing, whenever I get a chance.
Chicken Yuki chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Huh. You've actually made Lloyd slightly charming here.

Pretty ironic about the bug comments. He LOVES those thigs for some reason, and I've been meaning to parody that for awhile.

And Ivan? Yeah, potential nice guy. His lack of spotlight only made me curious where you might be going with him here, but it's like both the farmer(?) and Ivan have been a little off with their math.

...and I assume you based Freya's behavior off of how she acts at the bazaar ingame? XD Seriously, I don't know what she's up. I'm just trying my best to court her for now. Along with Sherry and Daisy.

Nice to see you back on the fanfiction scene, and with a game that's shaping up to be one of the best DS Harvest Moon games in my opinion.

(Yeah, I wasn't getting much mileage out of IoH and SI for some reason...)

~Some Guy Who's Writing Probably Doesn't Matter Much Anymore
cross-over-lover232 chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
yay i get to claim frist review! personal,i'm gunning for the prince!
Maymist chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
This story is so cute!
Is that really the girl's characters default name? I hope it is :D
I'm getting this game, my grandma pre-ordered it for me, I was hoping to get it for my birthday, but they changed the released date, so now I have to wait till I see my grandma again to get it :'( sigh..
Oh, sorry for rambling about my pointless life! LOL!
I love this story and those two bachelors! :3
I still don't know who I'm going to marry - I'll just go with the flow
Please update soon :)