Reviews for Too Little Too Late
SoliePower chapter 56 . 9/30/2013
Wow, didn't really see that ending coming. Phenomenal ending, as always!
SecondCitySavage chapter 56 . 9/28/2013
I'm speechless right now, Granny was doing her own "dirt" on the down low. But if Adam really needed Aiden they why she thinks he does, why the hell did he propose to Mollie? Anyways awesome story, I enjoyed reading it!
Irshbeth chapter 56 . 9/24/2013
Im sad its over but what a great chaptet . Its always been one of my favorites
Kennedy's Friday Night Delight chapter 56 . 9/24/2013
Finally! We get the last chapter. It was worth the wait.
I can understand Aidens need for independence and understand how hard it is for Chris and Ajay especially Chris not to be there and helping Aiden out all the time.
And Gran setting up that is shocking but you had it right nothing is more important to her then her grand kids and their happiness. There is no lengths she wouldn't go for them.
This is such a good story and hopefully we don't have to wait too long for the next story
Sarcastic Nightmare chapter 56 . 9/24/2013
Who knew she could be so deceitful?! Well, I'm curious as to the type of drama that would ensue if people found out. Awesome finishing chapter!
SecondCitySavage chapter 55 . 2/17/2013
WTF? So they fuck, both cheating on their partners. Then he pulls out a ring for Mollie to show Aiden? But their going to have on more round like nothing ever happened? I can't! I can't! I can't! I feel like their both hiding something from eachother. This is going to get messy!

& if Mollie finds out...bless Aiden.
GoalDigger chapter 55 . 2/17/2013
Another great update!
Sarcastic Nightmare chapter 55 . 2/17/2013
Ugh. There's only so nice I can be. He was good then he was bad, then he got good but she got bad. And now they're both being bad. It aggravates me because Alex has been good and so has Mollie. Plus the way you write, they always seem to find out. And ugggggggggh XD. They are really causing problems...and it's driving me insane! Anyways good chapter and can't wait for more.
AliceJericho chapter 55 . 2/17/2013
So if you don't wake up tomorrow morning... We all know why! P

Jesus Maggie! You can't do that to me! You just broke my heart [

That being said, it was written flawlessly and I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter!
Kennedy's Friday Night Delight chapter 55 . 2/17/2013
I loved this chapter! it was kind of bittersweet knowing that Adam is retiring and that they spent their last night together. Its odd to see Aiden and Mollie being friends and getting along like that. They have been enemies for so long that seeing them being cooperative is strange but i could get use to it.
I am interested to see the fall out from this and Adam asking Mollie to marry him. Please update soon!
GoalDigger chapter 54 . 2/15/2013
Great forward to reading more.
GoalDigger chapter 53 . 2/15/2013
Great chapter.
AliceJericho chapter 54 . 2/13/2013
Je t'aime aussi!
I thought you were going to have her kill someone, I'm not going to lie. Then again, she may as well have, she just sold her soul to the devil!

I'm glad Aiden didn't stay away for any longer... Is this one of her flaws though, she can be quite selfish? haha Who am I kidding, Aiden doesn't have flaws P

Fantastic as per usual! xx
SecondCitySavage chapter 54 . 2/13/2013
Aiden and Mollie being "Friends"...Ok. Kinda want to hold Adam, he's retiring :) But at least he got to see the twins. Great update.
Sarcastic Nightmare chapter 54 . 2/13/2013
Aww his neck. / Awesome chapter and I can't wait to read more. Hope everything works out well for Aiden and Molly's sort of friendship. Also curious about Alex, I'm sure we'll find out more later.

I'm curious to see what Gran has to say when she chews out Aiden. Anyways can't wait to read more! Please update soon!
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