Reviews for Atonement
theretogo2043 chapter 1 . 1/25/2014
this is a really interesting story and has lotsof interesting aspects like the waking up reference very true to the genre
SageofAges729 chapter 21 . 8/25/2012
I rarely venture into the Silent Hill series (mostly because it forces me into all nighters) but I'm glad I found this one. Glad to see that everyone gets a happy ending. :) (Oh, and congrats onto getting on TV Tropes. That's how I found this by the way.)
Sepsis chapter 21 . 10/26/2011
Wow! Just wow! :) Such a long story and even though it was sometimes just like in the game (with all the riddles and monsters), sometimes it was very funny! I liked how you mixed all these things up! :)

And the end sounds really hopeful, that was wonderful! :)
Rirren chapter 21 . 5/30/2011
Very interesting story, really enjoyed reading it.

You made me honestly believe in Walter's redemption, a difficult task considering his character in the game.

Sometimes Walter's characterisation didn't quite ring true, but overall I was impressed.

Your story mixed horror and humour together, which I'm not quite sure worked, maybe it would have been better to tone down on one or the other...

Anyway, I look forward to reading other fanfiction from you, any plans to upload that serious SH fic you mentioned?
GlaringEyes chapter 21 . 1/23/2011
When I started reading that fanfic, I really got suspicious of Walter's intentions. But as it progressed, I almost felt bad for his suffering and struggle for redemption.

That is one of the best SH sequels I have already read. I think Konami should turn it into a game. Excellent work, Feriku. I look forward for your next stories.
EverDownward chapter 21 . 1/5/2011
I'm sorry this review comes a little late, but I guess it's better than never :P

In any case, great wrap up to the story and I'm glad to see that Henry and Eileen have forgiven Walter. I'm also glad that Walter isn't just going to "disappear" after gaining his repentance (after all, that feel a little cliche _).

Otherwise, I read your post-story quip and I'm excited for your next 'serious' story, haha. I pleasantly look forward to it, since you did so well on this one.

Since this will probably be the last review I do for this story, I just want to say "thank you" so very much for writing such a well-written, well rounded tale in Silent Hill. It's my favorite Silent Hill fic, and I've definitely got my eye on you in the future ;)

Take care, Feriku. Don't ever stop writing.
Someone chapter 21 . 1/1/2011
I suck at reviews so very badly. Yet this story was so interesting and so well written I found myself reading it all in one day. I'm looking forward to whatever other stories you'll write. I enjoyed your style and ides quite a lot.
Jammer69er chapter 21 . 12/31/2010
And alas, all good things must come to an end. Though the concept of Henry and Eileen sharing their apartment building with a reformed serial killer gives me an idea for some kind of twisted sit-com in the vein of Friends. Maybe Fox would be interested? :p

Anyway, on a more serious note, I liked this story overall, well-written, shows good knowledge of the source material and what not, and giving generall good depictions of the Otherword and the monsters that inhabit the town. In the end it was nice to see that Walter finally found some kind of redemption, in choosing to save Eileen rather than killing her to appease 'Mother', and in return, her finally forgiving him.

I'll be keeping my eyes open for your future work, and until then do take care, my good man.

BizarroVeR chapter 21 . 12/29/2010
A very nice read, and well assembled story. I was impressed by the puzzles throughout to the very end with the plaques. You have a loose and easy following reading style without leaving your audience in the dark. I'm not one of the ones that sees forgiveness between Henry/Eileen but he's a great antogonist to sympathize with.

Thanks for the time and life you put into this story.

SeraphicInsanity chapter 21 . 12/28/2010
Bloody hell... This story was just so amazing! I started following somewhere towards the beginning (I believe) because there was no way in Silent Hill I was going to miss out on this. This story has got to be one of the best Silent Hill Fanfictions I have read, with the puzzles and monsters all thought out in a way that I would love to see in a SH game. The character development was really good too! I just have soooo much love for this story D: SO MUCH LOVE.
EverDownward chapter 20 . 12/24/2010
I'm disheartened by the knowledge that this story will end soon. However, I'm looking forward to the denoument because of how well this story wrapped up. I guess I shouldn't have doubted that the "Mother Reborn'"s forgiveness was going to be a very focal point at some point in the story, but I still loved it because I love that Walter was truly able to redeem himself for all the atrocities he had committed.

"It's over." Yes, it is and I can't wait to read the ending. Here's hoping that Walter can find his place in the world. If anything, no matter who or what might not accept him at least two small, insignificant people will; Henry and Eileen, and, really, I think that's a great start for him :)

I can't wait for you to finish the story, and I can't wait to finish reading it _

Have a wonderful holiday!
Darken-che-chan chapter 20 . 12/24/2010
Oh god, I smiled so hard.

This story is absolutly amazing, and you are a wonderful writer. Never stop please.

I'm sad that it's going to end soon, but I can't wait for some other stories from you.


The next chapter would be an awesome christmas presant to everyone. Just saying.
EverDownward chapter 19 . 12/18/2010
I think the proper question is why wasn't this made into a sequel for The Room?

Having said that, I like that you went with the Ice motif from Shattered Memories (if you've played Shattered Memories, then you know what I'm talking about). It's a nice change of pace from the usual blood and rust but I hope that the Ice serves a purpose or theme. Otherwise, here's hoping that the blood and rust otherworld makes its return later on!

Also, do I detect a hint of longing from Eileen? Perhaps, for Henry? Interesting development, though, I'm sure all of us were expecting a romance between them at some point.
Umbrellas-and-jamjars chapter 1 . 12/17/2010
This has honestly got to be one of the best silent hill fanfictions I've ever read. It's incredibly well-written, with enough emotion to have me hanging off every word.

All the puzzles and creatures are brilliant (and not something I'd like to meet in a dark alleyway!), and there is a perfect amount of tension and excitement.

I'm astounded this hasn't got hundreds of review, it's so well done!

I continuously find myself checking back in hopes of an early update, whether that's healthy way to be spending my time, well... :D

To put it shortly:

Why oh why aren't you a part of team silent?

Happy Holidays :)
Jammer69er chapter 19 . 12/17/2010
I knew those plaques would come in handy sooner or later. :p

In all seriousnous though, that was a pretty clever puzzle, it would fit very well with one of the games, where you have to gather all the necessary items together and then work out which goes where from the obscure clues you're given. And very tense moments too, with the desperate sprint across the ice to get away from all the monsters chasing them.

And the island in the middle of Toluca Lake...I've got bad vibes about this, especially considering what's suggested happens there in one of the SH2 endings.
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