Reviews for Good Luck
DramaLovr16 chapter 2 . 10/13/2014
I cannot believe you would use JT like that. He did not die at a dance and his death should be respected and he was never ever into Darcy.
Eliona Fangirl3 chapter 2 . 12/19/2011
Thanks for making me cry! Amazing! I love it. And I love JT. Haha.
The.Ocean.Shadow chapter 2 . 10/3/2010
Okay wow, this was very intense. I loved the character JT btw. It was horrible how they killed him off. ): But awesome story.
The.Ocean.Shadow chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
Omg. This was intense. (:
EliGoldsworthymysickObsession chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
This is a really good story ( :)
Princesakarlita411 chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
were is this video
Krazeycik chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
Omg I got scared wen u said she was holding her stomach I thought she was gonna b stabbed or something... Jeez
Michelle chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
I am just speechless from your story. It was a very powerful ending you put in there, I miss JT I wish he didn't go out like that.

Your story brought tears to my eyes, it was just beautiful. (:
ilovetaylorswift13 chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
awesome ending i liked how eli was determined to get too clare

if u want to know who did it and see another promo

go to youtube and type in much music degrassi promo august 23-26 and click on it
TheRoyalAssassin chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
Aww I loved this, anytime I see or read about JT's death I cry, I'm crying :'(

Oh Dear God, If you give us JT back you can have Tom Cruise!
SasuSaku4 chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
Sooo likee what do you mean the schools in lockk downn & stuff.? Like I live in boringg michigan & whats goingg on right now is that jenna just found out she's pregnant...& i'm a huge elixclare can you tell me exactly what happens with that.? & why does the school go into lock down.?
everyoneisMISunderstood chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
That was so absolutely incredible. I always loved JT, and it's so great that people still remember him and acknowledge his amazing character.

The ending was so powerful.

This was just... wow...

GREAT job.
atrociously beautiful chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
Hey this is really sweet
escaperealityforawhile chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
I'm speechless, utterly speechless. This is...amazing. I wish I could find a better way to describe your story but it's 2am and my mind isn't working all too well. I have to tell you though, your writing is something to envy. I loved the plot more than any other Eclare story I've read, it was so orginal and refreshing. I haven't the slightest clue on how you were able to conjure up this fic -although I appreacitate it VERY much- but I must say that you have a gift. You're idea of Clare confessing to JT ( I miss him so much! If anyone, he didn't deserve to die) and then Eli doing the same was great, and well executed. And the end- oh my gosh, you're ending was amazing! Filler or not, THIS should be what actually happens in the show. And if it does, it'll be because I submitted your piece to the Degrassi writers and told them they had no other choice BUT to persue it. But the ending, wow, you honestly deserve a pat on the back for that. I loved the soundless source, "Good Luck" and how becasue of JT watching over his school, everyone will remain safe. This fic was amazing, and I'm glad you didn't continue on or drag it out or anything, because it's perfect the way it is. GREAT job!

madisnk chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
aw :( this was kinda sad. but its cool how he loves them :)
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