Reviews for Smiles, Sweets, and the Dragon
Crazymelody chapter 1 . 12/6/2012
Ok first of all ukitake is a guy and this is a weird story no offense

oakleaf chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
So cute! I really loved how you chose to have Hitsugaya make it up to her. Awesome story, well done!
TheShatteredRose chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
Hehe, loving all these Bleach Oneshots!

I also love Toshiro's relationship with Ukitake. He can be a little brat sometimes, but he cares for her nonetheless. Still, it would have been nice to make him suffer a bit X3

No one hurts Ukki-chan and gets away with it!
Defiant Vixen chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
I am just loving all these Bleach Oneshots you're doing. Makes me want to belt out a few Oneshots of my own!

D'aww, Toshiro can be adorable when he wants to be. I love the part where Ukitake's Division glared at him. I think Squad 13 could be the most dangerous division ever when Uki is involved, am I right?

I also think it's sweet that Ichigo remembered all the candy that she liked.

Off to read the next one. And I can't wait to read the one involving Yoruichi and Urahara.

Chronos Kitsune chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Loved it so much! Yet another wonderful oneshot!
FS2011 the real one chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
I love you for this and the other Fem Uki fanfic you wrote a few days back. I love the characterization and I love the protective Yamamoto Cameo! Love ya for this, really. I really really love you for this.