Reviews for The Truth Will Out
mullu chapter 2 . 11/19/2014
First of all, I have to disagree with your Author's Note. Not mediocre pointless stuff AT ALL.

Now, I may be wrong, but the fact that you warned for SLASH in the summary makes me think this isn't finished (even though it stands perfectly fine as a gen one-shot). I get it's been two years and IF it wasn't finished, the chances of you picking it up are slim, but I still wanted to say I think it had great potential. There's so very little out there about these two (why? why is nobody writing about this AWESOME movie?) and you have their voices so very right here. I'm not sure where the plot was going (was there a larger plot? I keep wishing for a longer SoR fic that explores Will's conflict between his feelings for Lee and what religion told him about love), but it feels like that was somehow less important than getting their voices, their dynamic right. And you nailed that part. So, great work.
Ai Linna-chan chapter 1 . 12/23/2011
oh this was so lovely! its so like the movie that could be a scene of a sequence ksksks im glad i just watched the movie,and right after already found a fanfic! cause the movie so begs for more cute scenes with those two! thats the first fic of them that i read and, if its even possible, now I ship them even more! i hope i find more and speacily a multichapter, cause i wold love to see them growing up toghter (and being toghter *-*). So... Loved it! bye.
mullu chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
Beatiful. It's so rare to find fic from this film, and yet when I find one it's this beauty .

I particularly loved how IC they are. You did an awesome job recreating their environment and how much it defines them, and that bright pre-slash (totally pre-slash) bubble they create when they're together. It was one of the big questions the movie left me (and I hope fandom can one day help me answer)... how are they going to overcome all those religious issues and get together? Because, as you so beatifully stated here, there is no doubt that they belong together .
WhisperMaw chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
I love this! Loved the little drabbles in the brackets. Th whole thing was quite good! ANd I tought I'd just say that I'm American and falling upon this film was just awesome. Will Poulter is quite good. Loved the story. Love the slash honestly :))
just.young.and.reckless chapter 1 . 9/15/2010
Aw i really loved this :) and the film is one of my favorites :D
eimi lexie chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
So do I. Adore this film, that is. Another fantastic fic. Bravo! Lexie -x-