Reviews for Dämon Märchen
Tachumare chapter 4 . 2/7/2016
This is so wonderful! I love the way how you narrate this story! And Izaya is so wonderfully IC, it sends chills down ny spine. I was really struck by the way you wrote it~

I really want to know what happens next, unless you only planned to have 4 chapters? If you didn't, though, then please update! You've left this beautiful rose hanging for five years!
Jean Sumar chapter 4 . 12/9/2015
NOOO! I was so into this! Such a cliffhanger! DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX This story's beautiful! I really hope it gets finished... Such a waste it got cut off at the fourth chapter...
Shacary chapter 4 . 2/25/2012
Im still intrigued by the horror aspect and the originality of this story. U paint a dim, scary, utter "alive" picture with your prose. I totally am into the adventure and cant wait to read more, altho it looks like no updates are forthcoming?

Another little thing that specifically resonated with the Drr characters, was the demon Izayas urge to " see what ticks beneath the surface" and Shizuo's driving volatile, overflowing life force [ if u will ]

This last chapter might even demonstrate a poignant reason for Katsukas disaffective behavior. { aside from Sensei Narita's verse} again kudos on the orginality, the well developed characters and the haunting scenes!
by.the.candlelight chapter 4 . 11/24/2011
Oh! A cliffie! I feel the chill of excitement in my bones...
It seems as we have just stepped out of the exposition into the rising action (Or have we been in the rising action all along? Dooh, I'm not good at this sort of thing...) . I am very eager to learn how this story progresses. You have a good hand at characterisation and progression, so I know it's going to be good!

As for the question as the end, I personally don't mind the whole, "Chapter1, Chapter 2...". If you feel the need to name the chapters, I would be just as satisfidd :3
by.the.candlelight chapter 3 . 11/24/2011
I have nothing but the upmost praise for this story :I
This chapter was filled with such stunning imagery and characterisation... I think you captured Kasuksa perfectly! You captured his calm and child-like innocence wonderfully. And the way you wrote out that bit of internal conflict was spectacular!

Urk..l wish I had more to say other than how great this is and how much I love it.
by.the.candlelight chapter 2 . 11/24/2011
I mean seriously! Every word, phrase, and sentence was written and put together so PERFECTLY, I remained entranced throughout the whole chapter. You really have a hand for writing dark stuff, and your chapters (No matter how short) pack a punch.

P.S The paragraphs inside the parenthesis were wonderful, absolutely stunning.
by.the.candlelight chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
Lovely story you have here. The idea stands out, as well as your writing style. I quite enjoy the way you potray Izaya, fleshing out his backstory in this AU , as well as the voice of the story. It is forbidding, elegant and demonic.
Bibliophile chapter 4 . 11/4/2011
Ppppllleeaaasssee!WRITE MORE!This one sounds real cool:]
EreAsha chapter 4 . 10/13/2011
Freakin' epic. Want more.
SoulReaper Rukia chapter 4 . 1/15/2011
Great chapters. Very artistic style...:)

Hmm the names for the chapters? As much as I'd like to recommend something, you would know best. I also am looking forward to what you come up with- you have a unique style, which will obviously be applied to your titles.

Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Paradigm Shift Saboteur chapter 4 . 1/3/2011
"...for God was not as forgive as the Devil, and once you fell, you never got up" that made me think u_u.

About naming the chapters... I think that when you finish a chapter you should re-read it but not as an author, more like a fan then a word or a phrase would stuck on your mind. That word or phrase could be the name of the chapter :D

I say this because I name my chapters of my stories that way... I guess I cannot explain it in a better way :/ but I think you will know what title is best for each chapter :)

I can't wait for the next chapter :O
Paradigm Shift Saboteur chapter 3 . 1/3/2011
"into eyes as red as blood and skin as white as snow and hair as black as the raven's night" that's Izaya! Is him! xD you're awesome!

I wonder how this would end :/...
Paradigm Shift Saboteur chapter 2 . 1/3/2011
Dx OMG I liked this one too! I also like dark/horror/angsty fics *grin*.

But, I am confused. Isn't Shizou blonde?
Paradigm Shift Saboteur chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Wow, wow, wow! I like this! I cannot describe my feelings right now! Seriously, the first chapter was awesome!
XxMikomiAixX chapter 4 . 1/3/2011
Ah~ My wonderful dearest, that was a simply incredible chapter! And a fantastic tale to tell~! *swirls around* Such horror, such wonder, such BEAUTY! Yes, beauty indeed! I find it just wonderful! I love, love, LOVE it~! Hahahaha! I just can't wait for the next time I have the pleasure to see this fantasic show to come back from break!

Until then, I shall depart from it!

~Mikomi Ai
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