Reviews for Ask Auntie Misty
beatlesxlove chapter 7 . 5/21/2012
This is awesome!

Dear Misto,

If Macavity isn't your father, then who are your parents? Do you have any siblings? Also, are Munkustrap, Tugger, and Macavity all brothers? That seems to be a popular belief, but the three of them look nothing alike!

Peace, love, and baby ducks,

beatlesxlove chapter 7 . 5/18/2012
THISISABLANKACCOUNTNOW chapter 1 . 5/16/2012
Dear Misto,

Yes,the one thing I wanted was an Ask Misto thing w Can't wait to show this to the fangirl friends.

Question,What is your relationship with Tugger..I bet its more then friendship.

From a cat that is trapped in a castle,Sora.
Miss Dragonsnake chapter 7 . 5/16/2012
This story is amazing... keep up the good work!

Dear Auntie (Why no Uncle? I'm sure you're a tom...) Misto.

I am a new fan girl who got to know the awesome musical Cats only last year, but don't worry. I'm not up to the obsessed stage with you yet. I'm obsessed with other cat in the Junkyard, but I like you too :)

So here's a question for the marvellous magitian:

If you could swap lives with another cat (with your magic), who would it be and why?

Thank you for reading.

Miss Dragonsnake

P.S Hey, human magitians produce rabbits and doves out of their hat but that doesn't make them the parents
LadieBuggie chapter 5 . 1/7/2011
Dear Auntie Twinkle-Toes,

Yes I see I have chosen to call you a name that probably irritates you severely, but I come bearing a question. I Quaxo and Mistoffelees nicknames for you when you are in a certain mood? IF you don't understand I will give an example of what my friends call me. Ms. Peptopilo: annoying and I. WILL. NOT. STOP. TALKING. Just like now. Please answer my questions.

Yours Indifferently,

Ms Peptoplio

P.S. If you didn't like the nickname how about "Mistletoes." because I need something that is annoying since you already have two coolio names.

(great idea insamemistosingmore)
Nik-Nokkers Anonymous chapter 5 . 11/14/2010
I have a question!:

Dear M. Misto,

Are you in any form or shape related to Macavity?

Yours curiously,

Nik-Nokkers Anonymous.
r1y2r3e4s chapter 5 . 11/7/2010
I love Cori and Tanti! chapter 5 . 11/7/2010
lol, loved the last bit :D
RedRubyStorm chapter 5 . 11/6/2010
xD Princess. Glad to see this story's back! xD This story's amusing. And I'm tired. And slightly crazy. Hence why this review is a little... weird.
raptoregg64 chapter 5 . 11/6/2010
'Sokay, Singsmore. Happens to us all. :)

And now another question:

Dear Auntie Misty,

Number One: Thank you for answering my question. :)

Number Two: ... why do you sparkle?

Peace, Flowers, Freedom, and Happiness

Loves Klaine NOT Blaine chapter 4 . 10/13/2010
MistoFan10 chapter 4 . 9/14/2010
HAHA! Mistofelees

I am a fan girl, but wait!

I have a question!

Would you like me if i didn't stalk you? Cause i don't but if i did see u i would do this, walk up to you, touch your face to see if there was fur there or not,then hug and touch your head and say "Fuzzy hairs." Then walk away giggling. SOoo THINK ABOUT THAT!

Please put meh question in ur next chapter if possible!
Fantasia-the-Crazy chapter 4 . 9/6/2010
Yay, I gots a cameo! :D I feel special!

This is really good! It's a funny idea, and I must say you're doing it quite well! Now, if you don't mind . . . I have my own little 'question' to send in . . . admit it, you saw this coming.


PRESTO! Remember me? Hiya doin'?

Well, enough chit-chat. Let's get down to business. I HAS A QUESTION: Why did you try to run away from me when I dragged you to that . . . thingy? :(:(:( I just wanted to tackleglomp youz, honest! I mean, c'mon! You're so cute and adorable and tackleglomp-able-y! Why must you run from those who lufflez you?



P.S. Sparkle-butt's a real funny name. ;)

P.P.S. Presto! :D

P.P.P.S. Did you really 'produce seven kittens right out of a hat'?

P.P.P.P.S. Okay, I'm done now . . .

P.P.P.P.P.S. Presto :)
EuphrasieTheOwl chapter 4 . 9/4/2010
Poor, poor Misto. Fangirls can be tough...

'Misto accidentally switched everyone's gender' MY GOSH I HATE GENDER-BENDING FICS WITH A PASSION. Like, seriously, it happens so much in one of my fandoms. Come on, really? Can't people just be happy with yaoi/yuri? (actually, I've never seen a fic in which a girl becomes a guy...well expect in Phantom..."Christopher Daae" BLEH) It bugs me. A lot. (I swear if I see another fem!Ryou fic, I may have to rip out someone's esofagus and feed it to them...but you probably have no idea what I'm taking about know 'cuz I'm ranting about nonesense. 'Cuz I do that. Since I drink too much soda.) So, are there a lot of genderbender fics in CATS? I never knew that (so do you guys also get mpreg fics? Jus' wondering.)

And fangirls have no lives. But that's because lives are for useless mortals. :D

(BTW-I published 'Ask Auntie Bakura' finally! Jus' thought I'd let you know!)
EuphrasieTheOwl chapter 3 . 9/4/2010

I never thought about that...hahaha, cute idea!
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