Reviews for Vigil
kalabangsilver chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
Love this. Drawn out to perfection.

Rosettaston3 chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
Poignant and well-written. Great characterizations as well. I must admit, I read this a while back, but did not review [wasn't a member yet],just keep rereading it because it's lovely.

Although difficult to pick just one line out of so many, this one jumps out at me: "The intense look which he throws her frightens her so she turns away." Oh, Ruth...

SephyRose611 chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
I loved this! Brilliantly written, fantastic storyline and the ending..! Wow, it was so beautiful, it made me cry!
eggwhisker chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
This is really lovely. I've just realised as I returned for my umpteenth reread (in itself, praise indeed!) that I haven't reviewed - apologies. Just love the way you never let them get together easily! Hoping you have another fic or two in the pipeline! Thanks for sharing.
Symphony In Blue chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
Aw I absolutely loved it! Especially Harry's comment "we've made it" is what did it for me.

And Ros has made it too, so things couldn't be better!
This Used To Be My Account chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
Ok, so this is something like the tenth HR fic I've read this monring (probably more than that) and it is getting to a point where I am in less and less of a fit state to review. I probably should have eased myself back in gently but instead I have overdosed and have become sore-cheeked from smiling and cross-eyed from trying to read everything so fast. In short, if my reviews are still making any sense, it's a miracle.

This was lovely. Just the kind of thing I like - another example of loss (almost) and life contrasting and showing up what's really important. There was darkness in the story, and yet I felt so light reading it!

And I TOTALLY agree with the idea that Harry is plagued by nightmares - it's my belief that he suffers them about lots of things, and there would be nothing better than Ruth to prevent them. In this sense, a tiny similarity occurs in Harry's Nightmares fic (one day) but that's where the similarities to this fic will end though, I promise.

Thanks for the read :)

0074 chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Another fic from HRFan and yet another take on what could happen ... seriousness mixed with a bit of humour and lots in between. Well done on continuing to capture all those little nuances that help make the story of Harry and Ruth. I'm looking forward to reading whatever you write for us next. Thanks.
Novindalf chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
Oh, wow! I love it D
Storybookgirl77 chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
I love this!
FoxBook chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Glad to have you back with a new fic! Awww. Thanks for this lovely story. You bring them together very nicely and gradually, from "close but not too close" to close enough… I like very much: "this dance they are weaving around each other", which is exactly what you do with them; you show how they move, closer, and then away but never too far because of the way they care for each other and deeply love one another… You made it, too! :) :)
x-La vie en rose-x chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Oh, I'm so glad you decided to write your thoughts down. What a treat! This was so great to read. I was able to read this on my ipod so I was reading this whilst on the treadmill. Made the workout so much more enjoyable. ;) Now you just jump right into the Spooks water anytime you feel. You're doing splendidly. Thanks for sharing.
cbjfan61 chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Another great one!
Section D chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
You never fail to deliver the goods when it comes to a good HR fic. Thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to the next one.
TheGrandTour chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
I'm so glad you're back to fanfiction world HRFan! I missed your angsty but so lovely fics and this one is just everything I like. A slow process for Harry and Ruth to get closer. Their difficulties to communicate, to share their emotions. And finally the certainty of their love. Thank you for making my day (and week) and please, don't stop writing! :-D
Adam Shmadam chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
Loved it, loved it, loved it!