Reviews for The 90th Hunger Games
LivingInTheNow chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
OK, I would like to submit for District 12 male tribute, please. His name is Nathanael Mason, nicknamed Nate. He's 14 years old, has dark hair, olive skin, and bright blue "merchant" eyes. He's never really fit in because his mother was a long-ago mayor's daughter who had an affair with a coal-miner's son (Nate's dad). She was disowned and went to live in the poorer part of the Seam with said coal-miner's son. Nate is small for his age, but agile and fast, and stronger than he appears. He decides to pretend to be a weakling, but he is really good at archery. He has an older sister and brother, both of whom are very protective of him; his brother would have volunteered to take Nate's place, but he just turned nineteen a few months ago. Nate had to sign up for tesserae b/c they are poor. *no more room to review; ask 4 more
RazinRed chapter 2 . 9/17/2010
Oops! Sorry, for my character, Liam Caine, I accidentally put that he only had his name put in once when it should be 7. And considering most of his strengths come from his job as a fishermen and him being from district 4, I think his district cant be changed.

Hope you start soon!
RazinRed chapter 1 . 9/17/2010
Name: Liam Caine

Age: 18

Gender: Male

District: 4 (could be changed)

Appearance: He has dark hair that is untidy and rough. Dark blue eyes that reflect the ocean that he looks upon every morning. He is tan and hardened by daily work in the sun.

Personality: NOT a Career. He is humble and kind, but prefers to keep to himself. Doesn't talk much during the games, but he has a sense of humor. Noble, but not afraid to kill his pursuers.

History: At a young age of 7, his mother was killed by a group of bandits wanting to take their belongings. After finding they had no belongings the bandits left. Liam's father guilt-ridden and scarred, directs his anger towards Liam. When Liam turns 13, he runs away and takes up a job with some fishermen and laborers. Liam is taken care of by these kind men. However when he is 15, his best friend is reaped for the Hunger Games, due to having so much tesserae to feed himself and Liam. Now Liam hopes to join the Games to prove to avenge his friend and to show his father who he has become.

Friends/Family: Father (Whereabouts Unknown), Craig - Best Friend (Deceased), Litely - Guardian.

Romantic Involvement: I'll leave this to you. Personally, I say none because he keeps to himself.

Strengths: Strong, Resourceful and Smart. Good ability with spear, net, and trident. Good swimmer.

Weaknesses: Those not want to be close to anyone, which means he will only have temporary allies, after allying he will leave them. He thinks all Careers cannot be trusted. He is sometimes hasty.

Number of times name entered into reaping: 1

Volunteer or Chosen: Volunteer

Token: A string tied around his wrist (I guess you can call it a bracelet) with a sharktooth and his mother's pendant (containing his family picture in it) attached to the bracelet.

Angle of Approach for Games: He will only create temporary alliances for the Games. Will move around often. Won't trust Careers. Will kill only when necessary. Will kill Careers without second thought.

Possible Alliances: Temporary Ones.

Notes: I have to tell you that he is not a Career. He is also not stupid. He isn't extremely strong, but he can put up a fight. He is as fast as he is strong. You can downgrade him if he is too overpowered or protagonisticy (which isn't a word, but you know what I mean)
angel-unknown chapter 3 . 9/8/2010
Name: Rhys (pronounced RISS) Canley

Age: 17

Gender: male

District: 3

Appearance: Rhys has average features, straight nose, a little flat-mouthed, with a relatively narrow jaw. He has dark brown, almost black hair and eyes, hair shaved to stubble on the sides with the top left long enough to pull into a knotty ponytail at the back of his head. He generally wears loose clothing in shades of grey, brown, green and black. Long, bony hands – always good at making things – end with nails stained permanently grey by the oil from the machines. He has tiny brass gages, around a quarter inch, in each ear, which is mother hates. He’s five feet, eight inches tall and rather pale from working inside his whole life.

Personality: I saw that you used a Myers-Briggs personality type in a description of a character of your own, so you’ll know what I mean when I say that Rhys is and ISTP. (Funnily enough, this is actually nicknamed “The Mechanic.” Who could be better suited to District 3?) Rhys is logical and reasons well on the fly. Though generally easygoing, he can act and react quickly. In stimulating environments, he takes in large amounts of information, storing it to be analyzed and judged later in quieter moments. He doesn’t pay attention to his psychological needs often, which can sometimes lead to outbursts that end in extreme awkwardness, and generally relies on friends and family to help him with this.

Strengths: Rhys is a genius when it comes to improvisational strategy, thinking fast on his feet. Years of tinkering with machinery has led to a considerable knowledge of mechanics and power. Hunting on the side has helped him to develop skill with anything thrown: knives, spears, etc. These all combine into a talent for inventing and building new weapons fit to the situation. He is also a master of stealth, having been sneaking around for years. He could sneak up behind you, snap your neck, and be gone before you sensed a thing.

Weaknesses: Rhys is impatient when things get slow, leading him to act brashly, occasionally. He isn’t very strong, so hand-to-hand combat is to be avoided at all costs. A childhood accident left him with only one fully functioning ear, the other fading in and out of hearing loss. Sometimes he can hear just fine; others, he can hardly hear a thing on his right side. He’s not a very good runner.

Number of times name entered into reaping: 10 (two for every year)

Volunteer or Chosen (?): volunteered for friend (see below), named Rickett

Token: an old cog wheel, of thin metal, hanging on a chain around his neck

Angle of Approach for the Games: Lightning- you never know when or where it will strike, and by the time you find out, it’s too late. Kind of like a ninja :P

Possible Alliances: preferably not, but maybe, if someone REALLY wants to.

History: Rhys, an only child, had a strained, though not unhappy childhood. His personality naturally conflicted with those of his parents, and poverty was always and issue, but his parents loved him and vice versa, so there was never a huge problem. He was able, due to his ingenuity combined with skill in mechanics, to climb the labor ladder to about as high as a teenage boy could hope to get, ending up in the developmental department of the factory where he worked after school.

Friends/Family: His parents, Oren and Mella, were lower-middle class workers in the factories. When Rhys was born, Mella took off work to raise him until he was 9, when she went back to work. They are both very emotionally-based, personalities, very touchy-feely and affectionate. This might not exactly jive with Rhys’s own personality, but he loves them anyway. He has a few friends, older guys from work, and one childhood companion, named Rickett. Rickett is an $$hole. He has his brighter moments, which is why Rhys still hangs out with him (that and the fact that they’ve lived next door to each other their whole lives), but is generally a jerk. His name was the one drawn at the Reaping, but Rhys volunteered to take his place.

Romantic Involvement: Okay, this next part’s a little weird. I’ve got two different sets, and you can pick which one you like. The longer one is my favorite, but it’s one of those things that might, as you say, make him too much of a “main character.” I’ll leave the choice up to you; whichever one works the best for your plotline. A: He has had an on-again off-again relationship with a girl named Nadia for the past year or so. Nadia was the victor of the 87th Hunger Games, when she was 14. She would be his mentor, and would be furious with him for taking Rickett’s place. OR B: None. Or, I guess, if you really want to pair him with someone… Whatever. But I don’t want an in-arena relationship as much as many others seem to. If you want to keep option A, I can PM you a brief description of Nadia, if you think you need it.

(Here’s another one, who can be killed off as early as you like.)

Name: Pentecost (Nicknamed Penn) Alcorn

Age: 13

Gender: male

District: 1

Appearance: Penn has a perfect, milky complexion, with big blue eyes framed by long, light lashes. He has perfect, platinum-blonde hair that – to quote Tina Fey, “…just seems to know exactly where it wants to go!” He’s a bit small and wiry, maybe five-two. Maybe less. He dresses perfectly in style, paid for by his wealthy parents. His features are all very round and slightly feminine, giving him a baby-faced, pretty-boy look.

Personality: Penn acts like an all around badass. A mischief maker, loudmouth, the bane of his teachers’ existence. Girls his age want him, boys his age want to wring his scrawny neck. He’s arrogant, vain, and as narcissistic as they come.

History: He’s been pampered his whole life, essentially spoiled to Capitol standards. There have been no significant events.

Friends/Family: He has no friends except for a smattering of fan girls who follow him around. His parents have babied him his whole life, spending every waking moment telling him how wonderful, talented, lethal, and downright fabulous he is. Penn is, in every way, the product of his upbringing.

Romantic Involvement: None, really. He’s flattered and exaggerates any attention from any female he ever receives, blowing it out of proportion and twisting what girls say until he’s firmly convinced that the female half of the human race is in love with him. Sorry ladies, this little punk rides solo.

Strengths: He is small and can hide. Technically, he knows a lot about fighting. Putting that into practice is another story…

Weaknesses: At the first sign of conflict he runs and hides like the gutless, spineless lily-liver that he is.

Number of times name entered into reaping: Twice, only once for each year.

Volunteer or Chosen (?): He was chosen, and wouldn’t let anyone else volunteer for his place. That glory was going to be all his.

Token: None. Pfft, who needs one.

Angle of Approach for the Games: Sneaky-sneak is stronger than you think.

Possible Alliances: Would hide behind the careers until they find out how weak he is, in which case they would either kick him out or kill him.
1w3456789 chapter 1 . 9/8/2010
Name: Eric Blaise

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 1

Appearance: Attractive, pale with black hair. Super sexy

Personality: Keeps to himslef. Prepared to kill but doesn't mean he enjoys it.

History: An orphan who is beaten and whipped regulary by his gardian. Want to win so he can live by himslef with out his gardian

Friends/Family: Besides his evil gardian none. No friends

Romantic Involvement: Yes. You make it up if you want.

Strengths: Bow and Arrow. He never misses. Fairly strong. Can hunt. Knows about plants and wildlife

Weaknesses: Claustraphopic

Number of times name entered into reaping: 48

Volunteer or Chosen (?): Volunteer

Token: Fine gold chain with a star with a emerald in the middle.

Angle of Approach for the Games: Sexy and confident

Possible Alliances: Maybe. He would be unwilling at first
AlmostAlpha chapter 3 . 9/7/2010
Name: Coy White




Appearance: tall probably like 6'0 with light brown hair that looks gold in direct sunlight and sea green eyes that make him look mysterious. he has wide set shoulders and a strong jaw. hes muscular but not to the point where he looks disgusting, and you can't really tell except by his arms unless he has his shirt off.

Personality: Coy is confident and he uses his looks to his advantages. hes smarter than most people know and he likes to keep it that way so they think hes braun and not brain. with his little sister and family hes the sweetest guy around but to some of the other people in his district he comes off as a player. hes a really funny guy and he loves to make jokes and hes not afraid to speak his mind, sometimes he can be really sarcastic.

History: Ever since he was little Coy has trained. Not because he wanted to be in the hunger games but because his father wanted him to be prepared in case he ever got drafted. His father won the games when he was coy's age and his great great grandfather Finnick won the games to so coy feels like its a family tradition. when hes not training hes usually out swimming with his best friends or flirting with girls who are all to willing to let him. he doesn't go any farther than that and he doesn't have a girlfriend. hes smarter than anyone ever gives him credit for and he hides it by acting cocky. he works as a deep sea diver in his district

Friends/Family: his little sister Calli whose 14 and his mom and dad Coy Senior and Mae. his best friend is another guy in his district who he works with whose name is Nero. they met when they were kids when their dads took them to work to show them where thay would be working some day.

Romantic Involvement: he doesn't have a girl friend but if you want you can put him in a romance. he would probably not realize hes falling in love untill its to late. he'd probably be really pissy about it though because he doesn't want to fall for someone, but if he was mean he would feel bad for it.

Strengths:swimming, fishing, fast runner, trapping, hand to hand combat and hes a sharp shooter so he has really good eyesight.

Weaknesses:he doesn't know much about medicine and hes not the best climber because of how tall he is.

Number of times name entered into reaping:16

Volunteer or Chosen (?):volunteer

Token: a necklace that has a silver trident at the end his younger sister Calli gave him.

Angle of Approach for the Games: confident

Possible Alliances: career pack unless he likes someone outside the career pack, but he would probably still use the careers untill the number of people went down.

Weapon : his trident.

i hope you use him :)
potterlockedintheshire chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
Name: Mark Vires

Age: 14

Gender: Male

District: Probably 12, but 9 and 3 are my backups

Appearance: About 5’ 6”, he’s relatively skinny and has dirty-blonde hair that comes almost to his shoulders. He usually prefers to wear black, and his long bangs mostly conceal his bright blue eyes. Signs of his strength aren’t overwhelmingly evident, but can be noticed when looked for. He generally has more of an intimidating than inviting appearance.

Personality: Until one gets to know him, Mark is extremely closed off. He doesn’t act shy so much as distant, not retreating from others but making no move to invite friendship either, causing him to appear intimidating at first. People find him difficult to interpret because of his strong but silent appearance, his tendency to dress mostly in black, and the way that he answers questions firmly but quietly. After having met him and eventually gaining his trust, he becomes more open and is extremely trustworthy, although he never quite loses his general ambiance of intimidation. He can appear to be emotionless to those who don’t know him well, but in reality he just blocks those emotions as much as possible, which is difficult for him but he thinks that it’s necessary. He’s quiet in general but will voice his opinions particularly when speaking to those he knows. He’s a good fighter and doesn’t hesitate to use this to his advantage when necessary.

History: I think I generally describe it in the other sections, but I’ll certainly add more if you request it.

Friends/Family: An only child, Mark’s mother died when he was 7, leaving him with his physically abusive father whom he hates. He doesn’t bring up his family’s past often and generally avoids the subject, as it’s rather sensitive for him although he hates to admit it. However, he’ll occasionally mention it to a person he’s close to (whom there aren’t many of) if a memory is triggered or on the rare occasions where he needs to vent. He doesn’t try to sugarcoat his memories mentally, he accepts them as they are.

His best friend was Zach, who died in the Hunger Games when Mark was 11. Aside from Zach, he didn’t/doesn’t trust many people, and since people tend to avoid him, he doesn’t really have any close friends. Zach was one of the few people that Mark completely trusted and relied upon, looking up to and admiring him. Zach’s death is among the reasons that Mark is so reluctant to get close to people.

Romantic Involvement: None

Strengths: Above average strength, and can hide emotions outwardly most of the time. High intelligence and good understanding of how people will react when put in certain situations. Works well with almost any kind of blade and has a bit of practice with the bow and arrow.

Weaknesses: He’s reluctant to vent to people and to allow himself to care too much about others, knowing that it will weaken him. Mark hardly opens up to anyone, but when he does he always feels guilty, as though he’s only bothering other people with his problems. He hates to reveal that he’s emotionally weak at times, attempting to mask it with indifference and often succeeding. When fighting becomes necessary he does so willingly but often doesn’t specifically try to kill his enemy. Many people avoid him, finding him emotionless and difficult to understand.

Number of times name entered into reaping: Whatever you decide works best, it doesn’t really make a difference to me

Volunteer or Chosen (?): Chosen

Token: His token, a black and red wristband that he always wears, was given to him by Zach before he died in the Hunger Games that same year that he gave Mark the wristband.

Angle of Approach for the Games: He plans to not befriend many people, one or two at most, and avoid the careers unless he thinks he has a good chance of killing them. Since not many people find him trustworthy initially because of his dark and silent personality, he wants to stay out of the way of most of the action. He’s willing to engage in combat, but doesn’t rush into it if he thinks that there’s no point.

Possible Alliances: Since he doesn’t want to get attached to people, he may have one ally or perhaps two but definitely no more than that.

Notes: I’m hoping you like my tribute, and I’ll certainly elaborate more on him if you’d like me to. I look forward to reading your story!
Little Miss Dancerina chapter 3 . 9/7/2010
Ok first off, I'm sorry. Second, I will PM you a new character tomorrow morning because I have a few reasons for not using Vivienne anymore 1) Shes too much of a Mary Sue in my opinion. 2) She's been in quite a few SYOT tribute stories. So I've got a 1000 word essay to write and a bio test to study for so I'll PM you my new and improved character tomorrow kay?
ama118623 chapter 2 . 9/6/2010
my character is 16 i just forgot to mention that
angel-unknown chapter 2 . 8/28/2010
I changed my mind about Billy's name, mostly because of ceaseless taunting by my oh-so-wonderful kid sister, CherryRomp. Feel free to flame her for me. But the new name is Kenny. So there.
angel-unknown chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
Name: Billy O’Neill

Age: 18

Gender: male

District: 11

Appearance: Billy is basically that scruffy farmer boy, complete with flannel shirts and awkward tan-lines. He has light brown hair that reaches to his shoulders and hazel eyes, framed by slightly bushy eyebrows. His nose is a little crooked from a two-year-old break and he has a badly-drawn tattoo of barbed wire around his left wrist, both remnants from his badass phase (see below). Standing at six foot-two, he’s used to towering over many in his district (though, looking at the other male competitors, his height status is about to change). Being muscular is kind of a given, with a lifestyle of hard manual labor. The Capitol’s stylists would have a field day, revolving around a “Look how well he cleans up!” theme.

Personality: As strong on the inside as he is on the outside, Billy is an psychological fortress. He’s not cold or quiet, but getting an emotional reaction out of him is extremely difficult. Despite this, he is generally pleasant to be around. He loves a good joke, when timed well. Allow me a cheesy metaphor: He’s kind of like a river. Steady, for the most part, until he hits metaphorical rocks, in which case there’s metaphorical whitewater and all metaphorical hell breaks loose. Because his emotions are slow to change, when he gets angry, he stays very, very angry. But the same goes for positive things, like joy or maybe even love. For more personality, see strengths and weaknesses. I don’t like repeating myself.

History: The O’Neill family is one among the many poor in District 11. As Billy and his brother grew older, however, things began to improve as they could work harder for more output. Still, with District 11’s (obvious) communist undertones, their success didn’t go far. In the fields and orchards, he’s usually carrying things, from equipment in the planting season to loads of crops during the harvest. When he was sixteen, he and some friends went through a short, rebellious phase, the aforementioned “badass phase.” They snuck out past curfew, spoke with attitude, and drew crappy tattoos on themselves, hence the barbed wire. This lasted until one of the four was caught by the Peacekeepers on one of their riskier excursions and shot. Afterwards, the remaining three immediately returned to their former, quiet, would-be content selves.

Friends/Family: Campbell O’Neill married his sweetheart, Clera, three years after they graduated. A year later, Billy and Campbell Jr. were born. The twins grew up best friends, despite hugely different personalities. Where Billy was mostly content with his life, Campbell (or Cam) desired nothing more than to escape the Capitol’s rule, to the fabled District 13. Campbell was the impulsive daydreamer, always with a new idea, each more rebellious than the last. The badass phase was Campbell’s idea. The other two boys involved in the teenage antics were their friends Granger and Kell. When Kell died, Billy called the whole thing to a halt, much to Cam’s protest.

Romantic Involvement: All I can say is: Please, for the love of God, do not ship him with one of those mind-numbing Mary-Sues!

Strengths: Billy thinks long and hard about things, and is therefore a very good planner. He has remarkable stamina and endurance, and has a way with the heavier weapons, such as clubs and maces. He shows potential with swords, but has had no training in the art. Patience, logic, and strength (as I said, both mental and physical) also number among his positive points. He also has a knowledge of plants and animals that tributes from other districts would not have.

Weaknesses: He’s lived his whole life with a very steady routine. In new environments, this rhythm is thrown off and he has a hard time coping. Though he can run far and long, he cannot run fast. He can’t shoot an arrow, throw a knife, or launch a dart to- literally- save his life. With absolutely no formal training in any form of weaponry, most things involving aim are a complete mystery. Billy has almost no ability to improvise. Thinking on the fly was always his brother’s job.

Number of times name entered into reaping: Cam and Billy both entered their names eight times, because tesserae are always useful.

Volunteer or Chosen (?): Chosen.

Token: The old tattoo, which Kell gave him, would serve as his token.

Angle of Approach for the Games: For the interview, he would act like Cam. The people of the Capitol are always more interested in the ideal, not the real. In the actual Games, he would go about things very slowly, not charging into anything, just lying in wait.

Possible Alliances: None at the moment. This and the Romance are subject to change. I’ll comment later.
FoalyWinsForever chapter 2 . 8/10/2010
oh, yeah, and it doesn't look like there are really any girls his age, so like i said, his age can change to fit whatever poor soul's going to get stuck with him. heh.
FoalyWinsForever chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
This is more of a background character, I made him up a bit haphazardly so you can tweak it or ignore it as you wish. he's really just here to make things interesting.

Name: Aubren Carlisle

Age: 15, but it can change based on factors I'll get to in a second.

Gender: male

District: 8

Appearance: brown hair that sticks up, blue-green eyes, tall and slim with average musculature for his age

Personality: friendly to a fault, definitely incapable of murder. he's a bit bumbling, but endearing and charismatic, and despite his seeming general incompetence he's intelligent, and occasionally gives the feeling that he might be a bit more capable than he comes off as. He's very loyal and likes being around people. he's always cracking jokes, and his laugh is a bit maniacal. he's comes off as a bit unhinged in general, although he's actually perfectly sane; that's just his persona. he earns his keep, however, which i'll also come to later.

History: he works in a textile factory and goes to school, where he plays a few sports. he gets along with people very well, and has a lot of good friends. his job at the factory is scaling the catwalks over the dye vats to check on them.

Friends/Family: only child. both parents are alive (*gasp* that never happens...) and his family is very happy. they're neither wealthy nor poverty-stricken.

Romantic Involvement: heheheh. that's the fun part. basically, some other tribute, preferably one of the really tough, competent girls, falls for his general cluelessness, and he likes her too. but then, for comic relief, she has to deal with him falling off cliffs, getting chased by raccoons, etc.

Strengths: ... however, he can build catapults. hence the frequent maniacal laughter. with just his token, two trees, and a few rocks for ammo, he can set up a stronghold in the treetops that's practically impossible to attack. (and although he can't stand to actually stab someone, he's more than happy to chuck a rock in their face. it doesn't seem to count for some reason in his view.) one thing his clumsiness would never make him do is fall out of a tree, due to his work in the district, where falling being dyed purple (or consumed by acid, if you REALLY fell into the wrong vat.) he's quite fast and has good endurance and moderate strength. he has a knack for finding water. again, he CAN occasionally be extremely stealthy, particularly in trees.

Weaknesses: he doesn't really know any survival skills, and can't hunt. he has no experience with weapons, and couldn't hurt anyone with them even if he did. he's too trusting and would never even consider that someone might betray him. although he can walk quietly when he's lucky, he's equally likely to stumble into a tree and swear at the top of his lungs. also, he's incapable of not breaking into mad laughter whenever either he fires the catapult or something mildly entertaining happens, and you'd have to tackle him to get him to shut up.

Number of times name entered into reaping: 9 i think? or whatever a 15 yr old with no tesserae would have.

Volunteer or Chosen (?): chosen i guess

Token: long necklace made of a fine, but strong, dark grey metal chain that he wears looped twice around his neck. he uses it as the firing chain on his catapults. also, although once again he won't kill anyone except by squashing them with a boulder, he wouldn't be averse to noosing someone until they passed out with it, if they got too close to his tree.

Angle of Approach for the Games: act bumbling and harmless (hardly an act) but then stumble across an alliance, who would let him in in exchange for being able to use his tree of death as protection/a hideout/headquarters, whatever.

Possible Alliances: really anybody. preferably 4-8 people, including his girlfriend-esque person. bonus points if the girlfriend is really sarcastic and has to tackle him to shut him up on multiple occasions.

Notes: he's really not a serious character, just comic relief, so i realize that he's unrealistically stooge-ish, but that's the point. when he dies, i'd like if someone from the alliance betrayed him, because i think him getting betrayed would pretty much sum up the spirit of the hunger games, since he's relatively loyal and innocent.
ama118623 chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
Name: Ashkia Anderdeen

Gender: Female

District: 1

Appearance: 5"9, long waist length curly auburn hair, deep deep blue eyes shaped like almonds framed by dark long lashes, tan skin, very pretty, slim curvy body, that girls would kill to have.

Personality: A good actor, can read people easily, people are just drawn towards her, there is something about her that makes people willing to jump in front of a bullet for her. A very kind girl if your on her side, evil if your against her, mysterious and welcoming if you don't have a side. Looks afraid to kill to the other people out of her group but, her alliances know that she'll do it without a bat of her eyelash (inside she is regretting and hurting but, she won't show it).

History: Her dad is almost never home and when he is he is usually drunk passed out on the couch. Her mom is never home because she has to work 3 shifts because her husband is a drunk and blows all the money. She lives with her brother ,Gishoni, who is depressed and abusing. He is the reason that she went into the training center with all the other kids that train for the games. She was the one who was chosen for the girl tribute.

Friends/Family: Family: above. Friends: AAtami. They met in the training center.

Romantic Involvement: Sure

Strengths: Bow and arrows, knives, daggers, swords, swimming, acting, flirting convincingly, swimming, climbing, walking and running quietly and quickly, people trust her and tell her everything, can dodge things quickly.

Weaknesses: spears, and axes

Number of times name entered into reaping: 17(she was chosen to volunteer before so she figured she would help her mom)

Volunteer or Chosen (?): volunteered

Token: A metal necklace signifying she was chosen to compete.

Angle of Approach for the Games: a sexy killing machine

Possible Alliances: career at first but, I'd like to leave them eventually.
Tasting Raindrops chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
Name: Patience Riley Whearre (And, no, I have no idea how to pronounce her last name XD.)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

District: 6


Hair- She has natural white-blonde hair that kind of waves to the ends of her shoulder bones on her back, if that makes sense. It’s parted slightly off to her left and has some slight side bangs. Her part is usually jagged and not at all close to being perfect. She usually wears her hair down, and sometimes over one shoulder.

Eyes- Her eyes are a dark brown, so they look big and round. Her eyelashes are kind of thin, but they curl a lot. Her eyebrows are usually furrowed in a curious look, not anger. Simply like she’s thinking, a dedicated and hard thought process.

Skin tone- Pale, but has lots of freckles on her arms, legs, shoulders, and some light sprinkles of them on the tops of her cheeks.

Height- Very short, 4’11. Determined to grow more, to at least reach five feet, but she knows that since she is eighteen, she probably won’t make it. She tends to walk around on her toes, or bounce up and down on them when standing in place, to make up for it.

Build- Very thin, mostly from a lack of food, as per usual for most people in the poorer districts of Panem.

More about her appearance-

For the Chariot costumes, her hair is dyed black like an oil slick (oil/petroleum district!) because she refuses to wear a wig. (And her eyebrows are dyed to an appropriate color too… In case you didn’t assume… ;) )

In the Games she wears her hair up in a kind of messy bun/loopy thing with her side bangs pulled back in a beret/clip/bobby pin.

When she wears her hair down, she constantly fidgets with it, twirling it around her fingers, weaving it through her fingers, and sometimes just running her fingers through it continuously, leaving her hair kind of greasy if she does it too often (her stylist and/or prep team are ticked off by it and repeatedly have to tell her to stop it or she’ll mess up her dye or whatever… In fact, some of her hair will be lighter in the areas that she messed with it while the dye was supposed to sit… So her hair has weird highlights scattered randomly around the front ends of her hair where it’s more of a gray color than black). Especially when she’s nervous. In the Games, she settles for just wrapping her pinky finger around the loose stands that fall around her face and on the nape of her neck.

Her stylist adds lots of mascara to her sparse but curly eyelashes and even sticks on some fake ones that refuse to come off after the Opening Ceremonies (Chariot Rides), so she’s stuck with having them on for the Interviews and even the Games. (So she has some blonde eyelashes and a lot of dark ones… Her stylist just makes sure to add lots of mascara before Patience is seen in public.)

If the arena is sunny (whether that be hot sunny, or freezing Antarctic sunny), she will tan and possibly even get sunburned, and her freckles will darken.

She’s surprised by how quickly she gains muscle during Training. She’s always been thin and not very active, but after about the first two days, she gets right into the swing of things and bulks up with muscle (not bulky though, she’s still thin, she just gets toned easily… She’s not buff, though! ;D)

Personality: For the most part, she tries to be kind to people and understanding, but sometimes she can have a temper if she feels strongly about something. If people get angry with her, she sends their attitude right back at them with just as much ferocity (or lack of) that they fire at her. She cares deeply for those she finds worth caring about, the people who she’s close to (her dead brother, her best friend). She’s nervous, fidgety, stressed, and often found daydreaming and in a daze, blanked out from the world. Can get quite overemotional at times, and has been known to cry at small things in front of an audience. Despite her emotional side though, she would be capable of killing. If she ends up killing anyone, her first kill would be the worst. She would end up breaking down in tears once she got to think about it, or maybe during, or maybe right after. After that though, it would be easier for her. She would still hate it, but she would be able to do it. She’s very hard on herself and blames herself for anything that goes wrong. She’s also kind of a perfectionist. Also, she is somewhat of a loner and only has one really good friend. Some other people in her grade know who she is, but for the most part they just say hello, and that’s all. The people who don’t know her at all just think of her as being the crazy girl who talks to her dead brother.

She likes to spend her time watching the sky, daydreaming, and watching sunsets and sunrises. Sunsets/rises remind her of her brother, because they used to watch them every once and a while and he loved the sun. Everyday she watches the sunrise and sunset and when the sun breaks over the hilltop, she greets her brother and tells him anything that she dreamt or is supposed to happen that day. When the sun disappears, she tells him about her day and then says goodnight.

History: When Patience was much younger, she took her family for granted. She knew that lots of other families weren’t complete, or that they didn’t get along, but she didn’t have that problem. Her parents were still deeply in love, and she had an older, overprotective brother. When she looks back to that time, she realizes that what she had was perfect, and that’s how she always describes it to anyone who asks. Perfect.

But then, her brother died. He had had a girlfriend who he loved, and he was planning on proposing to her the day of her last Reaping, after the drawings. But as fate would have it, she was chosen to be in the Games. He began to cut himself off from his family and friends, and the day that she died in the Games, he committed suicide.

Patience’s mother is now depressed and constantly stressed. She flits around, cleaning their lower-middle class house and working at her tailoring/washing clothes business. Patience’s father works all day at the oilrigs, and she never sees him anymore. Patience’s brother used to work at the rigs, but after he died, her father had to take on more time to support the family.


Father- Born Whearre

Mother- Hope Whearre

Brother- Ever Whearre (deceased at age twenty; Patience was fifteen)

Best Friend- Darra Wheat (they became friends because they almost always sit next to each other in the seating charts at school because their last names are very close in the alphabet)

Romantic Involvement: I’m going to read through the reviews and see if there is any guy who I really like and think might work. If I do find a guy I like, I’ll PM the creator to see if that would be okay. If I don’t find anyone, and there is still room, I might make another tribute. Or, you could pair her up with someone, just please let me know so I can approve.

Strengths: Runs fast, quick reflexes, quick learner (learns to climb, start fires, tie knots, and gets an idea for edible and poisonous plants in Training). Book smart, she studies well in school and so she knows a lot about past Hunger Games. She can fit in tight spaces and doesn’t make a lot of noise. She likes to keep distance from people she fights, so she uses a long staff (learned how to use it in Training and turns out she’s quite a natural; she can easily maneuver it and uses it in clever ways) with a blade running the length of the top that’s about a foot of two long depending on how long the staff is (it’s quite a bit taller than her though, at the least). (If there isn’t a staff with a blade, she’ll take a plain staff or a long thick stick if absolutely nothing else is available.)

Weaknesses: Can’t swim, the fact that her preferred weapon is a foot or two taller than her provides some movement issues (like just walking), and she gets tired quickly from carrying the staff everywhere. Not very strong, but she will gain strength in Training and arena. Not talented with really any weapon besides the staff. Freaks out, gets overwhelmed and intimidated easily.

Number of times name entered into reaping: She takes tessarae, so … If she enters her name three times every year that would add up to be… (I’m kind of confused on how tessarae adds up, so it’s either 21, or 84 depending on whether it continues to build up and up and up or not.)

Volunteer or Chosen (?): Chosen. Walks up in a daze, but once she stands there for a minute or two and it hits her what’s happened, her eyes tear up. During goodbyes she’s sobbing (both of her parents come and her best friend), and when the cameras see her at the train station her eyes are still red and she’s got tear streaks down her face.

Token: A leather bracelet that belonged to her older brother.

Angle of Approach for the Games: She’s completely freaked out and has no idea what to do. She’s just kind of making it up as she goes along. She does whatever her mentor tells her to (which includes acting kind of snivelly and weak in the Interviews – she even starts to cry in them).

Possible Alliances: She desperately wants an alliance. Because of her desperateness to team up with someone, anyone, she very likely could make a mistake and end up getting stabbed in the back (literally).

Notes: Her voice is kind of high and childlike – most people either think that she is much younger than eighteen, or they make fun of her for it, or they just think she’s really immature.

In the arena, she’s determined to continue to watch the sunrises and sunsets. If the arena doesn’t allow that, though, she will probably get depressed and fret about it, worrying about the fact that she may have seen her brother in the sun for the last time. If the arena does have a sun that rises and sets, or even just a sun that hangs motionless in the sky, then she will look up to it and talk to her brother often when she’s alone.

-Tasting Raindrops-
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