Reviews for As We Reach That Last Crescendo
Hugz Kissez chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
Sooo sad, and wonderfully sweet! I double fully heart it. ;)
Just the Beginning chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
I just cried so hard reading this. It's amazing!
tarantinos chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
This is like one of the most cutest stories I have ever read! It's so sad but so sweet! Love it3


Stephy73 chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
OMFG! dont let her die!
wheresmyhappyending98 chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
I cried my eyes out.
dancergirl8295 chapter 1 . 12/4/2010
This story seriously made me cry at the end it reminded me a little bit of the titanic but it was a great story! good job.
Cela Fille chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
Holy. Shit.

I have this huge lump in my throat and am so close to tears it's not even funny.

Oh god oh god oh god.

I would kill you for writing this because it was so freaking heartbreaking, even with the utterly ridiculous loudspeaker messages :P

I felt the worst for Cam, who was so... oh god, I can't even form a coherent thought to describe anything so I'm just going to give up.

And even though this review wasn't so complimentary just know that it takes a lot to work a person to tears with writing and you've achieved that :)
Aurelia Gubler chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
I'm seriously about to cry. It was really sad and it made me think of Buddy Holly.
scintillating stars chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
so, i'm finally here to read your insanely long oneshot! first off, thank you so much for the dedication! :D and i love the title! i'm very music-y so yeah. xD

ohmigosh. you killed claire. LEESH! how could you do that? well, anyway. this was so powerful and awesome writing it's not even funny. josh and alicia are bitches. cam is so sweet and romantic. and i feel so sorry for claire.

anyway. i loved this, and you're such an awesome author and i'm jealous. write more? (:

lightening.x.pixie chapter 1 . 8/10/2010

okay, so you know how i hated claire? well, your fic made me like her again. hell, i just cried my heart out for her. how do you do it?

this is absolutely amazing. it really is. there are no words to express how awesome this is. and the deication? iloveyou, leesh(: and i am so favouriting this story. you're amazing, hun. this was so...deep. and emotional. and angst-y. and i feel so sorry for Cam! definately one of the best one-shots i've ever read. and josh is a dick. i hate him.

i just replied to your PM, btw. IMU, leesh. DDx

and you so have to write something else, cos why oh you are amazing beyond words.

-Tash 33

and my virtual crayon? awesome one, please. and literally, because according to Wikipedia, awesome is a colour. did you know that? xD it's like coral pink or something. so i want a awesome-coloured crayon, kay?
xxJuilyxx chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
Omg,,, I cried at that last bit! Its everything I need, no, WANT a story to be... Sad, romantic and regretful... It makes a story all the more realistic... I've been like, following you and almost all of your stories for like, a gazillion years and you have yet to disappoint me... I absolutely love it so much, its not funny:) you're such an amazing writer and I can't wait for your next story:)

xx Juily

P.S. A green glitter crayon would be awesome, thanks:)
perks of being a wallflower chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
i loveeed this. it was so super awesome and sad clam (:
pugfaced chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
I'm reviewing and I want a rainbow glitter sparkle crayon! aha.


I thought that this oneshot was amazing of epic proportions.

1) it wasn't Massie-centric like most of the fics I read these days are.

2) I loved the whole Clam at the end even thought it was for like...10 seconds.

3) it was emotional and angst-y and I love those. You captured all of the emotions perfectly!



My virtual crayon?


Oh, and thanks for the dedication!
