Reviews for And in Sickness
Guest chapter 13 . 5/25
So is Jason a he-female, now? Because you wrote Lionel referring to Jason as Ms. Jason Teague. What?

Overall, nice story. I liked it and want more.
Guest chapter 12 . 5/25
Cherry popping time, how fun! YUM! Bobby Voss is a total faggit queer homo pussy wimp. And Colette is a walking STD whore. YUK!
Guest chapter 11 . 5/25
So is Desiree actually a she male, because you refer to her as him. Huh? And what a thing for Lex to say, about Clark sleeping like the dead. Ugh! The guy could be dying. He does have ALL after all. Hmm?
Guest chapter 9 . 5/24
I like your story. But, you have some odd yet funny mistakes. Like in this chapter, you wrote that Lex and Clark's mother came into Clark's room with "bags of mom." Ewww, hahaha, funny. So the food Martha bought was made up from what? Dead mommies Hahahahaha!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/23
Funny. Seems that slut Lex is dating is fucking Jason Teague on the side. Funny, because the actor that played him in Smallville is Jensen Ackles, who's a fag in real life. He may be married and have kids, but they serve as beards to bolster his facade hetero life. Funny. TV and films are filled with closeted homo queer fags.
Snape chapter 2 . 5/22
I like Michael, he cool.
spnfan2005 chapter 13 . 1/7
Love it please write more
FON chapter 13 . 10/27/2019
Nice fiction AU story.

Overall great writing, but needs some spit and polish edit work here and there. No biggie though. I did CRACK up in this chapter when Lex and Lionel were discussing Jason Teague and Lionel referred to him as a Ms. Jason Teague. Talk about the world's fastest Sex Change... EVER! LOL!
Running-Wild22 chapter 13 . 7/12/2018
Is this gonna ever be finished?
Guest chapter 13 . 1/20/2018
More. \(_~)/
Guest chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
As much as I'm scared for Clark, I'm loving the tension you've written here. You're a really good writer. {[_]}
Guest chapter 13 . 9/14/2016
I this story. It's my 5th time reading it and it always makes me smile so much. I have a great deal of hope that you start writing Smallville, Lex and Clark stories again. Keen imagination and a passion for writing that you posses should be shared.

Huge Hugs
SnarrySlave chapter 13 . 5/13/2016
I like this story i do hope you will update it.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/16/2015
13 chapters of love, hate, distrust, hope, need, passion, lust, all culminating in the universe setting things right when Lex and Clark finally got married.

There sure we're some loon like sluts throughout, like those 3 sluts Lana, Ms. Atkins and Ms. Douhet on the female side and Jason Teague and Lionel Luthor on the male side. They're all gross and nasty, disease spreading pigs. Yukkky.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/24/2015
What I like about you as a writer is your evident enjoyment for writing. What I find off about your writing as a whole is the many typos/spelling errors, misused grammar, improper past, present and future tenses, and to be truthful, you've created some beyond farfetched plot points here. Per example those crazy broads Ms. Atkins and Ms. Douhet are simply ludicrous, beyond unbelievable. I thought Lex Luthor was all powerful and briiliant, but here he comes across as all -weak- bark with little bite.

And what about Lex and Clark getting married... Clark is only 17, so I'm not sure of the legality here, being he is a minor.

All said, I think you should continue writing, but get some advice/lessons/etc. so you can put out better formatted work, plus really rethink your themes and plots.

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