Reviews for Karma
Halle Alexis chapter 2 . 2/17/2014
I loved seeing Jess interacting with her family and still managing her friendship with Don while she was away.
phone chapter 2 . 12/23/2010
my phone is a HTC Hero and it has here FB photos that pops up if i call them or they call me
bookworm45 chapter 2 . 11/22/2010
"Mom, every woman in New York admits he's good looking. But he's my partner. And my best friend. I wouldn't risk it." That's a great line!

The whole chapter was realllllly good. I love it.
writergirl99 chapter 2 . 11/8/2010
Woah, hey, this was aamzing. Even home to see her family and Jess can't keep away from work. I LOVE how you had them talk online, face to face. I think that's pretty awesome.

I hated these eps for what they did to Mac, making him look like the bad guy - and how Mac refused to play politics, essentially imcriminating himself. It was nice to see Flack have his back, and it would have been an emotional strain on him, so it was nice to see that Jess had his back!

This was a really amazing two-shot! Keep up the amazing work!
Elfsong chapter 2 . 9/3/2010
Great story! So, I decided not to completely flood your inbox by reviewing the first chapter of a two-part story. You get the review at the final chapter! _

This was wonderful. I like the family you've given Jess. Also, bravo for having Don bring up the kid thing first. Usually it's the woman. Thanks for sharing this!
Iguy chapter 2 . 8/12/2010
Awww... nice two-shot!

I liked how Don needed Jess and called her so often. His call when Jess was speaking to Mark made me smile: as if he sensed there was another man around her. So funny!

Loved also their bantering at the end.

And Marie... she's one of my fav characters. She's so wise.

Beautiful story, I liked it.
DreamerChild88 chapter 2 . 8/11/2010
Great job!
conche chapter 2 . 8/10/2010
The Kindred Spirits series never disappoints. Another great story which shows a relationship slowly blossoming. As for the inconsistencies between this story and another, have you ever noticed in television programming that there is a person paid for "continuity" (I would imagine because the same people do not write episodes week after week). And have you ever noticed how difficult their job might be - there have been occasions when a character is interrogating someone and has a different shirt on during a time period which is supposed to be a few minutes later. Can you imagine how difficult it is to remember Season 2 and what was said then. In other words, I wouldn't worry too much about any forgiveable inconsistencies.

"Blind Love" sounds very interesting.
IsBreaLiomCSI-NY chapter 2 . 8/10/2010
I genuinely do apologise for being such a useless reviewer. I have been following your CSI: NY stories from the start but haven't been so good with the reviews! I never know what to say, your work is always brilliant. Everything reads so well and is very realistic. I can't really find fault with your work, to be honest if you kept working at your writing and came up with a good idea from scratch I'd say you would have a chance of getting something published. Just my opinion.

Another thing, the words "utter shite" made me laugh, it's something and Irish person would say (I'm Irish in case your wondering).

Anyway thank you for all your work and I really hope it continues because I love the whole Don/Jess thing and saying as it's not in the show anymore your stories are definitely the next best thing. :D
bando2 chapter 2 . 8/10/2010
I'll read anything you write, but I would rather you finish 'Impossible' first *g*. Nice job here.
afrozenheart412 chapter 2 . 8/10/2010
AWESOME! Not only was this a fun and fresh take on these episodes but you packed them full with marvelous lines.

"I'm not pulling rank!" Don protested.

Jess smirked. "Yeah, you are. It's easy to tell, Don; you start calling me 'Angell' off-duty."

Don sighed. "I've been acting a bit irrational, haven't I?"

Jess chuckled. "Yeah."

"Why didn't you just hang up? No one else will put up with me when I get like that."

Jess smirked. "I know. That's why I didn't hang up; someone had to talk you down."

Now it was his turn to laugh and even over all those miles it still made her smile."

I loved that moment because of the way she got him to see clearly, only someone very close and means a lot can do that. :) The family moments in here are fun and so Jess, she can pack a lot of time in the two weeks she has been staying with her family. But to so insightful and loving to take the kids off of Jamie's and Elle's hands while they are getting used to Elizabeth, is marvelous! I hope she wins the lotto or gets some brownie points from her brothers for being this good!

I like Mark, he is cute and seems friendly but she is already taken and he knows it if she lights up at a phone call. :) I'm so SORRY, I love how Stella was found negative in the PCR test. I always forget that part, and it was especially moving to see her smile and cry. I'm happy that Don needed to speak to Jess face to face, I was disappointed that Sinclair and Gerrard didn't give Mac a fair chance. But I still think it would have been fair to have taken the suspension.

Funniest moment

"Her phone buzzed on her belt and she glanced down, seeing Don grinning at her again. "Excuse me. What's up?"

"Hey, where did you put the paperwork for the McMillan case?" Don asked without any preamble.

Jess frowned. "Erm … bottom drawer on the left, I think."

"Got it. Thanks." The line went dead and she gazed at her phone for a few minutes.

"Apparently he's forgotten how to say goodbye."

No doughnuts for Don!

"I can think of a few things I've told you recently that you've ignored."

"Like what?" Don prompted, looking thoroughly unconcerned.

"Like that tie." Jess smirked. "Actually, come to think of it, any tie you've ever bought and ever worn; I'm just gonna start a petition to get them banned from the precinct."

"They are not that bad." Don protested. "And that would never work."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Jess shrugged. "Karma: what goes around comes around."

"How does that apply here?" Don asked in bewilderment. "I didn't get anything banned; I just proved you wrong."

"And then laughed about it." Jess added. "Which is what I'm gonna do when I prove you wrong."

Don groaned. "Alright, I yield. I'll never win an argument with you."

"Debate." Jess corrected."

I know I'm the only one but I love the ties...they are full, that is it! :D I have to give Jess props, she got him to say that she won, that is worth its weight in gold! I hope we see more of her family, they are fun and delightful! You must have carrots growing in your brain with all of the plotbunnies! Sounds great, my friend!
jessicaflack chapter 2 . 8/9/2010
Oh I really like it. Their talk about Don's ties was so funny. The lines at the end were very sweet. The teasing and banter between them were cute n funny. Great job!

Titans u have bunnies bred in your head :D. Just want to make sure. This new story is gonna be a flangell story,right? I think I have to thank this one bunny cos it jumping around your head means there'll be another flangell story :D
Great chapter 2 . 8/9/2010
Great chapter! I'd definitely read that story in the AN, it sounds great.
Runner043 chapter 2 . 8/9/2010
Thanks for another great chapter. Good to see that so many were concerned for Mac when he was going through that ordeal. Angell's mother cracks me up, total opposite of what I expected her to be.

So, now go find your plot bunny and get busy typing! Please.
saturn567 chapter 2 . 8/9/2010
awesome update!
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