Reviews for The Voyage of the Canon Keepers
DarthDestroyer2 chapter 2 . 12/30/2017
You know, I decided to read this story mostly because of the nazis in the description.
Shirerose chapter 3 . 8/30/2017
Just one question...if it's actually bookverse what's Edmund doing with dark hair?

Otherwise, I'm laughing quite heartily, you've managed to pull off a Trekkiesque Canon Agency rather better than I thought could be done.

I really do need to start a blond Edmund rebellion one of these days...perhaps with dark-haired Peter to boot, since he is the only one with canonically dubious hair.
OrangeRangerAlex96 chapter 13 . 3/5/2017
I forgot how fun this story is! I wonder what the Keepers would think of my personal alternate universe. Guess we'll never know.
FriendofNarnia chapter 2 . 11/15/2016
Thank you so much for this fic!
This is actually an idea that I have had for some time now...but never got around to writing down. Thank you, this is wonderful!
Rebekah D. Author chapter 13 . 2/2/2015
Oh, boy, do I LOVE this story!
Is there another "Cannon Keepers" story? I would definitely read that one!
Thalion Estel chapter 13 . 4/30/2014
Great story! I love the whole idea of the cannon keepers, and I hope you will write some more adventures of this kind. Even consider doing one for the Desolation of Smaug? That movie has a Mary Sue and a whole bunch of OOCs. I think you'd do an awesome job with it!
Susie of Anna chapter 13 . 4/30/2014
This is the greatest story ever written in the history of the WORLD.
Fierce Queen chapter 13 . 2/9/2014
Perfect ending in the addendums! *rofl* I love it!

The Mary Sue's punishment is PERFECT. Teehee. And so much for that mischievous spark being gone :D

Wonderful ending to a great fic. Fabulous job, King Caspian!

Aslan's Blessings,
Fierce Queen chapter 12 . 2/9/2014
Yay! Victory is ours! Why would it not be? :)

Donovan and Conner are quick on their feet. If only we could have real Canon Keepers to delete accounts of people who trash the original stories.

Good job!

Fierce Queen chapter 11 . 2/9/2014
I was right! Enchantress...who just happens to be the "author". I love Connor and Donovan. Their personalities are great with perfectly timed witty banter. I *love* the idea of them being movie-Susan and Mary Sue's worst nightmare :D

Interested to see how Susan plays into this.

Aslan's Blessings!
Fierce Queen chapter 10 . 2/9/2014
My good king! I am heartily sorry for not reading and reviewing. Working 7 days a week during the summer and college have kept me busy. But alas! I have gotten back to reading!

When you began describing the island, I thought it was Ramandu's. Movie-Susan didn't want to go to the end of the world?! Ugh. And a Mary Sue for Ed? She must be an enchantress or something, how else could Ed fall for her?

I loved that Connor was reminded to rely on Aslan for help. We all need a reminding every now and then :)

I'm interested what real-Susan will do when she meets up with movie-Susan.

Good chapter! On I go to the next :)

Aslan's Blessings,
daianapotter chapter 13 . 8/15/2013
Hi, i didnt read the fic only the final and your profile which i dont understand is that you hate suspian you put in characters Susan pevensie and caspian x when it isnt a suspian fic o_O
LadyDunla chapter 13 . 8/13/2013
This was an amazing story. I read it all in one morning, so I'm glad to find that I haven't been hovering on cliffhangers for months like the other readers. Having said that, I'm sad to have found this one only after it was finished. I was quite convinced I had you put on author alert after Calling All Contestants, but apparently something went wrong there.

On to the story then: this was a very original idea and you had me laughing for a long time. Congratulations on winning the award for funniest fic. You deserve it. I don't think I have ever seen something like this before and now I sincerely hope that there will be a revisiting to this Narnia Canon Keepers idea, because Connor does sound like the type to get involved in a lot of trouble, as was hinted at in the story. And it would be nice to see in what way canon can be attacked and how the Canon Keepers will handle that. Poor Connor, though, getting called Connie. It's a good thing I'm on my own today, because people might have looked at me a little weird for laughing so much.

This one is definitely going into my favourites list and this time I won't forget to put you on author alert. Thank you so much for writing this story!
NightFuryofGallifrey chapter 13 . 7/17/2013
Ahh! The ending was so perfect! :D I loved it!
I've really enjoyed this whole story, so thanks so much for writing it and resurrecting it. :) It's been a fantastic time. :D

Arrowhead1996 chapter 13 . 7/5/2013
I loved this story! I especially loved the Star Wars quote in the epilogue. That was wonderful! BTW, if there is ever a Canon Keepers set up for Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, you can tell them that they are more than welcome to review my stories and call me out on any big canon breeches.
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