Reviews for One Rainy Night
Guest chapter 4 . 6/29/2012
you are an amazing writer, so pleeease keep on going on with the story! i couldnt stop reading, but sadly had to after chapter 4. by the way what happend to itachi?
kandita chapter 4 . 3/31/2012 shows the Akatsuki in a whole different shows that they are actually a family in some strange way...but my question is if this is a itachi&hinata fanfic there's hardly any chapters on them tthys far...I mean what his he planning to do for/with her? Did her gain any feelings towards her? Also I sense that deidara might be getting attach to her...just a few of my thoughts...I like ths far though
RoyalPrincessHinataHyuga chapter 4 . 10/2/2011
heheheheehe cool story i like update when you get the chance to please.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/20/2011
It was really god i hope there is a hinata itachie ending not many people do that couple !
Suraya Bakboord chapter 4 . 8/3/2011
Gaaah me wants To know wht happende!
putyournamehere chapter 4 . 6/11/2011
Aww they all seem so nice and not evil-and-power-hungry! Except Hidan. But oh well, Deidara and Sasori. And Tobi. Who doesn't love Tobi? Can't wait for the next chapter, it's a great story!
MuffinOnTop chapter 4 . 6/8/2011
Haha! hilarious! keep it up. ;p
Quirky Sunflower chapter 4 . 5/23/2011
I love this story, it's funny and cute! XD Tobi makes me giggle! Please continue to update!
in your dreams as well chapter 4 . 5/23/2011
Can't wait for more chapters
xionYukariKaori chapter 4 . 11/9/2010
WRITE MORE when you can this is a pretty good story and I wants to read more of this awesome story.
BlackWerewolfOfPurpleRoses chapter 4 . 11/6/2010
it's cruel when one is taken away from their computer, I know your annoyance
Masuyomi-chan chapter 3 . 10/5/2010
MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE ! XD I love it, and XD Deidei-senpai's a pedo-bear!
Maxsunny chapter 3 . 9/1/2010
Aww how sweet Hinata has some secret admirers! ! !

if that's all they've been eating then there going to luv having someone around that can actually cook! I cant wait for the next chapter!
Maxsunny chapter 2 . 8/26/2010
oh emm gee Itachi stuttered! OoO

i though Tobis room was Konans (wtf)

i luves the story, hope you can post soon!
AbandonedAccount123459 chapter 2 . 8/11/2010
I love it!

I love Tobi!

Great story!

Can I get another chapter?

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