Reviews for Good Things Will Come To Those Who Wait!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/19
You are trolling us now.. I cannot continue
Guest chapter 6 . 7/19
Keep carm and love the story
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18
You learned english through watching their tv shows? You should start to read or use grammarly. i just learned that bane is different from pain while reading a story
GlassMazeGazer chapter 20 . 4/20
Sorry, but for all the work writing the chapter, for me, the best bit was Eric feeling competitive when Sookie yelled out “God” instead of “Eric.” Funny.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 17 . 4/20
This story had a promising start but, at this point, it’s like trying to keep track of an India rubber ball thrown hard into an empty square room. This Sookie might get some big benefits from a Ritalin prescription.

This Eric isn’t much better with his extreme shifts in emotions & thoughts. One minute he hears Godric say Sookie is THEIR perfect mate with no hint of Eric rejecting the idea but in the next minute Eric is back to thinking Sookie is a ‘one and done’ and fucking her once will get her out of his system. Also, both Godric & Eric have already agreed that Sookie is not just a human, with plenty of supporting evidence, then Eric goes right back to referring to her as just a human.

I get that high emotions can be turbulent & changeable, but I’m getting motion sickness from all this bouncing around. Some reasonably steady POVs & ideas need to be settled on quickly or this story is going to spiral into a complete mess in less than a handful of chapters.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 6 . 4/20
Uh oh. Was that Sookie just unintentionally revealing that she’s a fairy, publicly & in a room full of vampires?
GlassMazeGazer chapter 5 . 4/20
It’s a bit contradictory to set the stage for Sookie to still be a virgin at this point, but for her to then be sharing a hotel room with Bill AND for him to already have sufficient knowledge of her undergarments to have an opinion about her wearing thong underwear. I guess she could be what some call a ‘technical virgin’ so that he’s been all over her & not just penetrated her, but that doesn’t ring true with the flavor of ‘innocence’ being built in the chapters up to this one.

Hmm. Also odd is seeing Godric (& possibly Eric from the last sentence) out of their hotel rooms during daylight hours. We’re used to hearing that older vampires can rise earlier & go to rest later, but that doesn’t make them immune to daylight. Plus they usually keep those kinds of details away from general public knowledge so wandering the hotel before dark is strange here.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 4 . 4/20
I know it’s too late for my opinion now, but YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO HARSH ON A BILL CHARACTER! The only good Bill is a truly dead Bill. Now I’m dreading chapters worth of putting up with his whining & posturing. Ick!
GlassMazeGazer chapter 3 . 4/20
That would have been an interesting sight for a bellhop...
GlassMazeGazer chapter 2 . 4/20
I can’t help but wish this story had been assisted with a good Beta or at least a detail oriented proof reader. The writing flows well without the awkwardness & stilted dialogue often seen in FFs, but the typos, misspellings, & errors of that sort are both distracting & occasionally make it difficult to understand what a particular phrase or sentence was meant to say.

I have my fingers crossed that this Eric character will graduate to thinking like the centuries old creature he is and drop the caveman/Tarzan tones. Here he’s practically grunting & scratching his armpits. For all his sense of vampire superiority over humans, the essence of an Eric character is an oddly entertaining mix of intelligence, suaveness & crassness. He’s not a chauvinist either, although many writers miss the difference between his prejudices about the weakness of humans & mistake it for him thinking males are superior to females. He’s the only character (not including Godric for the moment) who actually prefers strong women. Every other male character surrounding Sookie treats her like she’s helpless. Eric always encourages her strengths & bravery.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 1 . 4/20
Hmm. That was a very surprising reaction from Eric. From TB & several FFs I’ve been used to seeing him so overwhelmingly sad & physically broken down with his grief. However, thinking it through, using anger & violence to cover up & push aside the appearance & the actual feelings of ‘weakness’ & ‘vulnerability,’ especially when there is someone to witness it, wouldn’t be out of character for a guy with a badass reputation.

This is an original start. I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes. I do hope this doesn’t take Eric out of the equation with Sookie though...
Kuroki Kitsune chapter 71 . 8/27/2019
I got one hoe up continue. It is too addicting and I had to read it all in one go. Also, is Eric ever going to have his chance to ‘do whatever he wants’ with Sookie as agreed on the plane ride from Dallas?
AZSeaOtter chapter 71 . 2/21/2019
Very interesting story line. Though you stopped at a good point, I would love for you to continue sometime. Thanks for sharing.
Seul Veritable Amour chapter 71 . 2/7/2019
Please continue to update! The story is so good.
AZSeaOtter chapter 1 . 2/2/2019
This is going to be interesting. ;)
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