Reviews for Sanosh
Roccesc chapter 17 . 7/18/2018
I just finished reading your story and I'm really sad you didn't finish it. Guess I should have checked that before I started reading... Anyway, although I was a little reluctant at first, I immensely enjoyed the story! Kirk seems so different here than in TOS (I've haven't seen newer series or the newer movies yet), but I really liked seeing a completely different side of the character. And I always like stories that feature their bond so heavily. I'm just going to pretend they'll work out their problems eventually and become a harpy couple. I know the probability is next to not existent, but if you should ever decide to finish this story I would be absolutely thrilled!
tanseynz chapter 17 . 5/24/2015
A complex and well conceived story, one that is unusual given the canon, but which uses the characters brilliantly without changing them into someone unrecogniseable. Your plotting is masterly and the story really only needs a little editing and of course a resolution for it to easily become one of the top ten ST fanfictions.
MuggleCreator chapter 17 . 4/3/2015
Wish there was more of this. It's interesting.
Kittenseal chapter 17 . 2/25/2014
All I have to say is I hope you get this so that you could finish this fic. It'd be such a shame not to. Even though it's been a few years. Please, just finish. It's too good not to. Bye.
Ishtar205 chapter 17 . 11/28/2012
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ! It's not complete...

I know you didn't post for a long time, but I beg you to finish this story !
I love your Spock and I was thrilled by him being Sanosh

And I so want to know how they will be happy ever after
ChuffedInDarkness chapter 17 . 10/25/2012
I really enjoy this story! I am sad to see that it has been nearly 2 years since you updated. :*( I am sad to see that and I do hope you finish this story eventually!
wildchartermage chapter 17 . 4/7/2011
Omg, what an interesting and well-written fanfiction! The idea of Spock as a prostitute is very interesting and especially his newfound relationship with Jim. I really hope you'll keep writing and updating even it's been few months! I can't wait to read more! :D :D :D
KnoKnayme chapter 17 . 4/2/2011
I absolutely love this!
And I Am Undone chapter 17 . 3/5/2011
I must start by saying I'm not usually into alternative universe-type stories (and this certainly does qualify) I almost didn't continue after I realized that's what this story was - but I got SUCKED INTO IT and read all 17 chapters in a row without doing ANYTHING else. I see you haven't updated this since December, but I am sincerely hoping you will be continuing this story, as I am sitting on the edge of my seat. Please update before I fall off? :-)
Aleyarie chapter 17 . 12/12/2010
Its me again! I repeat; its so very good! i hope you continue! Your are an inspiration to actually update my stories (i am humiliated to say i have not updated in at least four months) and a fabulous way to spend my free time.
thegratefulthief chapter 17 . 12/11/2010
Oh goody, they know what's wrong now! I guess it's a good thing Jim asks questions... I do so hope everything turns out fine for the pair. :)

Silverstar2424 chapter 17 . 12/10/2010
this story just keeps getting better and better!
Gloometh P. Silverblade chapter 17 . 12/9/2010
I'm not sure if I have reviewd before, but I'm reviewing now.

GAH, THIS IS SO SAD. ;-; You write beautifully, it's amazing. I love this story. 3 I keep thinking that they'll settle into a normal realtionship, but they never do. This is amazing!
Freythefrog chapter 17 . 12/9/2010
You almost have me crying again. This is such an emotional fic, it's really, really lovely. I feel so sad for them right now.
Kittysnape chapter 17 . 12/9/2010
Great chapter, obvious chain of though for a logical being like Spock. Of course his subconcious would try to please Kirk with a logical never the less stupid "I wanna break up with you" scheme. lolll gotta love Spock for that. Can't wait to see what happen next


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