Reviews for Under the Scorched Tree
HavenCat chapter 1 . 9/29/2016
Fiore-the-Dragoness chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
AAWWW! -W- I love it!
The beginning made me tear up...
Writer of twilight85 chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
loved it!
AccountInvisible chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
I did notice some verb tense issues like you said, but it wasn't anything major that took my attention from the story:)

This was sweet:3 I love cutesy stuff like this! It's actually my weakness...
Angel21217 chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
AWW, thats adorable. It was really good. Great job!
caseyedith chapter 1 . 8/3/2010
I think this is awesome! It's extremely well-written! There were so many nice little touches, such as the comment about how Ed was 'checking her out', and the revelation that Trisha loved wildflowers, and how Ed would end up staying for hours by his mother's grave, and the way you described Winry's crying... Lots of things, which I loved :). The way you write their relationship is absolutely adorable :) And I love the title of this: there's something very cool sounding about "Under the Scorched Tree". This was excellently done, because all the descriptions flowed so smoothly throughout the entire thing, and you managed to throw surprises into the plot-like the burnt piece of bark falling in his eye. That fit in so well with the sentimental moment, which surprised me! But you made it work perfectly! And the discrepancy between being creative with alchemy, and being creative with other, how true. I don't think anyone understands how women's minds work...not even the women! It was funny that Ed was having trouble figuring out what he wanted...could that syndrome be catching?

This is def. one of my faves!
BlackHayate13 chapter 1 . 8/3/2010
Edward seems a bit out of character, but meh. I mean, Just the fact that he hugged her is enough, he usually just sits and watches guiltily when she cries in the series. XD But still, Really nice.