Reviews for Day By Day
Cyril Kain chapter 7 . 2/3
Another thing, the ANBU critical zones should NOT be protected like that. How are they a black ops unit, aka non-existent, if they make it quite obvious where their HQ is? Best way to protect those places is to silently watch anyone who comes close and jump in if they do anything suspicious, like pull out explosive tags, not walking down a street.

When it comes to ANBU, it is best to think of spy features: hidden in plain sight and only visible if you are in the know. What you did was James Bonding it, where Bond will tell criminals his real name in spite of how infamous he is. As I like to say: what Yugao did was about as subtle as using a sledgehammer with 'not a sledgehammer' written on its shaft.
Cyril Kain chapter 7 . 2/3
I'm guessing that when Naruto kissed her cheek, he accidentally injected some of his kyubified chakra into her, and if Hinata keeps scratching at her cheek, she'll eventually flake off skin to reveal whisker marks. I'm guessing that Ino, who is literally in ground zero of his mutated chakra, will also manifest whisker marks when she finally returns to her own body. Sakura would probably wind up 'infected' later on as well.
Reader chapter 6 . 2/3
Big mistake: if Naruto is absorbing the nine-tails chakra and making it his own, that means that Akatsuki could just drain all his chakra into the statue and it would be the same as forcing Kyubi into it.

Also, think about what happened when Naruto uses the chakra. After five tails, his blood literally comes out of his body through numerous breaks in his skin and boils in the chakra, leaving him with burn damage all over his body and a depleted blood supply. (not to mention that it literally shaves years off his lifespan) That is when he's a teen. You're planning on subjecting a child to that.
benjamin chapter 8 . 6/25/2019
continualo continualo el suspenso es enorme
Ryuko Nakamura chapter 8 . 3/1/2019
You should pick up this story again, I quite enjoy it I must say
Spidey2 chapter 8 . 2/17/2019
Love this! Keep going!
Reader chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
Why do I feel like Naruto started a relationship with his girls, then chose Sasuke's route in life after the war?
BENJAMIN chapter 8 . 5/12/2018
por favor sigue la historia es una de las increíbles y lo mejor esta fuera del manga excelente creatividad sigue adelante
benjamin chapter 8 . 1/2/2018
son pocos los relatos en los que involucran únicamente a ino, hinata y sakura eso la hace diferente a los otros fanfic continualo es buena esta historia no la abandones o sino ponla a disposicion de otro para que la termine.
benjamin chapter 8 . 1/2/2018
continualo este fanfic tiene potencial para ser uno de los mejores
Anime100 chapter 8 . 4/4/2017
Thank you for the update; hope to read more chapters soon

PS: I wonder when Ino went?
dylanben955 chapter 8 . 12/20/2016
really great chapter man keep up the really great work.
Otaku of Anime chapter 8 . 7/15/2016
The story is absolutely amazing so far. I hope that you will be able to update soon.
Ntraveler chapter 8 . 3/20/2016
Please continue with this story if possible I would like to see what happens next
Annabell242 chapter 8 . 3/17/2016
more plz
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