Reviews for Spotlight
Elfianna chapter 13 . 4/27/2019
Spotlight is really different than other stories that I've read so far. Axel's heart is fragile and easily broken in this story rather than Roxas. Usually it will be the other way around, that's why I say that this story is different but I love it nonetheless. The food fight between Axel and Roxas are the most favourite scene that I like in this story because it makes me laughed pretty hard when Axel want to throw the spaghetti while Roxas have sauce bottle in his hands. It's pretty hilarious and fun! However, when Axel confess his love towards Roxas but he didn't return it at that time, it broke my heart too. I really angry with Roxas after that scene because he didn't choose Axel but at the last chapter, I started to forgive him. He knows that he makes a mistake and try to fix it back and I admire that strong feelings. Love is really sweet, don't you think?
Lord Golden chapter 13 . 6/25/2015
Wow! This is about the 50th time I have read this. I love it, so well written. Even though there are some mistakes, I can just read through them because the story is so good wish you could write a sequel! Thank you so much!
Nasciturus chapter 13 . 6/29/2013
awwwww, roxas was so cute in this fic, i love it!
Madam RinRin chapter 13 . 11/4/2012
Absolutely flawless. Made me laugh and cry, made me happy and sad. It was written beautifully, and I couldn't stop reading. Definitely one of my favorites, and totally it is character.

When I first started reading it, I didn't expect much. I completely underestimated you. bravo
Takara yume chapter 13 . 5/5/2012
whuh! this had been such a beautiful story~ also an enjoyable read~~ ;w;

well done~
WindRush chapter 13 . 1/29/2012
This is seriously one of the most amazing stories I have ever read! It is definitely always going to be a favorite of mine. This story is written so amazingly and I love how you were able to make the whole "Life is never perfect, but that's what makes it interesting," thing work great without it seeming corny. I also absolutely love how you wrote each and every character. You did an amazing job with that, I completely adore the way you portrayed Roxas. I also think you did really good with Sora because so many stories make him seem like he was dropped on the head as a baby and is nothing but super hyper and dumb. You put Sora completely in character, he was down to earth, smart, and could be serious when needed to. But yeah, this was so awesome and I'm sad that's it's over. I couldn't stop reading this, I seriously finished this in just two days because I could't drag myself away from the computer, lol!
Nala chapter 2 . 12/30/2011
Lumiere! 3
KingdomHearts-Love chapter 13 . 10/29/2011
Okay first off i'd like to say that was such an amazing story i read it all in one night! Second, while i was reading the last few paragraphs i was listening to I want it all by Queen and can tell you it really sets the mood for Axel's inspiration speech :D Thirdly it was amazingly written and that you are a very good writer :D Thats all i can say. Amazing!
Tintenzauberin chapter 13 . 9/4/2011

I just read the whole story at once (took me a few hours) and I absolutely LOVE it :D This truly is one of the best AkuRoku fics I've read. You have a great way of writing and I really like how you portraied the characters. Keep up the good work!

Greetings from Germany,

anakinskyscraper chapter 13 . 8/3/2011
Such a sweet story, even though I wanted to punsh Roxas in the face at one point ... and Axel too.

If I was him I'd never go to that party, I wouldn't be able to look at anyone, and on top of all, Axel should have predicted that facing Roxas is ...uh yeah, kind of dumb? Meh, I wonder why he heard it so late, that the engagement was cancelled, I'm fairly sure Kadaj knows that, and if he knows, then Yuffie should know too, and well... I see your Yuffie as the kind of person who could never keep such information to herself (even if asked not to). I found that a bit odd. Oh, and on top of all, it should be in the tabloids. O_o

To be honest, that Yuffie/Kadaj looked kinda forced to me. Maybe because we never really saw them interact.

I absolutely loved how you portrayed Naminé in the end. At first she was ...meh. "Such a B!tch" sums it up pretty good. :D She's such a sweet girl.

All the Akuroku moments were sooooo cute too, I squeed in my pillows and giggling like a maniac. - I'm sad that I finished it. . Are you going to write another story?
AsylumFox chapter 13 . 8/1/2011
Another fantastic story. I can't say which I liked better. Spotlight or Boys of Summer. Perhaps it's a tie. I liked reading from Axel's point of view this time too. Can't wait to see what other stories you end up writing! I'm sure they'll be great.
JesseJawbreaker chapter 13 . 7/26/2011
Best Fanfiction I have ever read. 3 This was so cute and near the end I was sure they weren't going to end up together but im happy they did :D
JesseJawbreaker chapter 12 . 7/26/2011
"There's strength in every one of our hearts, power that we don't even know we're capable of until we desperately need it. So don't give up because you'll get through…everything. It may not feel like it right now, but trust me. You'll find a way to leave the pain behind. You'll find the light that you're lacking." That is the best and most inspirational thing I've ever heard. I loved that line so much that I posted it on facebook (giving you credit obviously) 3
Fruity-Fruit-Cups chapter 13 . 7/10/2011
I just realized that you wrote the baseball fic I read a few days ago. I've been reading it on my psp, but I can't leave a review as long as I'd like on there, so I'll get to that fic in a bit.

For now, I'd like to focus on this one.

I wasn't very interested at the beginning, but after the expodump I was utterly hooked.

I love pretty much everything about this fic. The ending, though, did come off a little sappy and fake. Though, honestly, it was just what I wanted. I would have been happy with Roxas and Axel reconciling, but honestly, I like your ending much better. It was uplifting.

I love how you write both Roxas and Axel. So many people either make Roxas a complete girl or a cliched tsundere. You wrote him as a snarky, bitter boy. And Axel, you wrote him as a joking, kind of goofy guy. Sure, he flirted and teased nonstop, but he wasn't a complete pervert like so many AkuRoku fics make him out to be.

Now, I love the characters. I love how in-character they all are. I hate Cloud, especially in KH fics. He was so powerful here. His message, his story, everything. All of the characters brought something lovely to the table. Sora was the hero we all know he is. Kairi's a sweetheart. Yuffie's a constant ball of pep and energy. Just...gosh, everyone. Even Larxene and Marluxia.

Namine gets her own special paragraph. At first, I was like "geez...making Namine out to be such a bitch. She's a sweetheart in character. I hate when people do this to her, just to get Roxas together with Axel." And then the ending came. For Namine to give up the love of her life...that's exactly what she would do. It was one of the most powerful and touching moments in the entire fic.

You and your lovely fics have basically eaten up all the time during my week. I thank you for that, so much. I've had issues in real life, and I go to reading fanfiction to escape it. One...well, one I've been reading made me face my issues. It didn't give me a complete ending, but it gave me closure.

And the issue? Well, even though I am completely pathetic for mentioning it in a review (ha, I love how I can't shut up about this. I'm sorry for stretching out my review so much.) it's relevant to my review.

And as I read this fic, the 1st person format (which I usually don't like) was spotless. It was seamless, watching Axel fall for Roxas. It was realistic, and the kicker? In the earlier chapters, he reminds me completely of myself. I was too hooked to notice it at first, but once I finished, I was blown away. Those thoughts he had, and all of those weird feelings and the need to be around Roxas? God, that's pretty much exactly how my thoughts are going.

And now I realize something. I'm in denial. Before, I just pushed the thoughts away. Hell, even now, I push the thoughts away. And I now know that I am in complete, utter denial. And I'm scared, kind of like Axel was. I'm afraid of getting hurt, and I'm afraid of ruining an absolutely lovely, wonderful friendship with one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

So, I guess this means thank you. Thank you for writing this amazing story, and thank you for helping me to realize my feelings. And I'm sorry for making this review so long.

Please, keep writing. You have an amazing talent.
TooLazyToLogIn chapter 13 . 3/26/2011
I thought the story was pretty decent overall, but I can't help but feel that the ending was something, although written well, improbable at best. Some of the events and themes throughout the story really strike home for me, and I know for sure that had I been in Axel's shoes, an ending like this would have been impossible.

I feel like Axel invested way too much into the relationship, only to have everything he had been working for and enjoying torn out from under his feet. All we've seen Roxas do in the story is seemingly enjoy his company, break his heart, insult him and his past, ignore his confession, and then finally take a step towards making things right. I just feel that with the small amount Roxas invested in to the relationship, a "perfect" ending like the one described is an impossibility. I feel that an ending where the two characters simply try to pick up the pieces is as far as their relationship could have progressed after a trauma so great, especially when you considered that the two haven't spoken to eachother in nearly two weeks, excluding Axel's confession.

Long rant aside, overall the story was rather enjoyable. Your story has great form and flow, and you don't over-emphasize on events that don't matter, focusing on all the right places. You have excellent spelling and grammar; I think I only noticed a single spelling error the whole story. Rather than keeping the feelings realistic, I honestly cannot think of any ways for you to improve upon the story. You kept it interesting, and it rarely went stale. All in all, a good read. With a little work, I'm sure you could be a great author!


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