Reviews for Caged Reptile
yukionnaMonetxX chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
Ha your Fanfic was great :D
and the Doffy/Crocodile relationship is just plain awesome xD
Filthy-Froot chapter 1 . 3/20/2013
Owww! _ Amazing! I love this! *drools* And hot dayum the name you gave Doflamingo..."Do-Do Bird"...! *runs around in circles* Nyuuuuuu! CrocoXDo-Do power! o A definite favourite!
Alexa Hiwatari chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
pretty cool
naruto34 chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
ohohohohohoh you should make crocie the uke and Do the seme cause Do can do puppetry and write smex i heart yaoi
Syunikiss Mizer chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
hahaha...wuuuuuut? I have no idea...the pairing was so wierd, i needed to check it out. Odd little story you got here. But it's funny! Good writing...but still...hahaha!
Sneaky Ninja 2 chapter 1 . 9/29/2010
*said in a sophisticated, low, masculine, muffled voice*

Well, the complex personality of Doflamingo would indicate the very own influence of writer's own character traits, because both of them do share some similarities that allow such a flawless and blinding IC-ness of the main character in here.

Their ego is equally big and though sometimes it should be irritating or a put off, but contradictory! it's very endearing, sweet, cute(XD) and brings forth many moments of hard to control laughter.

The only minus I could spot was Doflamingo's totally of keyed humming of the song "Bink's Sake". It must have been influenced by the deaf ear of the author that wrote it, but nonetheless the awesome Flamingo is forgiven despite the blinding error. (XD)

Another plus that I saw was the "Gummy Bear" deal. Yess, images that it brought for killed half of the population of my brain-cells but still I think it was worth it. Very much. Very.

AND ending line is pure evil, eviiiil, because it's so stupidly hot, I can't believe I squealed over Crocie licking his bottom lip. *Awe*

Sneaky Ninja 2 always comes and leaves without as much as a goodbye fuck-Ehem, kiss.

WindowsError chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
Whitebeard's still mad at me about that fish in the *censored* with *censored* rammed up in his *censored* XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
he-adder chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
Nice, nice! (:
GeckoMoriaShadowLord chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
xD This was pretty f*cking funny. I couldn't stop chuckling with Donflamnigo's attitude around Crocodile. It was perfect. And oh-so-very cracky. The prison suit convo was pretty amusing too, mostly becuase it IS true, you can see the outlines. xD I seriosuly expected Donflamingo to say something about how Croc was jailbait, or if he ever dropped the soap in prison. lol.

Great! Do you ever plan on writing more yaoi-ish stories? That's be a shame if you stopped, since you make them hilarious. xD
brick-a-brack chapter 1 . 8/16/2010
Hey, this was pretty funny. Poor cabin boy, lol.
DanitheET chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
LAMO! Gummy Bear? that is fucking hilarious XD
Mayacompany chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
i read it!
AbsenceOFaith chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
Got to love Doflamingo ;D. I lol'd so hard at the descriptions of harassment on Whitebeard XD
Gilbirds chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
Awesome loved it 8D hope u will wright more crocodile x doflamingo 3
vivaciousRingo chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
"Ooo! How about Crocie! He's easy to find and everything!" Ahahaha! what an totally "UNEXPECTED" turn of events~XD

"Gummy bear, is that you?" *laughing on the floor* I THOUGHT IT WAS KUMA AT FIRST BUT GARP?XD

I knew it! Crocie got so hot since Arabasta not because of better animation than 'in those times' but because he TRAINED HIS PECKS AND OTHER (love-)MUSCLES in prison~~!XD

*Laughs* How they 'tried' to joke was hilarious ..and awkward silence just after~ Ahaha!XD

Aww~The ending was superb! "He was sure Crocie recieved the message when he saw him look to the ground with a smirk and licked his lower lip." *drools*

Yush, go and join us in pervs' first troops E-kun~!:D
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