Reviews for Triangulation
Mistress Kasumi chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
Perfect. very well done. as a strong fan of Robin and Starfire I will be endorsing to all of your work. Magnificent performance. my only sadness is it shortness.
patattack chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
Niiice. Loved Robin's reaction to her swimsuit, and having Alfred make an appearance was cool. Robin wacking BB at the beach was funny too.
PrincessLazyPants chapter 1 . 2/10/2013
Oh gosh, this was a hilarious fic! Loved it.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
Kasamiraa chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
What a cute story!
Sir Alwick chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
"The Google is most informative."

Oh, that line made me laugh. That and the seagull Beast Boy.

This was excellent. I was perusing your stories looking for a nice one shot and this one definitely fit the bill. I look forward to reading more.

-Sir Alwick
Guest chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
that was a cool story
Kimblekn chapter 1 . 7/18/2011
I wanted to look for a short/sweet read and I found this. Should be fun.

Messed up and conflicted - yum, sums up Bruce Wayne. *sighs* I have SUCH a fangirl crush on Bruce Wayne. I just can't help it. I like flustered Richard (I was going to say Dick, but I just couldn't bring myself to, poor boy with a nickname like that). I love the reminders that they ARE bestfriends. And Starfire is such a minx with her bathing suits. Ha, she's purring. That's awesome. I love cat-like-starfire. Dick and his suicidal thoughts, what are we going to do with him? Starfire doesn't realize how her words sound, does she?

I LOVE that Starfire quote you used, the one about her love being eternal. I'm really happy you used it in this story.

This story was extremely sexy. And you wrote Starfire wonderfully. She was confident and sexy. She was happy and bubbly. She was niave and yet her clever self. And then she was still insecure about the only thing she really gets insecure about (besides Dick himself), the fact she's an Alien. Oh, it was wonderful. Great job!
lookupandsee chapter 1 . 7/8/2011
Yes! This was the story! Reading it again was wonderful! I was laughing amd smiling and laughing again and then sighing. This is brilliant.
SwampBandit chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
I forgot to review this and read it a couple of weeks ago. This is a good story and like how Starfire goes about attracting Robin to be her mate (like he's not already) and Robin finally figuring out its him (ka-duh!Good lord he's slow when it comes to Starfire) she 'triangulated' on.

Loved it.

Concolor44 chapter 1 . 5/8/2011
Loved it! Robin's reactions and those of the people around them; your description of her DRESS, which would, to me, be a lot more sexy than an almost-there bikini; their mutual lack of understanding of one another's goals, aims, needs, and desires; heck, the whole darn thing! Wonderful!

I'm too sleepy to say anything else right now, and I have to get up in 4.5 hours, but this goes in Favorites. I think most of your stuff probably will. You can generate such amazing sexual tension without getting explicit. It's art, that it is.
RobStarLover chapter 1 . 9/2/2010


i dnt kno how else to describe this masterpiece!
pinkkpurplepeople chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
I really liked this story, and i love how creative you are with creating your own transfermation and i love how freaked Robin got during it, it made me laugh :D I love all your work :D


sashamash chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
I love this one-shot! Yes, indeedy :) It would funny to see how Star felt about girls oogling Robin during the beach scene.
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