Reviews for Kingdom Hearts: The Key of Light
annyous chapter 7 . 10/28/2015
you can do it
Emperor of the Animal Kingdom chapter 7 . 3/3/2013
This is shapin' up to be a very interestin' TD/KH crossover. Keep it comin'!
BrightNova169 chapter 4 . 12/8/2012
Please update the story soon. I want to read the next chapter.
Ace Of Light chapter 7 . 7/3/2012
I take it this story has been discontinued or what?
Heroi Oscura chapter 7 . 1/15/2012
Please continue
PS2wizard chapter 3 . 1/9/2012
Awww, it's nice that Cody might have a chance, but I prefer Gwen/Cody. It could work. And why do I have a feeling Heather is one of the four figures.
PS2wizard chapter 2 . 1/9/2012
YAY! Cody's the hero! He's my favorite character, and you just showed why. By the way, is this supposed to be like what would happen if like TDI replaced Sora, Kairi, Riku, etc.?
PS2wizard chapter 1 . 1/9/2012
I don't think its weird Cody.
bzwman chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
Please continue your story, you said that you're going to do an update during winter break! I REALLY LIKE IT!
bzwman chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
I wonder when you're going to do the rest of the story? I really like the story of Cody because this story gives good characteristics on how the characters get a sense of feeling in their own actions to save people's lives. I wish you can put more stuff in this story. It's really imobilizing that their world was destroyed by the Heartless but I really like this story. I would love it if you finish this story because right now, it feels like that it's still at he rising action of this story. I really LIKE THIS STORY!
sandra19 chapter 7 . 11/9/2011
Good questions. Now, I want answers.
ThunderRiver411 chapter 7 . 4/22/2011
Are you re-doing this story again? Seems a little different then when I last took a look at it. I'm beginning to want to begin typing again and I have an idea yet it isn't Total Drama/Pokemon. It's something else. I'd like to ask you a favor as well as tell you more, but I can't send you PMs. Can you fix that?

Continue soon and I'd like to hear from you as soon as you can. Send a message sometime.
DramaRose13 chapter 7 . 4/8/2011
Cool story! Duncney as allies of Maleificent? Very interesting!
TotalDramaKingdomHearts chapter 4 . 1/29/2011
This chapter is SO something to brag about! One of my favorite stories EVER!
TotalDramaKingdomHearts chapter 3 . 1/29/2011
This story just gets epicer! I love Noah's sarcasm in this story. You portray everyone great! Can't wait to keep reading!
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