Reviews for Defendo et Spes
NoIdenyyouyay chapter 1 . 7/18/2015
THANK YOU FOR THAT PROLOGUE, you think that was stupid? I have read at least 25 of these things in the last week and a half, you did NOT Alter the characters, you did NOT make him into a hateful bloodthirsty bastard, and you did NOT shit on everything that makes naruto NARUTO, it was short sweet, to the point and you did a perfect job. KEEP IT UP OR ELSE! (I's cry "sniffle")
Lazyman12 chapter 9 . 8/23/2013
chicken suit you got to love the chicken suit. Great story.
OBSERVER01 chapter 9 . 8/22/2013
excellent fic
Kenegi chapter 9 . 6/22/2013
Hum I rather you make your own after all it also depens on one's capatibility with theMagister like Setsuna's Pacto with Negi and Konoka. Sereously man her pacto with Konoka is way better then Negi's, 13 levitaing swords(dagger?) compaire to that magic sword. and finaly... COME BACK!
Gnarled Bone chapter 9 . 6/7/2012
Hope you continue, I really enjoyed reading this fic.
Guest chapter 9 . 12/3/2011
Nice story I hope it update soon
Raj8 chapter 9 . 10/4/2011
good story so far hope you update soon
BloodTrinity chapter 9 . 9/22/2011
keep up the good workd :D
RedLemming chapter 9 . 8/31/2011
I think that one or two oc villains until the canon would work since there are plenty of powerful villains in the Negimaverse. But wilL naruto leave after this year? Also Naruto should make some OC allies on his journeys if only to add some excitmemt and improve your already impressive writing ability.

As for pactios I don't think it really matters. Should just make new ones since people who are partnered with Naruto have to have been different then if they partnered with Negi. of course people who have pactios him leave less for when Negi arrives.

If your taking pairng suggestions please try not to use to commonly used girls like Asuna, Kaede, Mana and Eva (Konoka, Setsuna, Cheerleaders etc etc). There are 31 girls in this class and none of the are normal. My favs would be Chachamaru, Zazie, Yue,Ku Fei, and Sayo. This give Naruto some good partners but still leaves some strong girls for Negi. Since Chachamaru and Yue have some of the most drastic changes in this and canon, and Zazie, Ku Fei, and Sayo are just too cute and underappreciated. Not to mention girls who aren't in 1/2/3-A; such as Takane, Tsukuyomi(lol, can you imagine), Theodora...(wow lot of T's), or even an Oc.

Another thing is that Naruto should have his own form of physical combat like Negi gets later on. Maybe weapons traing or some magically enhanced martial arts. 'cause canon Naruto's brawling and clone swarming wouldn't work out well in this universe. Will Naruto meet Albireo or will he just be ignored until Negi arrives. I know that Naruto is apprenticed but does this mean that he won't be,magic swordsman but a Wizard mage.

Will Akatsuki still be chasing Naruto in this because compared to most mages they are pretty even especially Kisame and Pein. Not to memtion others from Konoha will want the jinchuuriki watched.
Svnr chapter 9 . 8/28/2011
The pactios givem to a minestra/minister magi by they're magistra/magister magi are dependent on the personality and the person that they make they contract with. So the persons experiences, who they have been infleuenced by and the actual contracter will give a different card. So basically knowing Naruto and interacting with with him will have had an affect on them no matter how miniscule, so his partners would get different artifacts from him than the ones they'd get from with Albireo Imma, he's had multiple partners before Nagi Springfield and he gets a different card from them all(even if all but Nagi are dead). Also, you should give them completely different artifacts if only for the reason that you keep your story more interesting, not to mention that they are only limited by your own imagination which means that they could get some really interesting powers.

I think that adding an oc villian here of there can at least succed to make your story a little more interesting at the least. At the most it gives you an opportunity to give Naruto his very own nemisis and maybe rival. Not to mention that you can also give him some Oc allies that could make the story really shine. Especially if it isn't just some obvious cameo of a character from a different anime/manga series.

But you should also give Naruto his own fighting style sinces Negi gets Chinese Kenpo later on so it give him something like some form of weapon mastery (guns, staffs, etc.) Or you can give him a magically powered bow or a melee weapon like tonfas or something that most wouldn't consider a weapon, like magically reinforced marbles that he can control with his mind. Or he could get lessons in iaiken from Takamichi. Or he could just go for the wizard form of battle in which he knows a bunch of high level spells like Albireo Immas grav. magic(completely badass) or Takamichi's kanka beam thing.

Hope that his pairing isn't Asuna since almost every crossover for these two series has that, and I never get why. For pairings I think that Yue could fit him best especially if he ever tells her of the existence of the magical world or makes her his first pactio partner. Other then that you should go with girls that haven't been done often like Ayaka, Zazie, Chachamaru, Ku Fei,Sayo, Kazumi(some of my favorite characters from the series.) Instead of girls that are always in these pairings/harems (like Kaede, Mana, Asuna, etc.)

Oh well these are just suggestions that by no means need to be implemented just thought id give my input on this magnificent story. Looking forward to next chapter.
Guest chapter 9 . 8/28/2011
I think that the pactios are a mix of the magistras personality and realationship with the contracter supplemented by the magisters magic, and since with the girls not experiencing Negi's influence and Naruto's instead I think that the ones they form with him are going to be a little different. I think that Yue should see his first pactio partner since,she seems closest to him amd the fact that she would probably never forgive him if he wasn't the one to inform her of magic. Also don't be afraid to add oc villains or allies since this isn't strictly canon and with way you are writing it gives you a lot of time for some wacky adventures of your own design. As for Naruto's fighting style, since you dont seem to have givenh im an actual style, id give him something that most others haven't in these crossovers which is a weapon that he is skilled in like a staff or something. It would be interesting if he met Albireo Imma (Ku Nel Sanders) amd learned gravity magic, or even more elemental jutsu from his world. Because mot people just stick with clones and differemt forms of the rasengan, which is cool just overdone, even though there are limitless jutsu that they can just make up.

Looking forward to the next update and if the pairings aren't set them id like to see Naruto/Eva/Yue/Chachamaru/Zazie.

1) since he amd Eva have met in the past but can't place it they might spend a lot of time to figure it out so that gives you plenty of time to find ways to get them closer. 2) he seems to prefer her company over the majority of the other students and seems to be her best friend there so them being paired would be possible. And if she finds out he has magic and she's either going to be mad he didn't tell her or ask to be taught, which opens a lot more for them in a relationship. Especially if they make a pactio. 3)Honestly I just like chachamaru and if Naruto and Eva spend a lot of time together then he'll be spending a lot of time with Chachamaru. 4) same with Chachamaru, I just like Zazie and felt that she isnt used enough. These 4 girls are my favorite in the series so it would be interesting to have them as the main pairings. Along with Ayaka since I would just be funny as hell
Code Sanctuary chapter 9 . 8/17/2011
panda-kun77 chapter 9 . 8/12/2011
I'm happy to see a brand new chapter out.

And as expected... it was an enjoyable read and well worth my time.

I for one vote for the regular pactio partners since Naruto is taking Negi's role in this fic. Although thats just me. You can try and create your own set if thats what the other readers want.

Well, I wish I can give more review, but all I've got is some encouragement to continue updating and hope for the best.

Good luck and see you next chapter.

P.S. This is going great so keep up the good work.
Nasha Rei-Kun chapter 9 . 8/12/2011
There is nothing wrong with a little filler chapter/arc here and there but you have to remember to always touch up on a canon storyline, as well. The idea of skipping the library expedition arc to me seems like a pretty good thing to do, cause as you said, they already have their scores up, though he still ended up getting punished in the end.

Pactio wise, I would say that some of them should stay the same, while others could be tweaked, but on the end of having completely different pactios, eh it'd be easier for us and you to mangae with slight tweaks then full blown changes.

OC villians, I would say that yes you should consider some of them, because as you stated someone showed you, they help balance out things with the addition of Naruto's character.

What else is there to say,hmm, i guess that you're doing a pretty good job, and that i cant wait for the next chapter, this trip should be a fun read. Oh yea and as you said before in chapter 7, I believe? You should work on some of Negi's romance ]moments] giving them more depth, but not so much that it takes away from the story.

Naruto's fighting style i would say should involve special gloves, that can act as special conduits for his magic for example like Negi's/Nagi's staff.

Anything else...erm...the development is very nicely paced, pls bear with that bad english(this one too). It's enough that you can develop the girls' characters and yet give us a glimpse of all the bonds and starting personalities.

All in all a very enjoyable chapter, and this is hoping for more to come!

Nasha-Rei-Kun signing out~jyo

Ja Ne!
bakapervert chapter 9 . 8/9/2011
Thanks for the update.
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