Reviews for Bananas and Plums
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
Well done, Piggy-chan... Is it OK if I call you that? Anyway, your story was amazing. I'm thinking you could make a sequel for it, you know, they still have to fight Easter, or something else!
Ilykpockystickz chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
Haha Rima is like me in soooo many ways..
Jinja-chanlovesRimahikoAmuto chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
Sweet,romantic,sexy and funny I was LOLing so much at this part

That is a beautiful story I was LOLing so much at this partI gasped.

"What is it Rima-chan?"

"These plums have a disease!"

Nagihiko groaned. "How many times do I have to tell you, PURPLE ISN'T A DISEASE!"

I laughed. This was fun. "Yes it is. The plum looks just like you!"

He frowned, then began to chuckle. "Okay, then this banana looks like you." He held out the yellow fruit.

Your a good author u should make more Rimahiko stories as I am a RIMAHIKO FAN I say

One of the best rimahiko fanfiction ever ur in my top 10 tbh :D
Miyuku-chan chapter 1 . 8/4/2011

(all I gotta put)
Hikari no Destany chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
DAISUKI~~! It was soo cute, and funny, and they were totally in-character. Well, except for the end bit and the 'pocky' scene. But then again, those two bits were the best, so I go, screw ICness!
sweet laya chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
XD love this story even if it was yours first one-shot
xenophileCorvid chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
This was so cute! I loved it. It was really funny, too. In fact, it even made my little sister laugh, and she rarely laughs at anything.

I loved the whole thing with the "purple desease".

Great job!
Chennah chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
Last part a bit unbelievable, but nice story.
ChibixNeko chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
YAY! awesome story it made me want pocky and fruit lol.

Rima and Pocky if she seriously loved it that much i wouldnt dare get in between the two. xD
Haruka Sumairu chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
That was so adorable!

Rima loves Pocky, Rima loves Nagi...

That was a really cute story; it made my day!

(although with some grammar errors)
xiannnz chapter 1 . 7/14/2010

The 'No' part is just epic((:
My Silent Whispers chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
ZOMG (New favorite word furr now) This was so. Freakinn. Adorablee. w

Ahahaa, Rima's right. Bananas and plums don't usually mix but with Rima and Nagihiko, it has an exception.

Like I said, adorable. But, some of your "you're's" were suppose to be "your".

Example, this sentence is suppose to be "Yeah, they're called looking with your eye balls."

"You're" is "You are" so if yuu wanna see which "your" it is, say "You are" in a sentence and see if itakes sense.

Im so sorry furr the critisism so but I get kinda annoyed when people dunno what "you're" it is.

But dont worry, I furrget too. w And a lotta othurr people so yurr not alone in the world. w (-New favorite fwace}

Uhh, whatty else was I gunnah say?

Ahahaa, I talk to myself. xDD

This is definitely going on my favorites.

~Fiishyys Go Rawrr (Blue 'N Green Dinysawrz)
LuvMeOrHateMe chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
her rima powers work every time xD lolz I LOVED THIS :D I WAS CRACKING UP THE WHOLE TIME! xD ah yes, the almighty pocky! rima's favorite. THIS WAS HILARIOUS XD ISTANT FAV XD and please update your other one too :D
Aquatwin chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
Unusual, but cute. D I liked it. I just saw it in the most recent shugo chara stuff and I wanted to laugh abotu the whole plum and banana ordeal. And interesting place to run into. I was almost surprsied you didn't use pocky (because apparently theirs a game couples play with the pocky)

PiercingMelody chapter 1 . 7/13/2010

That was my expression through the bickering, the whole "Pocky" thing, and the kiss. HAHA! But the insults were just priceless! I was laughing so hard that I dropped my iPod (my fanfiction wireless device) and my dog almost ate it! xD

I liked the way Nagi said goodbye. IDK why but I've always liked it when he said that.

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