Reviews for His Waking Life
HeathRowTottie chapter 25 . 1/15/2014
Superb story, superbly written. Can't help wishing that Bobby had resolved some of his problems regarding their relationship and they'd ended up together, though. Poor Eames, to love him so and to never fulfill the promise - just a half life.
Marbur chapter 25 . 4/23/2013
This was an amazing story. I read it all in one sitting. You wrote Goren so true to his character. It really was just lovely!
Call-Me-Draper chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
This was such a great piece of work. I appreciate the authenticity of Goren's characterization. The storyline was a good one and the unevenness I feel whenever I watch Bishop with Goren is very acurately portrayed here. I also really liked that the story wasnt tied up in a pretty little box, leaving room to grow, but it has enough finality to be a standalone piece. I look forward to reading your other works.
bloodymary2 chapter 25 . 3/12/2013
Beautiful mosaic of words, wonderful insight into sucha complicated character as Goren and all around, great writing.

It was a pleasure reading this.

dabbling chapter 25 . 10/15/2012
Again, another great trip inside Goren's head. I really enjoy your writing! I got all obsessed and read the whole thing in 24 hours... before bed, in the middle of the night, and finished it in the morning!

I'm sad that they broke it off, but the way you wrote it is totally believable and fits in nicely with the show.
insubordinationfreak chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
The first chapter is really well written. The opening few paragraphs are brilliantly written. Now I know I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend reading this series.
dh2930 chapter 25 . 11/5/2010
Read the whole thing...absolutely amazing. A great story pulls the reader in and engages them on every level. I laughed,cried,cursed, became confused, thought of evil ways to get back at people (ok, mainly Branch) and just thoroughly enjoyed every word. I was so surprised, in a very good way, with the ending. Goren and Eames back as they should be, stronger than ever. I hope that is the way they bring them back to the show also. Thanks for the great story, Mark.
InfinityStar chapter 25 . 10/11/2010
The bubble didn't last very long, and that's sure one big elephant to keep under wraps :-) While I remain disappointed that they never got their collective act together, I do hold out hope for them to get it right in the next story (shameless hint, yes). I think that their Christmas gifts to one another were both thoughtful and significant. Particularly poignant was Eames' "if I'd only given this to Joe." Bobby got it.

Nice job, Mark. I am very much looking forward to the next one!
Metisse chapter 25 . 10/5/2010
Bravo! I liked this ending as I know - well, all right, in my mind anyway - they end up together at the end. ;-) I have mixed feelings about a continuation of the show into a season 10 as I would like to believe that after committing career suicide for Goren, Goren would realize how much she loves him and the two of them would finally end up together. lol

I love the reaction Goren had to 'Terry' being mentioned. He looked rather distraught at the thought of Eames going out on a date. lol Anytime some guy shows up - like the way he went head to head with Peter Lyons in Silencer - Goren seems to get very territorial. I'm sure Terry got him really bothered and he spent a lot of time annoyed by it.

Love this story and am looking forward to more when you write it. Great insights in this story into the mind of my favorite detective. I can't wait to see your take on the darker side of one Robert O. Goren as we know what lies ahead.
cifan chapter 25 . 10/5/2010
Bravo! I enjoyed that ending. I know they don't end up together here, but I have to tell you, but for me it goes very well with the end of Loyalty.

That darn episode totally messed with my head.

Anyway - completely enjoyed this story. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!
jstapny chapter 25 . 10/5/2010
While I am very sorry to see this end I found myself honestly reading this with a smile. Job well done! After all for B/A this is their HEA ending (wink).

Please write again soon...and I'm sure I'll PM you with more musing on this story...
cifan chapter 24 . 9/28/2010
I love his time in the church. Speaking as someone who has spent quite a bit of time in one, it was spot-on!

PS - light the votive for KE...can't hurt, right?
Gypsy5 chapter 24 . 9/28/2010
I agree come back KE, it would not be right without her.

Back to your story, superb chapter I am glad it ended on a high of Eames finding him, loved that bit completely right character writing.

I love their replationship...dependant yet apparently fighting against it.

Cannot wait for more and sad to see this come to an end I have been with you every step of the way and it will be like loosing an old friend.

But you can just write another one, All new friends welcome.
Metisse chapter 24 . 9/28/2010
I have mixed feelings about your coming to an end with the story. On one hand - Great! We can finally see how this all gets resolved. On the other - *Sigh* I love the insights on Goren and the way his mind works. lol Hope you'll be writing more stories. :-)

I hope Erbe returns as well or I may not be able to watch. :-/
InfinityStar chapter 24 . 9/28/2010
I think that Goren is right and sometimes we simply cannot shake the culture of our childhood. The scene of him in St. Dominic's brought back memories of my own childhood and a similar devotion to the Virgin Mother, although for different reasons; I did not have a sick mother to pray for nor did I have reason to seek unconditional love. I find the saddest line in the entire chapter to be his "Yes" in response to Skoda's question about whether he broke it off with his partner. It was good, however, that the chapter ended on a high note between him and Eames. I'm glad she took the initiative to seek him out. He wouldn't seek her out for fear he would be unwelcome. He always handled rejection by his mother because her illness offered an excuse he could tolerate. Rejection by Eames would be something he couldn't rationalize and it would be his undoing.
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