Reviews for The Perfect Space
ArrayofColours chapter 28 . 5/23
You probably don’t even check this anymore, considering it was almost 10 years ago but I just found this story and loved it. Thank you. I hope you finish one day!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/29/2019
Girls always need a little convincing...Parents need to hold their sons to a higher standard than this!
Guest chapter 16 . 2/17/2019
Sorry butnthat whole misunderstanding was just plain stupid. Stop with the unnecessary drama. chapter 28 . 1/21/2019
But... what happened next? How did they escape/were rescued?
Guest chapter 8 . 9/22/2018
they were in that cellar for MONTHS. You just conveniently glossed over the fact that Bella missed her PERIOD the whole time she was gone!?
ms simmons chapter 28 . 7/19/2018
Such an great story. I wish it was complete
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2017
5 feet 10 inches is almost 6 feet tall, that's not short xD
Read-Till-It-Hurts chapter 25 . 6/29/2016
Just wanted to let you know that I love this story and would love to read the end of it. This is my millionth time re-reading and I really hope you will consider completing it soon!
Sweetie7smiled chapter 27 . 6/18/2016
I'm really sad for Edward and Bella right now. The loving innocence their relationship has been building on from the start is so real, and commendable, and -beautiful- to see. But no one's acknowledging it. Instead, they're being pressured into sex by everyone around them! It's scary. And so very sad.

I mean, their relationship is at a vulnerable stage. Being so very unique, on account of their experience, they are only still coming to terms with trying to define it for themselves. Fair enough... though that means the pressures of their peers and parents are going to be all the more vital of an influence to them. Their relationship as a couple has -always- been real; it's their sense of readiness for sex that isn't.

On the one hand, Bella is being constantly pushed to think of validating a relationship in terms of sex by their immature but experienced 'friends' who seem to think that every relationship must be that way. As much as Edward has been around this kind of influence for a long time, it is commendable that he has not fallen to it. That's part of what has defined who he is, to his credit. Their kidnapped period might have gone very differently if he had been of a lesser ilk, and they wouldn't have developed the strength of bond they have.

Yet, all of their parents have completely neglected to acknowledge the loving nature of this abstinence they've maintained (which they've -known- has been the case, all the time they've let them sleep in Bella's bedroom together... suggesting as well all the time they were held in that basement) while instead they've communicated a lack of trust in them (Edward is quite justified in being frustrated about this fact!), combined with a doubt as to the validity of any couple status they might have to begin with. If these facts weren't enough to singlehandedly push them into feeling the need to validate their relationship in the eyes of society... inevitably in such terms as society will recognize... well, school certainly isn't going to give them any better message!

A special presentation that starts with 'Let's show you just how good sex is supposed to be', moving onto how -normal- it is for young people to pursue it... is only going to empower their experimentation toward that end within the current environment. And of course, the peer pressure from their friends' resulting conversations isn't helping.

Charlie's change of heart about Edward (which I am glad to finally see!) is sadly a bit too little, too late at this point... and I'm worried that the backlash of being prematurely sexual is ultimately going to haunt them both (by straining the relationship between Edward and Bella's father, on her behalf... much like it would also end up disappointedly doing with Edward's parents). And it will have been largely their parents' fault.

Most of all, throughout any of this, at -no- time has their been any recognition or encouragement of how respectful and -loving- their abstinence has been, honestly -proving- the validity of their relationship right from the start!, far and away above how much sex could -ever- be proof of the same (which it can't!). Instead, the high standard their relationship began with has been slowly dragged down, via the neglectful encouragement of lust, to be no more special than anyone else's. It's not fair!

At this point, I'm pretty sure they'll be getting physical long before they ever emotionally get to that place where they say 'I love you'... let alone truly realize they want to make that lifelong commitment to each other that warrants it. Getting physical will distract them from getting there! How is this 'the perfect space'? I am so sad for them.

I kinda wish their response to the Thanksgiving fiasco could have been to disappear just long enough to drive to Las Vegas and get married. (Probably difficult though, being underage.) I think it would have been a whole lot healthier for them if they could have.

Sigh. Thanks for writing.
Sweetie7smiled chapter 12 . 6/16/2016
This is an amazing story; nicely thought out! Thanks for writing!
Sweetie7smiled chapter 10 . 6/16/2016
Neat story; I liked the bracelet meaning. Thanks for writing!
Sweetie7smiled chapter 5 . 6/16/2016
I like your story. Thanks for writing!
Sweetie7smiled chapter 3 . 6/16/2016
Good story. Thanks for writing!
fatpotatoe chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
Good start, good writing.
febrahimi chapter 28 . 11/13/2014
Loved it!
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