Reviews for Worlds Combined
Guest chapter 31 . 3/23/2015
Thank you so much!
LaRieNGuBleR chapter 31 . 12/12/2013
Awww! I just love this story, it's so cute!
Acridic chapter 31 . 10/10/2013
What's Merlin's other half? Is he half human or half dragon, or half dragonlord? I think you should address this.
DemeRain chapter 31 . 8/20/2013
This story is amazing, almost too good to be in print, or in this case on my screen. The Druid culture is fascinating. & of course Arthur and Merlin make the perfect pair. Thanks for sharing!
Solaris Dusk chapter 31 . 8/23/2012
I love this story spoon much wanna read the sequel too!
mengtoreality chapter 31 . 6/21/2012
AWWWWW :) Thanks for a cute story!
111112222222222223309876 chapter 31 . 8/5/2011
awesome story!

loved it
Sharon T chapter 31 . 7/6/2011
This was fantastic ,I can't wait to read the sequel
Mizunou chapter 20 . 6/9/2011
awwwww Morgana doesn't support merthur after all (
Mizunou chapter 9 . 6/9/2011
And Morgana's "evil" matchmaking plans commence muahaha

love it so far )
GoldenVXN chapter 31 . 5/25/2011
What a wonderful story. It was very fun to read and see what type of changes you had made and what you had kept the same. there were a few typeos throughout the story but they were not too bad. just make sure you use the right word cause spell check won't be able to find a simple mistake. I think at one point you used make when you mention mark. But over all it was very enjoyable and I cannot wait to start the next one.
The-Little-Lost-Elf chapter 31 . 4/21/2011
loved this story so much and how you fitted in events from the series with your own twists :)

akerri.dogi chapter 31 . 4/17/2011
This was an amazing twist on the series! I love how you essentially kept the same events, but switched up the details. (Yay, Ygraine is alive!)

I just saw two small errors, though. It probably won't help you much, but you wrote "were" instead of "we're" when Arthur was speaking once. And in the second to last paragraph of the epilogue, you wrote "alter" instead of "altar". Minor things, but just in case you would want to know...

I was worried Morgana was going to be evil in this fic, but I liked her! Again, amazing fic!
Shere'Lifsil chapter 31 . 4/12/2011
What a wonderful story, I loved it. You took the BBC's story and created your own with it enhancing that which was a nice story to an incredibly wonderful story, filled with love and mean thingies. I especially liked the fact that you've made Mordred a good guy, I hope that'll never change, and I hope to see Morgana back as the good lady she is now as well.

It was an awesome story which you have written perfectly. Thank you so much for that.
George2Bob1 chapter 31 . 4/12/2011
hahaha he almost didnt get out
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