Reviews for No Where To Go
Belle Goode chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
Good story! Sad story. But good! Keep writing for CSI Miami
Jazz248 chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
I know you wrote this last year, so you're probably not gonna continue, but can you write another chapter please? :P
MelxxWhoLuvsYa chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
Wow! I love this fic!

Very well done, I always thought there should have being a bit more to the revealing of the mole.

This fic should have been a scene from the show! Brilleant!

And Natalia is one of my favorites too ;)
lilgenious chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
I feel really bad about what is happening to Natalia... Yes I think that you have her character down very well and everybody else like Ryan, Eric, Calleigh, and Alexx. I really like this story, it goes into the feelings of Natalia when she was first snubbed by Valera, and then you got it down exactly when she was crying in the bathroom over what was going on with her friends and her. Or in this case her old friends.
ABVR chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
Hey . . . I'm not a huge CSI:Miami fan (watched it for a while in the first season or two, but only occasionally since), so I can't really say if you "got" Natalia as a character, but you definitely "got" Erik and Alexx and Calleigh and the dynamics of the team. The distinction between Calleigh being the cool, dispassionate, look-at-the-facts one and Alexx being the warm, mothering one really rings true to me, based on what I've seen of the characters.

I'm guessing, since you like Natalia so much, that you probably think Ryan and Erik are being major jerks, but . . . especially given what they know when the scene starts, they've got good reason to be angry, and I think you do a good job letting us feel that anger.
Green chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
I am glad you posted this. I like it, pretty good take! And Natalia rocks! D