Reviews for A Dark Night, Long Ago
SaraiEsq chapter 30 . 9/14/2014
(claps wildly) Again, bravo! A well-crafted tale.
mmwaveprincess chapter 30 . 1/27/2012
This is one of my favorite stories here(I love Carter) and its great to see him get a juicy story of his own. Though really sad about what happened, glad it worked out. I read this several weeks ago but I'm starting to add my fav stories to my profile just now so yeah. Good job!
Goldleaf83 chapter 30 . 8/15/2011
This is an excellent story, extremely well plotted with sharp characterization. Given the subject matter, it is a far more serious story than the series ever achieved, but your portrayal of the operation is a natural extension of the series set-up and you do an exceptionally fine job with these realistic and somewhat grim versions of all the canon characters. (Though I should say here that you do leaven the story with moments of their humor, all perfectly in character as the kind of banter they would indulge in to keep boredom, fear, and worry at bay.)

Your characterization of Hogan is terrific, showing him coping with difficult circumstances that make tremendous demands on his abilities as a commanding officer, both in camp as senior officer there and in the field on a mission (and in its planning stages beforehand). Kinch is so very much his dependable second in command, intuitive and reliable, very capable in the colonel’s absence and when taken on the mission at the end as Hogan’s insurance. Newkirk and LeBeau work very well, and you particularly capture the dangerous underside that they would need to possess in an operation of the kind Hogan runs.

The characterization of Carter is outstanding, portraying his reaction to the trauma from his past in a very detailed and believable way. His coping mechanisms fit the circumstances of camp life in Stalag 13 perfectly, and you manage to make him both vulnerable and sympathetic, without crossing the line into sentimentality or weakness. I’d guessed what the trauma was and originally held off reading this, not sure I wanted to go there, but you handled it all so incredibly well that I’m very glad that I read it. The way the characters discuss the incident over the course of the story, in an elliptical fashion that allows them to talk around it without ever going into details or even concretely saying what they are talking about, is totally convincing: yes, that is exactly how they would handle such a volatile subject. And Hogan’s recognition of just how un-fixable Carter’s situation works well to balance the ending: there’s some hope, but this isn’t going away any time in the foreseeable future either.

The original characters are done well too, especially Mills. You picked him up nicely from a brief appearance in an episode and developed him in a way that seems fairly plausible (though I’d expect more of the men to be phobic about him) and confounds general stereotypes – though I think that to live in that time and place he’d have to have developed the coping mechanisms you show. Nice job with your villain, whom you even manage to make almost sympathetic for one moment. Hogan’s understanding of his psychology shows just how carefully you had thought it through as a writer, but does so subtly, without calling overt attention to itself.

Overall, this is truly a brilliant story!
Kirarakim chapter 30 . 4/25/2011
Wonderful story! Loved the angst and loved how every character played a role.

Jackson was wonderfully despicable and Mills was a great character as well. I actually remember hearing the name Mills briefly on the actual series.

I felt very bad for Carter but I think it showed in how he dealt with this difficult situation why he very much belongs on the team. I am glad the other guys showed how much Carter meant to them.

When I have the chance I will definitely be reading the sequel!
Marie1964 chapter 30 . 12/15/2010
That munitions train and bridge is just what Carter needs to get back to his old self again. Excited to see what happens in the sequel.
Marie1964 chapter 29 . 12/15/2010
What an exciting and fast-paced chapter! Glad Jackson got what he deserved. Hopefully Hogan will be able to help Carter deal with the emotional trauma of the night.
Marie1964 chapter 28 . 12/15/2010
Especially liked the last line. I thought it would be Kinch posing as the German.
Marie1964 chapter 27 . 12/15/2010
Let's hope Hogan will be able to pull of this mission without Carter getting hurt, or worse.
snooky-9093 chapter 30 . 12/6/2010
Fabulous. And I loved this chapter. After all the action and angst, Carter and Hogan, just sitting and talking and thinking...Very well done.
96 Hubbles chapter 30 . 12/5/2010
What else can I say, except that I am so sorry to see this end? Everything about it has been fantastic. You are one of those writers who makes me jealous and has me wondering if I will ever be able to achieve something like this.

Anyway, I've already talked about things like characterizations and plot, so I'll keep it simple: this is one of the best - quite possibly *the* best - stories I've ever read here. I don't know if I've ever actually begged someone to write more, but PLEASE, PLEASE do.

And thank you for such a wonderful read. It's truly been great.
SimoneSez chapter 30 . 12/5/2010
I am so glad I stayed with this story. At first I was thinking it wasn't something I would be able to get into, but it turned out SO well. You're a very talented writer. The "hard parts" were necessary, and also contained depth and breadth of understanding. You did not go for the "easy" answer... of course Carter can't celebrate Jackson's death, but a less careful writer might have been tempted to go that route, and then we would not have had your very moving and powerful final scene. Great, great job with a difficult subject. Hope to read more of your work very soon!
SR chapter 30 . 12/4/2010
Beautiful! A great story, i loved how you ended it! From beginning to end you had me captured. Loved it, i do hope you continue to write other stories as great as this!

Someone Random
candee chapter 30 . 12/4/2010
good story all over. hope to read more of your work
jediyam chapter 30 . 12/4/2010
what a great end, love this story, hope there's more coming!
estrella2-15 chapter 30 . 12/4/2010
Your writing has good character developement, a good plot, and a very nice bit of closure there at the end. I also loved your climax, and your writing and dialogue had some scintillating moments. Please keep it up!
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