Reviews for Washed Ashore
imamarx10 chapter 1 . 12/7/2019
why always just eric and sookie i am so sick and tired of all the eric and sookie fanfiction
GlassMazeGazer chapter 34 . 11/10/2019
I’m sorry to see this one stopping here. It’s not a totally frustrating place to leave off, but it’s a good read and deserved a full finish.

It’s an appealing story with unusually appealing versions of both Eric & Sookie. It’s been enjoyable to have Eric retain his vampiric nature even while coming to grips with the whole ‘feelings’ dilemma and it’s always great to come across a Sookie that doesn’t make me want to find a stake & use it on her throughout the given story.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 27 . 11/10/2019
Very nice twist from the original having Eric & Sookie accidentally meeting & getting attached to each other, against the plans & wishes of the ‘manipulators’ due to happenstance & miscalculations by the ‘evildoers’ trying to tie her up with Bill the Asshole procurer.

I’m still confused about E&S not connecting the evening after arriving in Hawaii. She went to the beach & didn’t find him so went on her way, but now he’s trying to get her to tell him why she didn’t wait for him there. Hmmmm...
GlassMazeGazer chapter 2 . 11/10/2019
I suspect if Eric found himself alone (or not alone) on a (mostly?) deserted island he’d likely dispense with clothing rather than wearing the same clothes everyday for so long they would become ragged. ;)
HartleySkarsgard chapter 34 . 6/5/2018
Shame this has been abandoned but glad I read it :)
Guest chapter 34 . 3/28/2017
Your writing is intriguing - you have some very wordsmithy sentences tucked here and there that make one ponder the adjectives and scene you're setting. Sometimes I found myself more wrapped up in that than in S&E's story - but none the less I enjoyed reading it. I do think you ended it in a good place - the heart of the story was their being stranded and a little bit of their re acclimation...but to remind coherent its better wrapped up without straying to far from the tales purpose. Thanks for sharing your writing!
bethelove chapter 34 . 5/5/2014
Awesome Story...
Misspetarcade chapter 34 . 4/24/2014
Uh oh, another cliff that's 3 years old! Oh well...
Janet chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
Keep working on writing. That's all I can say after reading this. :/
georgiasuzy chapter 34 . 12/25/2013
I really liked this story. I know you haven't updated anything on the site for a few years, but I think I'll follow just in case you ever return to finish this one.
tanseynz chapter 34 . 12/12/2013
The calm before the storm? Enjoyed this, so hope you return to it one day. If not, it was an enjoyable part story.
SusanJ39 chapter 34 . 12/5/2013
Just discovered your stories and have enjoyed reading them. Yet see that you haven't updated the FF stories in 2 years. Have you stopped writing or moved to another site like Workpress? Hope it's the latter and hope you'll continue to write. Thanks
tleel chapter 34 . 11/1/2013
I've enjoyed this story very much. Though it does not seem completed. Will you be continuing on with it further? I really hope you do.
alh1971 chapter 34 . 4/13/2013
I just found this delightful story. I really enjoyed the premise and the evolution of their love. Too bad it looks to remain unfinished, as it would have been interesting (and satisfying) for Eric to get revenge for the plane crash, which I am assuming was Sophie Anne's plan.
Guest chapter 34 . 3/1/2013
Interesting ending it is like a mystery but is not I love it
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