Reviews for Love Is A Battle Field
XxMelissaGermanXx chapter 9 . 8/31/2018
Duminica means tommorrow in romanian
Sun is soarele

But i still Love this Charter its hilarious
Kai chapter 26 . 5/21/2012
It was a very good story at first, but it got a bit rushed towards the end and it felt like a waste after the beginning was so good. Perhaps that was because you got caught up in another story. I'll just give you a little advice.

Be more descriptive: You built up Jacob and Bree's relationship, but there wasn't much for Paul and Bree's relationship. There should've been more to Paul's love for Bree than 'You're my imprint, so I love you'. You could've had them interact more to make Bree begin to have feelings for him, because all through the story she didn't like him, but at the end she suddenly loved him. That was just weird, even if she was his imprint, becuase there was no build up for her love for him. Because of that, she should've just been with Jacob.

Spelling/grammar: You need to double check your spelling and grammar. I think you might've typed in the wrong words or your autocorrect put some wrong words in, because some sentences didn't make sense because of incorrect spelling and wrong words.

Weird format: Some of your chapters were in weird format that made it hard to read; like you had whole chapters in bold and bold and underlining. It was very hard to read.

Mary-Sue: Bree was a little Mary Sue-ish, because nearly everyone liked her. The obvious part was when she found out that the Cullens were vampires and had a hunch that Jacob and the boys were wolves. There wasn't enough evidence that she could've found out that they were. When Bella found out (if I'm remembering correctly), she did research beforehand. Bree didn't do anything to find out if they were real vampires or not, she just knew herself and through those small clues from observation. It wasn't enough though.

That's all, I hope it wasn't too harsh but that stuff really messed up the story. I'm sure you've become a better author since then though.
Guest chapter 26 . 11/5/2010
I officially HATE this story chapter 26 . 11/4/2010
THIS WAS AN EXCELLENT STORY! BUT JUST ONE THING: WHY IS BREE WITH PAUL? NOOOOO! She's supposed to be with Jacob! I know she's Paul's imprint and everything, but Jacob has been fighting for Bella for a VERY VERY long time and he's got over Bella, and now with Bree. I hope you don't find this offensive, but do you mind if you make a separate story, same story, except for different ending? So "Love is a Battle Field" story for both people who want the ending of the story, Bree with Jacob, or want Bree with Paul. Tell me if I'm asking too much, but it would REALLY be appreciated if you do! PLEASE! PLEEEAASSEEE!
EclipseLover97 chapter 26 . 9/11/2010
It was a great story i enjoyed reading it
Ailee chapter 23 . 9/7/2010
Noooooooooooooooo! ! She is suppose to be with JAKEY... Not Paul... Ughhh I hate pAul why did it have to be Paul!

Cry cry

SophieHadfield chapter 26 . 9/5/2010
Some of these comments are dead harsh! No on deserves people saying that to them!

This story was written for fun and she shared it with us and i really liked it although i am very sad it has ended, i really wanted her to end with jacob but ooo well! btw I love your new Fan Fic Think Twice!

Keep writing them!


Sophie xx
MasaJeevas chapter 26 . 9/5/2010
That's cute sep for the jacob part...
mrs.potter4ever chapter 24 . 8/19/2010
jus started reading today n i want more! some ppl r so harsh... i think yur doing a really gud job with this story... n yes it is YOUR story! i dont c y some ppl have to b so mean wen its not called for! this is wat u want to do and its creative of u to think of this and brave of u to put it online to share! ima twi fan n im gonna keep reading til yur done! keep it up :D
Wolfpackmoon chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
what the hell was that? "love?" is a battlefield? more like "your pity attempt at being an author" is a battlefield. You wasted 20 minutes of my life. screw this. you are not, never were, and never will be good at writing twilight! I am embarassed to even read this because it's that horrible. Jacob is a shallow character! so is this whole plot! It was horrible...i had to force myself to read on. You call yourself an author? This looks ilke it was written by a preteen dumb blonde little "team jacob" girl who wiped their smelly ass with the pages after they written on it. congratulations. my day is ruined.
Wolf-pack12 chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
what a dissapointment. and a waste of 20 minutes... -_- thanks alot. Jacob's character is shallow- you must go more indepth with the plot AND the characters. it's almost embarrasing as a TRUE TWILIGHT fan to read this garbage. please, just do us all a favor. and stop. just. stop.
XXTigerXEyesXX chapter 23 . 8/4/2010
Poor Jake! He's always getting his heart broken, first Bella, now, Bree...
csandralea chapter 22 . 8/4/2010
I say Paul. :)
sophie chapter 22 . 8/4/2010
omg its the same chapter! x
FearIsHowIFall chapter 21 . 8/1/2010
I'm going to keep up my chant..Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul. I like the idea of the big bad wolf and the tiny girl. Hope that muse of yours jumps up and gives you a good kick in the keister to get your creative juices flowing. Can't wait to read what Bree has to say to him.

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