Reviews for One Child This Earth
Riilustra -Your Sweetest SIN chapter 12 . 8/10/2014
*accusing finger point* You!.. You.. You, need to update so bad! Just seeing this story not updated makes my blood boil.. why? Because it's fricken amazing! *sobs* I mean the feels ;_; it cut me deep within my heart! :c

If reviews are truly loved, then updates should be as well (especially if the story is so intriguing like this one that I found!). I mean if you don't update I think my mind will just dwell on what the heckers is going on! Like, why?... why, do you do this to me? It is because you enjoy to see me so interested? (which I totally get cause as being a reviewer for other stories many people love to get praised for their work).

Well now that's that, if you're still planning on continuing the story, I would to review for you! c: You're summary caught me, hook, line and eventually sinker! In the chapter where the nations go rescue the captured nations I literally thought that maybe the scientists or gun men were going to have a plan sorted out if the nations came to the rescue but glad I was wrong cause it was so nerve wrecking!

Okay, I should probably go to sleep so before I go.. Thank You for coming up with this plot and show casing it to the world of fanfic cause I love it! And I seriously would LOVE LOVE love to know what happened with Prussia, America and Oliver :o

STAY HAPPY. STAY POSITIVE. STAY AWESOME. Cause we all live for something, we just got to determine what our propose is on this planet c;
some stuff chapter 12 . 12/27/2013
Such an amazing storyyy!
I think this whole story is just genius, and I'm so thrilled to know what will happen next! ...I really hope you keep this up, if only to give us a summary of the rest of the story

Really awesome job!
Hyperbole and Happiness chapter 12 . 8/2/2013
[appropriate intonation and punching of the air with fist]
I really like this story! I hope you write more of it eventually
God bless you! Thank you for writing this!
Guest chapter 12 . 5/2/2013
No update in 2 years...?
Finnland93 chapter 12 . 10/27/2012
Just wanted to remind you how awesome this story is! Seriously, is one of my favorites! I am dying of anticipation, and really wanting to see the German bros bonding after a year apart! Also super curious as to Oliver's fate and what it was the scientists implanted in Alfred, Gil, and Feli! I gotta know!
Now if you excuse me, I am going to entertain myself by reading this story through another time.
I would seriously do (almost) anything to get you to continue this again! Love it so much!
KTDLover chapter 12 . 4/7/2012
This is amazing.;A;

Soo...if Oliver is a mix between Prussia and North Italy, which makes them his parents lol, and America proclaimed himself to be Oliver's big brother...That is one awesome family tree going on right

Love this so much! Please continue!:D
Bard of Chaos chapter 12 . 2/16/2012
Pasta... don't leave me... I burst out laughing at that. It sounds exactly like something Italy would say. And I can't wait to see Prussia's reaction to Oliver. Don't be mean to Olliekins, Prussia-sama! Please update soon! I shall stare at my alert list until you do. Feel the stare... O-O
HetaPastaH3ro chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
hre9315 chapter 12 . 12/4/2011
this is really good
MoonlitMelody chapter 12 . 11/4/2011

This was fabulous. At first I was about to cry from the bro-love, then I was about to cry because Italy couldn't feel his land. D:

Then the last line killed me. XD

I know I must have said this a million times to a thousand different people, but this time, I mean it: BEST. LINE. EVER!

So definitely don't beat yourself up for quality or length, I love it! :]
LaZy-RaIn-DaNcEr chapter 12 . 11/4/2011
This. Was. So. Freakin. Cute! I can't tell you how happy I was when I saw this was updated. And to get to see a chapter like this? I'm in fluffy paradise! I adore the Italy brothers soooo much! They are so adorable! Yes it was angsty but there was plenty of fluff to counteract it! And the end with Spain and the pasta was hilarious and sooo cute! I just love those guys! : ) I can't wait to see the German bro fluff chapter! I know it's gonna be adorable! -

Keep up the good work! Update Soon Please! _
Arina45 chapter 12 . 11/1/2011
Pfffft...poor'll get to eat pasta later~!

It wasn't too angsty at all, it was freaking adorable! I wanted to cry ;; The humor at the end was very well placed, as well~ I'm soooo happy everyone was rescued...I really am *-* I really can't wait for new chapters! I'm excited for more brofluff~! X3
DefectiveSlacker chapter 12 . 10/31/2011
Yay. An update. I really wasn't expecting one. :3 It was very good despite everything.
Dormant-CynicalDonkeys chapter 12 . 10/30/2011
I was so excited when i saw this update in my alerts u

Can't wait till your next chapter!
NONAMESWEREAVAILABLE chapter 12 . 10/29/2011



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