Reviews for The Melting Pot of Madness
Static Lull chapter 3 . 8/28/2010
This was very cute and very lighthearted and I think you've captured Ron in a way that most people don't.

The bit of humor was really well done, and your use of the prompts was very smooth and natural.

The ending was especially sweet.

But, by the way (and as I'm sure you've noticed), ff doesn't support strikeout text. I, personally, would redo the formatting of it, but I also understand there's not really a satisfactory way to do it.

Anyway, really well done. :)
you go girl chapter 4 . 8/23/2010
that was cute! I've always believed draco really was good in the end :D
Persephone's flower chapter 4 . 8/13/2010
I think this is better than your other entries. I really liked your characterization of Draco, and Luna was very, very very in character. It wasn't liked their relationship progressed too fast, and I personally think it was perfectly paced.

One point out: I think you spelled forest 'fprest' by accident, once, when she sat down next to him on the floor.

But yeah, that was it. It was amazing. :)
Persephone's flower chapter 2 . 8/13/2010
This was really, really nice. I have no complaints about the characterizations or the plot, just a minor nitpick...

I think it would have been more McGonagall if she called him Mr. Potter during the line "Are you nervous about the task tomorrow, Potter?" because at first I was like !Malfoy! (but yeah. that's probably just me.)

And you usually put 3rd like 'third'...if you know what I mean.

But I suppose I'm just being picky. :)

Persephone's flower chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Simple and beautifully cute. :) That's all there is to say about this entry, so great job. :)

Lions FTW!~
iMissHP chapter 4 . 8/9/2010
5/5 Bravo for making this pairing believable. You captured Luna very well, not doing to much nor not enough. She was perfect. Your Draco was very good too. You justified his thoughts and motives, I liked how he wanted her because she was the key to set him free. It's slytherin yet it's very human. I think you humanised him. You did a very good job with the development of the story too, it felt natural and built. Amazing fic, I loved it!
Schermionie chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
"And 3.5 wasn't really that high a number, was it? Of course not!"

Actually, it's a pretty good score. ;)

And it's what I want to give you. This story makes me want to say "Hang it! I'm giving out half marks!" because I'm having extreme difficulty in deciding whether to round it up or down.

Thus, I shall analyse several aspects of the story and see how things pan out...

This was a sweet story: amusing, light-hearted, with some interesting characterisations and a great ending. You used Lily's love of scales to bolster her characterisation, as well as enrich her relationship with James. We know that two of Lily's best subjects were Potions and Charms, which are two particularly precise areas of magic. The way she scaled James's attributes added to her reasons for disliking him. Very good.

However, though this said quite a bit for its size, I felt that it was lacking in... substance, I suppose. There's nothing wrong with a prompt making the fic, and you had a hard prompt, but it got a little repetitive at points, and the obviousness of the uses made it feel slightly forced. The second meaning wasn't particularly well-executed, to be honest, and I have to take that into consideration while scoring.

...However. I liked this. While the fic was kind of odd, I wasn't bored - and considering my aversion to James/Lily fanfiction rather than the pairing itself, that's a very big plus point. I liked how you used the quoted speech: it gave some 'show' to the fic, which it /really/ needed.

My technical nitpicks are as follows:

'"On a scale of one to ten, mummy, how hard do you think the work at Hogwarts..."' - 'mummy' should be capitalised, as Lily is using it as a name/title rather than an ordinary noun, 'work at' should be 'work is at', and there should be a question mark after the ellipsis. Also, Lily is Muggle-born... I suppose there could be a situation where such a conversation might take place, but it seems to me that there's a very slim chance of this happening.

"They were consistent, they were clear." - commas can't be used to join two complete sentences; thus, the comma should be a semicolon.

Lastly, this may just be me, but when you referred to Alice as 'Ali', it took me a few moments to work out who Lily meant. Just a nitpick from someone who doesn't read many Marauder-era fics. ;)

Back to the analysis.

Several times you began sentences with words like 'and', 'because' and 'which', which can be done (and I do it far too much myself), but it's something worth trying to avoid doing frequently. Conversely, apart from the semicolon/comma mess-up I mentioned above, your use and the effectiveness of your punctuation was pretty much perfect. I liked the occasional exclamation marks, and I could marry all the dashes. (o_0)

"He lived for the nonsense he caused on a daily basis, thrived on the confusion and awe he left in his wake."

I loved this description. Not quite sure why, but the word 'nonsense' just made it. It was rather egoistical, too, which fits James.


To conclude, I am still completely and utterly stuck. _

Oh, but... what the hell...

While I feel I am being a bit lenient, and I really hope your next entries have more substance and more solid plots, my score for you is 4/5.

Well done. :)
yellow 14 chapter 4 . 7/31/2010
As weird a pairing as it comes, but I think you've gotten it right. Very nice, keep updating. And of course, go Hufflepuff!
pippi55 chapter 4 . 7/31/2010
Oh, such a sweet story! Luna was perfect, but it was a bit hard for me to read this 'new' Draco, even though you did explain his behaviour sufficently. All in all, I enjoyed reading this.
Rising From The Flames chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
I like how you integrated the prompt into your story and think you did a good job capturing Lily's emotions. Although the second use of the prompt (...he might have been covered in scales, for all she card!") felt a little forced. :) but anyway, we are so going to win this comp!
thegirlofcrazy chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
I am not being biased at all when I say- I loved it! It was really sweet to read, interesting, amusing and Lily was written really well! I liked it a whole lot, and the whole thing with the scales made me grin. The SpaG was good and you used the prompt really well, so congrats, you got full marks and I really, really enjoyed this! 5/5
iMissHP chapter 3 . 7/27/2010
4/5 It's a very interesting and sweet idea, I liked it. Who knew Ron would plan something? It was funny, and amusing to read. I like the remarks in the middle of his speeches,it makes it vivid. What I less liked are the hesitations like “But Errr...” or the cutting in the middle of sentences. They are speeches but they are written, he wouldn't have wrote it like that , it wasn't natural for me. But it's a good fic!
Danwea chapter 3 . 7/24/2010
This is really cute :] I like the different narrative style.
Zombie Reine chapter 3 . 7/24/2010
I'm not a big fan of Hermione/Ron. IDK I rooted for them in the books like, JUST ASK HER OUT YOU IDIOT! But now I just find Ron annoying and too silly for her. Your oneshot on the other hand sort of made me realize that your Ron is a bit more mature and ready to handle Hermione and I loved reading it. but. . . GO RAVENCLAW *evilgrin*
Zombie Reine chapter 2 . 7/24/2010
I actually cried, this story was very emotional and very well written. Bravo And though as a Competitor I support Ravenclaw, as a fellow writer I definitely support the work I've seen you submit so far.
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