Reviews for Things You Know
NickyNakoleT chapter 23 . 5/31
You almost got me there in the end. I didn't cry and haven't in the past few chapters. I feel pretty accomplished
NickyNakoleT chapter 13 . 5/31
Lame chapter? How could it be lame when you made me cry...again? If this was a lame chapter I don't think I'm ready for your best. I'mma dry out before then. Might have to go to the store to get more water bottles soon. Idk
NickyNakoleT chapter 12 . 5/31
Back to the tears. It wasn't even a sad chapter! What is even this water going down my face?
NickyNakoleT chapter 10 . 5/31
This is the first chapter I haven't cried on. I really should've but didn't lol feels like a milestone
NickyNakoleT chapter 6 . 5/31
I'm still crying every chapter in case you were wondering I love this story so much
NickyNakoleT chapter 3 . 5/31
I've cried every chapter so far. Do I keep reading? I believe I will. Story too good to let go. This can't be good for my health lol
Guest chapter 22 . 5/9/2019
I don' know abou' you, bu' neither o' 'em seem like the AHHHHHH! type when they're bangin'.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/9/2019
I don't know about you but I am quite please with the cowboy buttsex
Guest chapter 11 . 5/9/2019
The closest I could get was coprolalia, which is the involuntary utterances of obscene words, such as swears. Someone who has coprolalia is referred to as coprolalic. It's considered similar to Tourette's, tics, and OCD.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/9/2019
The song Nick sings in chapter 5 is an English version of Lilium, which was specifically written for the anime Elfin Lied. It's in Latin, by the by.
TheRndom1 chapter 35 . 2/10/2014
I really did enjoy reading this! It kept me up in the night, when I did really need the sleep.
The first part was by far the best. I absolutely loved how you wrote his mental instability, how confused he was, it felt so real. I wish that part had been explored more, used more. Nick seemed to be "cured" instantly. He went from insanity to pretty damn normal so quickly. I would have loved seeing him struggle with it, never sure when he was sane, and when he wasnt. I think a lot of the sex scenes could have been replaced by some brilliant psychologically exploring chapters.
That being said, this is your story, and therefore you have ever right to focus on other parts. I still enjoyed the read, and I thank you for posting it.
LoserChild27 chapter 35 . 8/8/2013
I am so proud of myself right now... i read a effin 35 chapterz long story in what...a bit...damn... great writing me and my bros love it! keep on writing or like Journey says "DON'T STOP BELIEVING!" -change believing to writing 0. - good luck!
LoserChild27 chapter 8 . 8/7/2013
GREAT STORY! luv it all ya storiez! but sadly... I thought Nick as an Italian dude...oh well! luv it! write more wesome stories!
N-NellisLover600 chapter 8 . 8/7/2013
Avatar2016 chapter 35 . 7/23/2013
Well, this is officially in my top five favourite fanfics ever because wOAH THIS WAS AWESOME. Seriously, if you ever do write a novel I'd be thrilled to read it. Especially sense people usually get better over time and this was already really well written. Props on the awesome story and sorry for my shitty review because it's 3am and I just spent the last few hours reading this
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