Reviews for Island Paradise
LilLinkGirl chapter 26 . 2/20/2017
Man, to bad you never finished...
Piratesailshere chapter 26 . 9/10/2016
Please please please continue!
Book thief 27 chapter 9 . 12/26/2015
This is okay; at least it has a developed plot. However, I dislike this because the characters show no personality.
Squidney chapter 26 . 12/24/2015
WHAT DEMON FROM HELL COULD POSSIBLY POSSESS YOU INTO NOT CONTINUING THE DANG STORY?! Saying that this story is abosolutely amazing would be an understatement. You know how to properly use dialogue and how to develope characters! You'd be surprised by how many people don't know how to. You had an amazing idea and executed it in a fantastic way. Please continue!
rabidunicorn123 chapter 26 . 9/29/2014
Guest chapter 27 . 8/21/2014
i wanted to say that this very good story. also whenever iread your name i kept mistacking it for 'fangurls'. just sayin.
HO0T HO0T chapter 27 . 5/24/2014
Wow this Story is amazing. Congrats on the book, that is such a huge accomplishment especially for a 16 yer old! I love this fanfic and I hope you have time in your busy author life to finish it. Please please do! I would love to find out if Max challenges societies views on woman further and if she gets with fang and if she gets to wear men's clothing cause it more comfortable and if she gets to dance. Oh and what about Sam? What will happen with him? Will he fight for max or will she point him in the direction of another ( Bridget ). There are so many possibilities and I want to know which one you choose, so please update soon this is really good and I how to hear your name being mentioned as a great author in the near future.

Don't fly tired,

HO0T :)
Cait chapter 27 . 5/3/2014
Can something tagic happen to Max beacuse of something stupid Dylan did? Causeing a even bigger feud beatween him and Fang/Nick?
Guest chapter 13 . 3/3/2014
angel reminds her of herself, or she had a sister before the shipwreck
JustSingingALoveSong chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
Hey Fangrules, that was a really good chapter. :) I really liked it.
WhoAmI2575 chapter 1 . 10/11/2013
make her like have the ability to talk to animals
peanut-butter-mouse chapter 27 . 9/4/2013
I hope you update soon!
Guest chapter 27 . 7/10/2013
Pleas! Update! I really like this fanfic and have been waiting fir ages to know what is going to happen and you are one of my favourite fanfiction writers.. So pleas update
F u chapter 27 . 4/15/2013
Fkfjd faggggggfaggggg fu
GinkoTea chapter 27 . 2/26/2013
Interesting story so far! More soon please!
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