Reviews for Sleep
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
Sooo adorable! D
Can't stop smiling since reading "A Good Day" and this. I'm sure I'll be reading your other works if I had more free time. Haha.
Bubbles of Colours chapter 1 . 11/2/2015
I loved this so much! I want a Syaoran to call myself at night lol xD
Lancedark chapter 1 . 9/18/2015
This one is fantastic! My first time reading a CCS story on AU.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/19/2015
sweet. too kawaiii. cant help but smile. kyaaaaaaaaa!
YuiSeoMugi chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
The best SxS oneshot I've read so far (not really a fan of reading oneshot fanfics haha). Too much awesomeness for this oneshot that a sequel to this could be possible...but that's just wishful thinking 'cause the ending was absolutely great! You're an amazing writer!
Ash 4mel chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
I like it. Its sweet with a hint of heat. I REALLY wish you did a sequal or a 2nd part to it. Where Syaoran does ask her out, they go on their first date and MAYBE have their first night of passion.
Passerby chapter 1 . 12/12/2013
Completely lovely! Really really adorable, you did a great job here! 3
AmuxIkutolover chapter 1 . 11/28/2013
As with your other story, I had been too lazy to sign in all of the ten times I have read this story. It might not have been ten times, but it was between seven and ten times that I have read this story.
Okay, I really love that challenge one of your friends gave you. It makes writing even more interesting and fun. Well, it sounds like it makes it more interesting and fun... I haven't tried it, but I might try to do it for one of my stories someday! Now, where did you use ribbon? Oh! Never mind, she used a ribbon for her hair.

Man, I really want to leave a long review for this one-shot too, but I'm tired. It's almost three in the morning... So, time to actually start typing the review instead of typing about typing the review!

Okay, like your other story... I. Love. IT! I love that this isn't rated M, as it seems like most stories that would have this plot would be on here. I'm not allowed to read M because my mom and I made a deal, plus I wouldn't even want to read that... bleh. So, just that alone makes this a great story in my eyes, and add that there aren't any spelling errors at all and that makes it shoot up to some of my top stories!

I can't even imagine... What on earth would make her think that sleeping right next to her crush would make her sleep better?! Even I know that would be an awful idea and I'm not even old enough to move out of my parent's house yet! I'm still a kid and I know that! Okay, teen... but still.

Wow, Syoaran... Just wow. Way to make a move on her... Randomly moving over like that and basically hugging her... If my crush hugged me at all I would freak out! However, I'm lucky and don't have a crush or like anyone right now... Besides a guy I knew in fifth grade, but I haven't spoken to him in forever... Or anyone that knows him... But I found out that a bunch of people think he has a bright future in running. I found a website for the school that I used to go to... No, I'm not stalking him. -.- I was trying to see if there were any videos of me singing in the choir and then it just all lead to me finding the website and that page. Anyways, I was randomly off topic there...

I have to awkwardly say this... I hope that the guy I end up dating and marrying knows how to kiss... I haven't kissed anyone and don't plan to until I find I guy that I really like and will probably marry. That's as far as I'm going until I'm married and then he's stuck with me. Unless we get divorced... 50% of people get divorced nowadays... That's just really sad in my mind. My uncle actually wants divorced because he himself has been cheating on his wife. She refuses to get divorced and they've been together for seven years, but he's been dating a girl half his age, and he's forty, and he kicked his wife out and invited his girlfriend to the house to live with him. They also have a seven year-old daughter... So yeah, he's a jerk. I'd probably divorce my husband if he did something like that... I'm not sure I'd be able to handle it. Ugh, I'm way off topic again...

When I first started watching Cardcaptor Sakura, I thought that her eyes were blue. Then I started reading fanfictions and everyone was saying that she has emerald eyes... I was so confused for a while, but yeah... They're definitely green eyes.

Well, I love the ending! I wish that they had confessed to each other though... But it's always possible to do a sequel type of thing. However, deleting something from a story... I wouldn't like doing that, especially if it's an entire scene. So, do you think you could maybe try to do a sequel one-shot to this? It could maybe have the next night and them confessing, or something completely different if you'd rather do something else... or it could be nothing at all if you don't want to do it... I personally prefer options one and two.

Wow... Another super long review... They just keep on getting longer and longer as I type away my time... Anyways, I love this one-shot! Thanks a ton for taking the time to write this! (As I said for one of my other reviews, I always end my reviews like this...) AMUTO FOREVER! :)
euphoricolors chapter 1 . 11/20/2013
This was an incredibly adorable read. Thanks for sharing your story. You have a very charming style of writing.
Justice Tokidoki chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
Haha, I have to say that this was extremely cute and satisfying. I like how you incorporated some physical scenes without going overboard and staying within the T rating.

Despite this being a oneshot you developed the characters well, creating slight contrasts in their personalities and circumstances only to have them meld together nicely as they help each other overcome personal obstacles. Syaoran's final request for help was nicely played in that he was able to somewhat fix what could have been a messy scenario.

Anyway, excellent work. Very well-written and congrats to you for completing the challenge.

Justice T.
icyangel27 chapter 1 . 6/22/2013
All I could think of was how unbearable it must have been for Syaraon as Sakura ( the ever so innocent one) asked him to sleep with her, take of her shorts etc XD She was almost teasing him! But she's too innocent for that!
If this is what happens when you have a writer's block, you should get into them a lot! ( I'm kidding of course) but I think I should try this, it seems to work.
This was really cute :) I'm not sure how far they went (idk of it was implied) but I hardly think them as the friends for benefit type :) they're too adorable and I like the simple idea of Sakura asking to sleep with Syaraon :) Great job!
skurabun chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
one word I would use to describe this is: perfect. absolutely perfect. honestly one of the best, well written one shots I have ever read.
BoredPiglet chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Aww.. So cute!
dandelionerose chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
awesome story!
different from Fukai (which i loved to bits) but very good in it own way...

keep writing
Guest chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
I immediately thought of the nose kiss too. :D .. That definitely implies something more. :)

All in all, a very cute one-shot.. Makes me wish I had someone to help with my insomnia problem lol. Does get incredibely lonely. Eh, anyway. Good Job. xx
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