Reviews for Can Never Forget
lolzy33 chapter 11 . 3/5/2012
Not too bad. There should have been more character development, though. It felt like Linda, Near, and Matt all went from strangers, to best friends, to massive crushes in too short of a time period. It's fine if you're intending for this story to be very comedic in nature, but it's not good if you're trying to make this story more realistic. Good job on keeping Near IC, and there were definitely some cute and funny parts here and there, but I feel like you were moving too fast. Oh, and is this story done? Or will there be more?

Aussie95 chapter 11 . 11/26/2010
Probably the best death note fanfic (If note the best one of the whole website) I've read. Still, I wish Matt and Linda wouldve gotten together...
Lura Vila chapter 11 . 10/5/2010
I found the painting bit cute. I also liked how you included motorcylces with the list of cycles. It was very funny.
Amante Delle Arti chapter 11 . 9/30/2010
Ahw! Is it over?
Lura Vila chapter 10 . 9/27/2010
Poor Matt! I'm glad Linda wasn't upset about Near not having the same feelings for her as she did for him. Maybe things will get better for the both of them.
Dai is too lazy to log in chapter 10 . 9/19/2010
Ooh, finally! I'm glad you updated at last! Poor Matty, though. Nyeh... I just want to hug him~ but my friend J would kill me. o.o

I'll just settle for Mello, then~ *hugs Mello*

Mello- what the- WHO ARE YOU?
Amante Delle Arti chapter 9 . 8/11/2010
Ahw, poor Matty! :( Update soon, I can't wait to see the end!
Lura Vila chapter 9 . 8/9/2010
Great story so far. Though I do feel bad for Matt, things just aren't as fun when everything goes great. The bad time make a person cherish the good times more... or something.
Lan chapter 9 . 8/7/2010

i want Linda to confess to Near! I wanna know Near's reply!

Its extremely interesting!
fluffymareep chapter 9 . 7/31/2010
Matt knows a lot, but he probably doesn't know that Linda was thinking about how she feels bad. :( Matt's gone all angst-y on us.

I was sad when Linda rejected favor for Near!

Good work, and I will keep a keen eye out for an update!
samsquaredd chapter 8 . 7/24/2010
Ah, a good love triangle. Where have they all gone?

But in this case it's more like a love... dead end. Or line... or something/ I am also fail at analogies. ;

This is a good story. Personalization and story maintenance have been blended well.


Mello Consolation A fine effort, but a failed everythingelse.

Basically whatever happens when I try to console somebody. At least he isn't alone. :D


What kind of plan is that? Matt needs to be put into action! /guido/

Standing by and scratching at the door like a lovestruck puppy is idiotic, and being a "genius" you should know that. But, lack of confidence is also typical... /sigh/

I'm kind of hoping Linda's "genius" would shine through too, Near's disinterest in everything is apparent enough if you decide to look. But, whatever. I wouldn't know. I've never been in love. "Sweet Romance"... not my thing.

Wow, dis is a long-ass review!

Good job, I think it's sweet. Keep writing and Mello needs to go away! Hahaha! Guns! (What the hell that's supposed to mean, I dunno. But do all the other stuff. (I don't really mind M, just... whatever, pay no mind!)) 3
Lan chapter 8 . 7/24/2010
Awesome! Pls continue!
fluffymareep chapter 8 . 7/23/2010
Woot! I love this story, and I'm happy you quoted me :) 3
fluffymareep chapter 7 . 7/22/2010
You must write more! This is great, and I wish Linda would see how boring Near is, and go out with Matt!
Geertrui chapter 1 . 7/2/2010
Tee, this seems really cute. . But I'm just wondering, is Mello going to be in this story?

Good job!