Reviews for When All Is Said And Done
lantern of hope chapter 14 . 2/7/2012
Sorry it took me so long to get to this. I must admit the last two chapters of your story were tough to critique since I don't know the fandom and didn't have time to read the full story, but here's what I came up with:

There are absolutely no spelling or grammar errors in this story (in chapters 13 and 14, at least), which is impressive. The story is easy to read and, therefore, easy to continue reading without getting bored or frustrated. My main point of criticism regards your style of writing. It is very short and to the point, which causes all of your chapters to be very short as well. This could be a problem with your writing, because if you have a chapter that is easy to read, the last thing you want is for it to be over too quickly. Makes it hard for readers to fall into your story if they keep getting taken out of it immediately by the chapter's end.

Ideally, your chapters should be at a minimum of 2,000 words each. The issue of lengthening your chapters is tied to two things that I think you should really devote more time to in your writing:

1. Background details. This includes details and descriptions regarding the current setting of your story, as well as things going on in its background. Your chapter 14, for example, takes place in the Faerie High Court. What does the High Court look like? While the main characters of your story are stating their case to queen Sorcha, what else is going on in the background? Are their other creatures conducting buisiness; if so, what? Where is the meeting between Sorcha and the other main characters taking place (specifically)? A throne room of some kind? Describe that as well. Anything you can describe about the setting that has changed since the last time you have described it, will help you to paint a better picture in the heads of your readers regarding what is happening in the story. In the two chapters that I read, I never had so much as a clue of how to picture the locations where the scenes were taking place.

Now, it is probably true that I was only in the dark to this extent because I am not familiar with Wicked Lovely and its settings. However, the truth is you should describe background details, and even full setting descriptions if this is the first time the setting has appeared, to your readers even if they are familiar with the setting already. Describing the setting appropriately will set the mood for whatever scene/conversation you are about to write, which you cannot do if you simply allow your readers to fill in all the blanks.

When I say "appropriately", I mean that you should match your setting/detail descriptions to whatever the tone of your chapter is. For example, if the chapter is uplifting or peaceful, describe some detail of what makes the Faerie High Court beautiful. If the chapter is darker in tone or precedes a climax to the story, describe a more disturbing detail of the Court, even if it is as simple as a chilling wind blowing through the court's halls.

2. Character emotions. Given that at least two people (Bananach and Devlin) are in danger of dying during the course of chapters 13 and 14, it seems to me that the characters should be showing some actual sorrow, both in their thoughts and actions. At the end of chapter 14, for example, you state in no uncertain terms that Bananarch, the "opposite reflection since the beginning of time" to Sorcha, is dying, and that Sorcha is distressed by this. Yet, there is no description on your part of the horror or sorrow that she feels. Instead, all we get is the very short line at the end of chapter 14, which ignores the details of what Sorcha is feeling. Instead, you should be using this as your opportunity to really give us a window into Sorcha's head, which will give your chapter much needed length in the process.

I am sorry that I could not make this review longer, but I do find that the above two issues are the only things that struck me as needing improvement. Adding more emotion to the expressions and thoughts of your characters, and giving occasional background details, will really help to make your writing more interesting. If you have any further questions or want me to give specific examples of how setting and character emotion could be described to add depth to your story's plot, feel free to let me know.

Good luck with your writing.

~onewithnothing, Critics United
Still Not King chapter 14 . 12/19/2011
Aww, Bananach is trying to protect Devlin. It must be weird for Sorcha and Bananach for one of them to be dying, after centuries of being twins.

I can't wait to see what happens next.
Still Not King chapter 13 . 12/6/2011
I thought I reviewed this, sorry.

So Rae and Bananach have been communicating? And Far Dorcha is somehow involved in whatever's going on with Bananach? And Devlin's weaking because of Bananach, not unexpected, but still adding to the situation.

Can't wait to see what happens next.
Still Not King chapter 12 . 8/24/2011
I love you, Devlin, I really do.

The development of Niall and Bananach's relationship is going to get a lot more interesting now that her brother has been thrown into the mix. And Ani is around too...will there be some Ani/Devlin to look forward to?

So Devlin found Bananach right after whatever happened to her happened, and was hiding her this entire time. Niall only reconized her because he had one of her feathers. The plot thickens.

Great chapter.
Still Not King chapter 11 . 6/14/2011
I'm suprised Bananach wanted to go to Rabbit's. I get she doesn't want to go back to the Dark Court but I didn't think she'd pick to go there. I guess it makes sense since they're allied to the Niall but not really part of the Court.

Still wondering how Devlin and Irial are going to take this news. I can't imagine Devlin taking it well and Irial will probably try to take out Bannanch or something.

Good chapter.
Still Not King chapter 10 . 3/11/2011
That went a lot better than I expected.

So other faeries aren't able to reconize Bananach on sight anymore? And it has something to do with taking Seth to farie...Interesting.

I'm glad Aishlen found out about Keenan's manipulation sooner than she did in the book.

I love Niall.

Good chapter.
Still Not King chapter 9 . 11/29/2010

I don't know what it is but I love characters like Niall and Bannanch especially when they finally start falling in love with someone.

Hm, Bannanch's embaressed and Niall doesn't know why.

This story just keeps getting better and better.
Still Not King chapter 8 . 10/29/2010
Ah, the Summer Court.

Well, this will be interesting. I hope that her and Niall's apperance, and the possibility of telling Aishlin about Seth, won't get too crazy.

The NiallxBannanch hints are really exciting me.

You've officaly converted me to NiallxBannanch.
Still Not King chapter 7 . 9/30/2010
The beginning dream with Irial freaked me out for a second; I didn't realize it was a dream at first and thought it was actually happened and I somehow missed a chapter.

Poor Niall. He just had to be the villian in most of her dreams, didn't he? As for the nightmare about the Summer Queen, I'd think that'd be more humiliating than scary being defeated by her; Ash is pretty useless after all.

I love the ending scene between Niall and Bananach.
Still Not King chapter 6 . 9/28/2010
Devlin and Irial in the same chapter...yes!

I can just imagine what the Dark Court must be like without Niall. It also makes me wonder where Niall could hide so well that neither Irial nor the Hounds can find him.

I hope this doesn't lead to inter-Court problems.

I love Devlin. It must be so hard to constantly be in the middle between Order and Chaos.

I wonder how he'll react to Bannach's state.

Update as soon as you can.
StylingEquinox chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
I really like this. And your writing style almost mirrors Melissa Marr's. This is very good.
Angelz on edge chapter 5 . 9/9/2010
I can't be bothered go sign in XD

AHHHH what's wrong with her? I want answers woman! *stamp foot* ;p
Still Not King chapter 5 . 9/9/2010
Poor Bananach. It's very paniful to see her so weak and helpless.

I'm not sure if I'd take her to the Dark Court where I in Niall's place. She'd have too many enemies there that would probably love to eliminate her if they had the chance.

Update as soon as you can.
Still Not King chapter 4 . 8/17/2010
Sorcha can no longer see Niall's threads? The plot thickens.

Yay, Devlin is on his way! I can't wait to see his reaction to Niall and Bananach. Which reminds me, I wonder how Irial and the other courts will react; I can't see them as overjoyed by the news.

Update soon.

By the way, is the chapter title named after one of the songs in Gravitation?
Angelz on Edge chapter 4 . 8/16/2010
You're putting me to shame, you know that? Updating so often *grumbles*

On the plus side; NEW CHAPTER! I swear if you've done anything to Niall *waves pitchfork despite the fact I have something planned for Niall in DQ* ]

How that for inspiration? Good or bad? I tend to get inspire mixed up with threaten. *shrug* easy mistake right?

P.s I'll have you know it's 5:37am. I'm a dedicated reviewer! ...that and I can't sleep so this chapter helped relieve boredom and get me pondering.
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