Reviews for The Art of Losing a Fox
TheLastRomantic chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
I really like how you did this piece. Some people when they make a story sorta hmmm artistic? Does that make sense? When writer write from a more artistic angle than normally writing a story straight out, they sometimes get so philosophical the story drag and suffers. But you had a perfect balance where the story line progressed steadily along with Hiei's reflections on the past. Well done hope this made sense.
sychopenguin5 chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
I really like the writing style of this. The short, choppy sentences really make it seem like we're inside Hiei's head. Also the timeline is really well thought out, good job. )
Pheonix09 chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
That was awesome, I loved it and good job
25thchromosome chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
This story was pure awesome. It was so Hiei, so Kurama, so them.

Poor Yusuke though (I root as much for Team Yusuke as I do for Team Hiei).

Your writing style went with the story so well; I can't think of a better way to have it written. Brilliant, really!
Eaterlord chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
Why do people write yaoi? Its yucky. Kurama hiei yusuke and all them yuyu are all straight guys
StillThereForMe chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
Fantastic job!

I typically prefer Yusuke/Kurama, and when I saw it was still involved in the story, I was pleasantly surprised. Absolutely great job, twisted but very very well done. Everyone perfectly in character as well. :)
Marikalay chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
I love it. It was so very worth it to read this. Thank you.
Shoelace83 chapter 1 . 7/2/2010
I really liked this. It's different. The whole "boyfriend" thing with Kurama made my stomach turn a little, but i'm glad it ended like it did. Hoorah!


-Shoelace. :)
mYtORnsaNDaLs chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
i love it dear... it's really, i don't know... the way you deliver it step by step is clear but somehow still confusing until the last part with "the art of keeping a fox was the same as the art of losing him countless times, but trying, nevertheless, again and again" - my favorite line in the story by btw... it's somehow deeper than your other works... maybe because you use the first person approach... not to mention your doing better and better every time... i love it, i love this and i love you...thank you for sharing this... ja ne!


Kitsune Algeri chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
i LOVED it!... i really like how you broke it into segments. it would be cool for you to do a follow up after they go through the portal
M chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
It was just so cute! Thanks for writing it. It was very well done. :-) I enjoyed reading it.
BlueUtopiah chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
This was just amazing. I loved Hiei's side of their "first encounter" - that he was the one to damage Kurama and heal him, not the other way around. I also liked the twist at the end that the lover was Yusuke - although you had sort of hinted at it I wasn't completely sure until the last part.

Again, this was exquisite, very well-written, unique, hot and reflective at the same time. And using Hiei's POV was a nice touch. Do you mind if I add this to my YYH Recommended Fanfic List over on LiveJournal? I'd love for more people to read this.