Reviews for The Price Of Eternity
Hinatinha chapter 11 . 11/16/2015
Very good
StyxxsOmega chapter 11 . 8/26/2013
Dang. Really liked it. Please write more when you can.
YokaiPup chapter 11 . 11/8/2012
Yes, yes you should. This was fantastic (to steal a little from your fic) and I'd love it if you'd continue. The reverse Zack is the vampire had me caught from the start. This is wonderful.

ClockWorkShadow chapter 4 . 11/5/2011
I'd let Zack bite me any day! So long as im still alive... :D
ladysubaru83 chapter 11 . 7/10/2011
that was HOT! do it again hehehe
fantasi88 chapter 11 . 7/6/2011
Like like! :)
Faoiltierna chapter 11 . 7/5/2011
'bout time boys! :-)

Very lovely scene, I must say!

Welcome back!
ello chapter 10 . 5/12/2011
heyy it was awesome :) i loved it! cant wait for you to write more :)
LiLuAin chapter 10 . 5/5/2011
Awww! Beautiful story :) I adore your Seph i Zack...mrrr... How did you hit such an idea? .

Cool you created world in your story :)

I am waiting impatiently for the new chapter! xD
ishala8 chapter 10 . 5/1/2011
Are Zack and Sephiroth allowed to love one another or does Genesis still stake claim upon his possession? I really do hope there is a happily ever after there somewhere. *pout* Still, you've done an amazing job so far. Thanks!
sapphire chapter 10 . 4/22/2011
I just began with the FF7CC.

Sephy and Zack are my favorite charactor. And I really love this story this new backgroud for them :). Especially the promise that Zack won't die...

Hope to read more as the next char will return to the life between Sephy and Zack right? Please update!
Sephy-belongs-to-Zack chapter 10 . 2/28/2011
This is great! Are Zack and Sephiroth going to get together? I hope everything works out and I just wanted to let you know that you are seriously talented. Can't wait until the next chapter. Ta for now.
StolenSecrets chapter 1 . 2/25/2011
Uh I like your ideas so far but I found it difficult to get past the errors in verb tense. I don't be mean to be rude or critical, but that's something you really need to work on. I suggest you proof read? Or maybe have someone else do it?

It's oftentimes difficult to spot errors yourself when you're the one writing the story. You know what you meant to say and as you're re-reading the story your mind filters out the errors. It can often be that you mean to write "Can you find it for me" but instead what you've really written is "Can you found it for me"

The human mind grasps words in their entirety and oftentimes doesn't distinguish your eyes see 'fnd' and your mind/brain automatically assumes the word 'find' is written, especially when you've written the words yourself and have a clear picture of what message is supposed to be conveyed. It's pretty tricky.

It helps to read your story back to yourself aloud, or write the story then leave it alone for awhile (a few days maybe even a week or month)and come back to it later. I've caught thousands of errors by doing that. Although I try to proof read as I write it.

I'm very critical of my own writing and sometimes that filters through when I'm reading fanfiction. I can't help but be bothered by errors in verb tense especially when there's so much of it in one chapter. I wouldn't comment on it if it weren't so prevalent in your work. I commend you on your vocabulary and description. I enjoyed your story.

Sorry if my criticism offends you, but it's meant in the kindest and most supportive way. I noticed that you said this was only your second story and I thought to give you some advice. :)
MorganBea chapter 10 . 2/24/2011
This story is amazing. I just started reading today and in the time it took me to get to this point feels like a few days even though it was a couple hours. you write really well and I cant wait for the next chapter. :D I now find myself questioning genesisXzack haha Im horrible XD
XD chapter 3 . 2/24/2011
revenge of the cursed moogle?really? I need to buy that movie lol such a great idea.
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