Reviews for The Mechanics of Things
Deleted.account.sorry.bye chapter 1 . 3/14/2015
This was great, I hope you write more fanfics.
TheCurat0r chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Good one-shot. I thought your portrayal of all of the characters was accurate. The proposal seemed soon for Naru, but I enjoyed the story.
The Fox and Hen chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
I dont think i will ever read another fanfiction that can even come CLOSE to comparing to this. The story flowed beautifully, and I had so many feels, like holy crap. I cried. And I laughed, and smiled. This is a truly incredible peice of writing. It's my favorite now. The way you wrote their relationship was perfect. This was such a bittersweet story. I just positively adore this! I thought this was going to be totally depressing and sad and it was but it wasn't. You totally surprised me with the ending. Im going to have to read this a million times before I get anywhere near being bored with it.
Lykg chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
VERY sweet.
dearheadlights chapter 1 . 2/10/2014
Wonderfully written and characterized. Truly excellent work.
AmyNChan chapter 1 . 12/2/2013
This was really cute to read! I kind of liked ho you jumped from one time to another!
AutumnMobile12 chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
There are only a handful of fanfics I've read where Naru is in character, and this is one of them. This story is beautifully written, if a little hard to follow at first, but ultimately one of the best I've ever read.
ChristmasEveBrat chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
At first it was a little hard to follow. The time frames kept jumping back and forth. The ending is wonderful.
pad-annie chapter 1 . 1/14/2012
OMG! That was sooo good :O I loved every moment of the story. you kept everyone so damn well in character...

thats astonishing that someone ( you ;D) really managed to get them together in an realistic way. Huge compliment!
Jun-Shang88 chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! it really feels naruish! ( I wonder if that word exists n.n) it's like it might actually happen! I just love your fic! thx, it's so cute! plz MOOOREEEE!
kekedia chapter 1 . 8/20/2011
It was so cute. Thank you very much for this oneshot
FreyaLin chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Awww! how cute! i loved this story its was sooo morbid and sad in the beginning but became so happy and good in the end! hahaha it made up for all the shitty and OCed stories I've been reading this past hour . lol great story! I LOVED IT! so yeah hahaha i love how u got him to propose like his little speech or more like insults lol then to mai saying no and making him do things for her hahaha that was really cute! haha awww! i love it! thanks so much for such a well written and great story! 3
venus-aurr chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
That was so, so, SO fantastic and beautiful.

Each character acted exactly like they should, and despite the fact that I've read many different versions of this same plot (Naru's departure, and the moments before and after it), I found this was not at all cliche. I liked how Naru remained detatched and did not instantly turn into this soft-hearted, selfless man; it was frustrating, but I liked it - anyway, that's how Naru is, asking for him to change so quickly, or so drastically, is like asking for the impossible (or near impossible).

But it wasn't just Naru I was impressed with (rather, I think every character played their rightful part, and never once did any stray from their usual obnoxiousness, or lack thereof), I liked the transitions in Mai's feelings and personality. Most stories either convey her as overly joyous, as if not even Naru's departure and sudden return would affect her (like as long as he came back, she'd be more than happy), or she becomes withdrawn and quiet. In this story, she didn't remain overly happy, nor did she become the opposite of that - there was a good mix of both emotions, understandably, and what I found even better (and a joy to read) was the anger. She didn't just sit back and let Naru rule her emotions, she fought back; and I'm glad you wrote her as brave enough to confront him head on - because that's exactly who Mai is, unafraid of voicing her opinion.

So what I'm trying to say is that I think you kept everyone in character, something that's very difficult to do with a Naru who's in-love.

And what I must say was the highlight of this story was the ending; the very cute, very unique way in which Naru proposed - and the fact that Mai said no made it even better. I never did picture Naru the type to just suddenly say "I love you, please marry me.", and when other writers have him do that in their stories, I can't help but cringe a little (despite how sweet it is, and how it would be just wonderful if he said that). In my opinion, it's more beleiveable that Naru would throw Mai a couple insults, bare his heart and emotions in a way that makes you wonder if he's really doing so and would go out of his way to avoid saying 'marry me'.

That said, I loved every moment of this story. The changes in scenes were smooth, and by no means confusing, and it was nice to have a little change in pace. I would love to read more of your stories; so keep them coming! :) You're a fantastic writer, and I do honestly mean that.

Kitsune-chan *_*
shift-one chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
So I thought this story was so fantastic that I made an account just so I could review it...

awesome job! looking forward to reading more...
BloodyXan-Xan chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
Wow this story was really good, I loved the ending
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