Reviews for Lilia
kayleen12 chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
This is so sweet.. Sweetest thing ever, u know? I love it so much! Keep writing!
lilli-glenanne chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
ok so this is increadibly sweet i love how lilia is a nightmare on a sugar high which my friend said reminds her of me . im slso a missle . i compleatly got death sadley by the time i was 7. i lost alot of fish by the time i was 6 and a hampster and a dog on the same day when i was on vacation when i was 7
bookworm45 chapter 1 . 11/24/2010
I always love seeing her alive. Poor Donnie, grieving for so long. Someone should have told him. But they're together now. ;)
afrozenheart412 chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
You really enjoy making me cry, even if it is with happiness you will make me look like a puffy raccoon! :) Where to start...this was amazing and so touching, with Don taking care of his Angel. I love how Jess left a little part of herself behind when she 'died.' Not only to comfort Don when he was down but to save him, I honestly think that having Angel did. It is obvious that she is like her mother in that she has charmed everyone around her into doing her bidding, quite a feat for a ten year old! But then she is a cute kid.

I WAS HOPING THAT JESS WAS ALIVE! SQUEE! God, I like the FBI but why did they leave Don to suffer like this! He needed her and she needed him. The message that I get from this is dreams and wishes do come true for both Don and Angel deserved to have their love back. I can't believe that her paternal grandmother snatched her, who cares if Jess was a cop? She is a good mother. The only thing I really scoff at is that Don couldn't let Angel choose her own hockey team, geez! I know that The Rangers is tattooed on his soul but come on! Jess would have been big enough to let her choose. I had to laugh at Angel's teacher, yep, her mother is alive! LOL!

Favorite lines

"Jess, losing you nearly killed me, alright? There's another reason why I call Lilia 'Angel'; she saved my life, I honestly believe that. And I know you're gonna say it's too soon," he added as she opened her mouth, "and that we're not ready and that we should wait until you know I'm not doing this out of the adrenaline of getting you back. But I'm doing what I should have years ago. Look into my eyes and then tell me you can doubt how I feel about you."

"I can't." Jess whispered.

"I love you, Jess." Don said softly. "And I know you love me. If Lilia takes my name, then it's only fair you do too. We're already a family. So why don't we let everyone else know that as well?" He pulled something out of his pocket, the small box he'd kept in his bedside drawer since the day he'd lost her and that he'd grabbed that morning without her noticing. "Will you marry me?"

Jess didn't say anything for a few minutes, stunned into silence as she stared at the ring in his hand. She remembered seeing it in a jewellery store while they waited to speak to the owner, a witness in a homicide. But she didn't remember mentioning anything or pointing it out.

"I'm a detective, remember." He teased gently, seeing the question in her eyes. "Master of observation and all that. So what do you say?"

"Yes." Jess whispered, unable to form any other words. "Yes."

Don kissed her, slipping the ring onto her finger at the same time. "I love you."

"I love you too." Jess rested her forehead against his, smiling as a thought crossed her mind."

"Two hours later, they were in bed themselves. Don lay awake, Jess in his arms, sound asleep in one of his shirts, back where she belonged, but he couldn't seem to drift off.

In the darkness, his bedroom door opened and closed and he smiled inwardly, shifting over slightly to allow Lilia to climb in next to him.

Jess moved in her sleep, instinctively reaching out to grasp her hand, and Don wrapped an arm around Lilia's shoulders, knowing that his arms would most likely go dead during the night, but unable to care with his daughter curled up on one side and his fiancée on the other.

Don leaned down and kissed the top of Lilia's head. "Love you, Angel. Both of you." He added, feeling Jess smile against his chest despite being fast asleep.

"We love you too, Dad." Lilia whispered. "Happy Father's Day."
monkeytoes94 chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
Awww I love this.. good job :)
blackandblueangel chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
That was the best! Great job!
CSI4lyfNCIS13 chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
God, I was so moved wid that fic. That must have been the best Father's day any1 would ever hope 4. Jess got Don and Lilia back, Don got Jess back and Lilia got her family back. Damn it, whenever fics like these are written i continuously curse the writers. Great job. So sweet.
saturn567 chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
awesome job!
Runner043 chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
Smiles, smiles, smiles! That was adorable! Like her middle name, too. Yeah, death is pretty hard to uderstand at that age, nice that you took advantage of that.

Funny about Lilia going to Chief Sinclair, too.

Especially liked the part where it was revealed that Flack was to have been told that she wasn't really dead. Can only imagine how ticked off Angell was when she found out he'd never been told the truth.
messermonroeforever125 chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
That was amazing. I can't describe it in any other way. Lilia is such an awesome little girl, and I love that she brought Don and Jessica back together. You really should think about following this one shot up with their wedding :) Fantastic job!
CamdenLaur chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
Very cute. Good alternate to her death, and a super adorable kid!
chlo14writes chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
Wow. That was amazing! Great job!
brinney chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
Love the story. I like how Don is such a good father. One small problem, Father's Day is celebrated on Sunday. How was Lilia going to school on a Sunday?
jessicaflack chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
Perfect! That's the only word I could think of to describe the story
terriberri23 chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
this was so adorable. Loved it. Great work as always:)
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